ragtags studio central: sarah's random this & that

random means "having no definite aim or purpose," (1655), taken from "at random" (1565), "at great speed" (thus, "carelessly, haphazardly"). In 1980s college student slang, it somehow, and sadly, acquired a distinct sense of "inferior, undesirable." (Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper) Well, okay, fine, Mr. Online Etymology Dictionary person, but THIS is the 21st Century. It's a whole new ball of wax.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Put on your goggles, we'll go for a ride!

In the panoply of mixed-media art books which make their daily arrival to bookshop shelves around the world, Steampunk Style Jewelry by Jean Campbell stands out as a fantastic, darkly glittering, slightly encrusted gem.

Though the main function of Steampunk Style Jewelry is to provide detailed step-by-step instructions for re-creating (or re-interpreting) 20 "Victorian, fantasy, and mechanical necklaces, bracelets, and earrings", (I'm just mad for the Minerva's Folly Cuff) and Ms. Campbell and her artist/designers do that with extraordinary exactitude, the book is equally striking as a wonderfully comprehensive guidebook to the entire world of Steampunk style from the general "community" to the specific - gear (my husband picked the Wrist-fired Gatling Gun and Lord Cockswain's Blunderbuss as two faves) and clothing. There is a plenitude of historical context, and even an innovative discussion of Steampunk's green, environmental bent!

The author enlisted the aid of author Paul Di Filippo (The Steampunk Trilogy) in an illuminating forward, and includes among her designers Margot Potter, Barbe Saint John, Andrew Thornton, and Jean Yates. The eight gallery pages are just one more element that makes Steampunk Style Jewelry worth every penny.

Find a direct link to get to this book on Amazon on my sidebar, over to the right, and down just a tad...

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Bijou Graphique

These are some of my most smashing earrings ever. Like them? Want some? They come from Dawn Estrin's Bijou Graphique on-line boutique, where you can find me right now. . .

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