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Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


We just returned from a little getaway to our nation's capital. Uh huh, Washington DC. We met our friends, the dear folks who adopted Grace's orphanage bunk mate, and had a grand old time.
If you have been visiting Rabbit Run for awhile, you know that we meet this special family each year and it is always in a different locale. The girls had a sweet few days together and we parents had a pretty fine visit as well!
The Capital Union Station The National Museum Of The American Indian
The US Navy Memorial
The Newseum
More on the trip soon. I am still unpacking and doing mountains of laundry!
Kipper and I thank you for all your sweet messages about Lucy. She is doing well and we go back to the vet this Saturday. We hope to hear that her counts have improved! Her weight has stabilized and she seems so much better. Kip is so happy and we are too!
I hope your Labor Day weekend was lovely and that this week will be good to you.
I will begin hopping through bloggy world to visit each of you soon...until then...
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break Blues...

Ah, Spring Break and where to go, what to do. We had plans to go to Asheville, North Carolina this week. I even gave up BRIAN for it! Yes...*sad sigh*...I gave up Brian. Bill said it was either go to see Brian in Chicago or North Carolina in the Spring. I have been to North Carolina but only in the Summer and Fall. I longed to see it in the early Spring! So I, gulp, chose NC! Aw, it wasn't a hard decision really. I was going to meet Penny! That's right! I was finally going to meet Penny in Hendersonville, North Carolina! Just a quick trip from Asheville, Hendersonville is such a pretty town. Penny and her husband were driving into Hendersonville from their home, we were driving into town from our hotel! I was so excited!
Then, with a thud, the other shoe dropped. Where the military is concerned, that other shoe is ALWAYS waiting to drop. I spent 27 years with so many shoes being tossed at me, I had perpetual bruises! We never took a trip or had holiday plans that weren't, somehow, in some way, compromised. *sigh* Even after retirement, those shoes kept piling up, waiting for our vacation plans...*twap* Bill works for a defense contractor so we are still connected to the military. *sigh* "So Sue thinks she is going on a lovely trip to North Carolina? HA! Give me that size 12 stiletto! Hey Sue...INCOMING...!" *thunk*
Nope, Bill was to be sent to Washington DC this week. No NC. No Penny. Okay. I put on my big girl panties and started making some DC in the Spring plans. Cherry blossoms in bloom (which I have not seen in years) and nice, temperate weather..unlike the heat we had on our last DC trip! Okay! I am happy about it...I will see Penny soon...I will get all packed for DC...what?
*thawck* No DC either? Huh? Oh. I gave up Brian for...for...for...Dayton? Yes. Bill is going to DC tomorrow, just for the day. Plans were changed once again. More shoes were hurled, thrown, tossed, kerplunked. Unpack the suitcases, put away the Triptik.
So, no Penny, no North Carolina, no Washington DC, no Chicago, no Brian. *sigh* I think I will go
and see if there are any size 9 1/2 Nikes in this pile of shoes. I could use some new sneakers.

Friday, June 20, 2008

More Images Of A Sweet Week

DC by day...
DC by night...
DC by day...oh what a sight.
And then there were our wonderful evenings in Old Town.
Old Town Alexandria is truly a treat for visitors. History abounds on every corner but so does the delicious smells and lovely treasures calling your name as you stroll past the many shops.
Despite the heat, it WAS a sweet week. This week has been business as usual, albeit, busier than it often is. With Grace home, there are classes to run to and the occasionally picnic in the park.
We ferry my nephew, the Boo Man, to and from his school and spend time with my mother.
Grace is a huge help in the garden and around the house. The girl just LOVES it. In fact, she is rather pushy about it! "Come on Mom! Let's get to it!" *sigh* Oh my aching back!
We have a weekend of yard work, ice skating lessons, dinner with friends, a birthday party and a wedding shower. The weather has been just as perfect as one could imagine Summer should be. Soft and warm...low humidity, warm, not hot, temperatures with just enough rain at night to keep us from watering each day. The greens are lush and the bright colors are brilliant. All in all, a lovely June.
Wendy and Tammy? Check my giveaway post are both winners! (Whether you like it or not!) Just email me your address and your little packages will be on their way.
Oh! Guess who is at my favorite book seller's on Monday evening? Gene Hackman! He has co-written a book on the Civil War so my brother and I will be heading over to see him. There was a time, before I discovered one Mr. Dennehy, that Mr. Hackman was IT for me. Other girls my age were pining over the 20 something actors but me? It was Gene in The French Connection baby.
Now, he also appeared in a film, Twice In A Lifetime in which Mr. D played his best friend. Forget that French Connection...he has a Dennehy Connection!
I had yet to make mention of this, but one week ago, we lost someone in the news media in whom I trusted and admired. When I was asked who I would love to run into in DC (I have always run into someone while visiting...once it was Congressman Sonny Bono!), I quickly responded with his name. Sadly, that was not to be. Farewell Timothy J. Russert. Yours was a life well lived.
Well, I must run. Grace is a tough taskmaster and duty calls!
Stay well and be good to yourselves. You are loved.
Susie Q

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just A First Peek...

I have a great affection for this city, our nation's capitol. I have been privileged to spend a great deal of time in the DC Metro area over the years and have come to love it's monuments, parks, shops, restaurants and history. For anyone who may be planning a trip here in the future, I have oodles (Yes, I said oodles!) of ideas of must sees and dos. Not that I know more than those who actually LIVE here but I know the area well from a tourist's perspective! From some of the oldest museums (The Smithsonian), to the newest (The Museum of the Native American), it is a treasure trove of learning and adventure. The Holocaust Museum is one of the most moving and powerful places I have visited in my entire life. As somber as the subject matter is, in the end, you are left with a pure sense of hope and the light of the enduring human spirit.
As lovely as the city is by day, it seems almost magical at dusk. Even the most staid buildings, like the US Treasury Department's offices, take on an ethereal glow. The next 4 photos were taken at the World War II memorial. It was one of my must sees this trip. I had yet to experience it's power and was awestruck by it. I am, as many of you know, a lover of history but particularly of the WW III era. My father served in the Pacific during the war so it is especially meaningful to me.
One of the most iconic monuments in the DC area is most assuredly the Washington Memorial.
The museums of the Smithsonian are amazing but I love the architecture of the *Old* Smithsonian building. It is a wonder from any angle. Arlington Cemetery is a very special spot and a must see for any American. You could spend an entire day here and not see each unique aspect of this sacred place. The next 3 photos were taken at the Lincoln memorial. It is one of the most recognizable sights in America and one of the most popular destinations for every tourist.
It is a well designed city with a easily accessible Metro system. It is also a great walking city...even with the heat turned up to *High*! Plenty of shady areas, places to sit and rest or reflect and lots of great little spots to have a bite to eat. One of our favorites is in the cafe located on the grounds of the Holocaust Museum. It is has an amazing vegetarian menu for a small establishment and also features kosher meals as well.
The parks are so beautiful and the streets are clean and well maintained befitting a nation's capital city.
And remember, the museums are free...the memorials are free...the glorious art galleries are free...touring the Capital building or White House is free. Just speak with one of your state's congress persons or Senators about passes. Free is a wonderful word isn't it? And free just seems to be a word that runs through my head as I tour this I am free because I am a citizen of this nation. This country is not perfect, no, not infallible, but it is a shining example of the word *FREE*'s definition. I.E. a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen b: enjoying civil and political liberty c: enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination d: enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another...
And yes, to be free to ramble on aimlessly on my blog! Free truly IS a marvelous word and Washington DC IS a marvelous city.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What a Wonderful City...

~ Tomb of the Unknown~

...what a wonderful trip. This was my 15th visit to the DC area and yet there are always new and oh so wonderful things to see and do. This was Grace's first visit and she loved it all...okay. Maybe NOT all. The heat and humidity was just awful but, since there was nothing we could do about it, we just kept going. I could not help but think I was beginning to resemble the Wicked Witch of the West as I began to *melt*. Hmm...but I am decidedly NOT green skinned. Mine is more red and blotchy.
And I have yet to find the broom that would hold my ample tushie as I fly from here to there and back again. Still, I do think Brian Dennehy would have made a lovely Winkie Guard. But we are surely digressing here...
We spent a great deal of time in the charming old town of Alexandria, VA where our hotel was located. Beautiful old homes, historical buildings, delightful shops and fantastic restaurants. You can not beat such a delicious combination!
3 days were devoted to Washington itself and it is always a treat. What an honor it was to finally see the newest memorial: a beautiful and very moving tribute to those who fought in, and supported the home front during, World War II.
The highlight of Grace's trip was our tour of The White House. Of course, no cameras can be taken inside.
The list of other items not allowed included: diaper bags, purses, backpacks, pens, make up, water, fanny packs, food, lotions, if you have it, it ain't welcome, well, except for cell phones. You can not believe the folks with passes who were turned away because they thought they could break the rules! Those Secret Service men have little patience with such antics!
I was able to take a photo of Grace near the front portico with my phone and will try to get that posted soon.
I will be posting pictures in the next day or so AND announce my giveaway winner!
I thank you all for leaving comments on my last post! It was such fun to read them all upon our return late last night!
Today we celebrated not only Father's Day but also my Mother's 81st birthday and my brother's birthday. It was such a nice day with family...but now I have a mountain of clothes to wash and suitcases to unpack and groceries to buy and, well, let's just say I need to
get to work!
I hope you all had a sweet weekend...I have missed you all!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Away For A Little While...And A Giveaway!

You are all so very important to me....each one of you is the *apple of my eye*! I cherish the friendships I have made through blogging. You will stay in my thoughts and heart and prayers while we are away. We will be in Washington D.C until the 14th. Bill has to be at a conference in the city so Grace and I are tagging along! We have made many trips to our nation's capital over the years. We were able to take Daniel to every major museum and government structure (Including a tour of the White House) during a 4 year period. He will not be able to be with us this time but Grace is quite excited to visit the city for the first time! She and I will be entering the White House on Wednesday and she is over the moon at this prospect! It is always an honor to visit this magnificent building and revel in it's history! Our hotel is in Old Town Alexandria, a favorite spot of ours, and near Mount Vernon so we will be able to see lots of wonderful things and show Grace a cracker jack of a good time. And yes...there will be swimming and pillow fights and Cheryl Wray endorsed Bed Jumping as well! I will miss you all and do hope to be able to check in here from time to time. I have tried to get around to see each of you before I go but, if I missed anyone, please know I am so sorry and will make up for that transgression upon our return! I promise! On that note....I want to offer a little giveaway. Just leave a comment on this post and I will enter you into the drawing! I will be on the look out for something delicious and/or delightful in D.C to share with one or two of you. I want to do this as a small thank you to each one of you. I feel so honored and blessed that you come here and visit me. I hope you know how much I care about you all. Through blogging I have been inspired, delighted, charmed, educated, warmed, blessed and wrapped in a hug! I adore each one of you. Oh, Kipper wants me to remind you...if you have not seen *his* post below, please visit it and share in his monthly Ritter Partay!! It is a scene dudes! Until I return...much love and friendship to you all! Now, go and leave that comment!
Love and Hugs, Susie Q