~ Tomb of the Unknown~
...what a wonderful trip. This was my 15th visit to the DC area and yet there are always new and oh so wonderful things to see and do. This was Grace's first visit and she loved it all...okay. Maybe NOT all. The heat and humidity was just awful but, since there was nothing we could do about it, we just kept going. I could not help but think I was beginning to resemble the Wicked Witch of the West as I began to *melt*. Hmm...but I am decidedly NOT green skinned. Mine is more red and blotchy.
And I have yet to find the broom that would hold my ample tushie as I fly from here to there and back again. Still, I do think Brian Dennehy would have made a lovely Winkie Guard. But we are surely digressing here...
We spent a great deal of time in the charming old town of Alexandria, VA where our hotel was located. Beautiful old homes, historical buildings, delightful shops and fantastic restaurants. You can not beat such a delicious combination!
3 days were devoted to Washington itself and it is always a treat. What an honor it was to finally see the newest memorial: a beautiful and very moving tribute to those who fought in, and supported the home front during, World War II.
The highlight of Grace's trip was our tour of The White House. Of course, no cameras can be taken inside.
The list of other items not allowed included: diaper bags, purses, backpacks, pens, make up, water, fanny packs, food, lotions, if you have it, it ain't welcome, well, except for cell phones. You can not believe the folks with passes who were turned away because they thought they could break the rules! Those Secret Service men have little patience with such antics!
I was able to take a photo of Grace near the front portico with my phone and will try to get that posted soon.
I will be posting pictures in the next day or so AND announce my giveaway winner!
I thank you all for leaving comments on my last post! It was such fun to read them all upon our return late last night!
Today we celebrated not only Father's Day but also my Mother's 81st birthday and my brother's birthday. It was such a nice day with family...but now I have a mountain of clothes to wash and suitcases to unpack and groceries to buy and, well, let's just say I need to
get to work!
I hope you all had a sweet weekend...I have missed you all!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q