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Showing posts with label This And That. Show all posts
Showing posts with label This And That. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Uh huh...Still...*cough*..Here...*sniffle*...

...but slow. Oh so slow. Yup. The old girl is still here but running on fumes this week. Thanks to the delightful Mr. D. for reminding everyone that I had a birthday. I just wasn't feeling well enough to do the post I wanted to do soo...whew. Isn't it good to know he can be depended on in a pinch? *sly grin* What a guy huh?

(These photos are part of a series I took last week near Yellow Springs, Ohio.
These are straight from the camera, raw and untouched.)

Uh huh. Yesterday I turned 53 and it was pretty sweet. Except for the fact that I have felt pretty lousy for a few days, I have been spoiled and coddled and loved..not only yesterday but for the last 2 weeks really.
I don't deserve it but I will take it with a big smile on my face and be so grateful for it!

I will have much to report, photos to share and many thanks to send out
 but for now it is back to rest & recover.

And yes! I do remember the giveaway! Aha! You didn't really think I would forget that now did you? Pshaw.

I have 3 winners to announce and will...tomorrow!

Thank you to all who left such sweet comments and congratulations on my blogging anniversary. I really have no idea where the past 3 years have gone but I have loved every minute I have spent as part of this warm and wonderful online community.

 Our October has been just glorious and I have enjoyed each day of it.
I hope you too have celebrated this month and reveled in it's special beauty!
Stay well!

Love and Hugs to you all,
Susie Q

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A Little Delay...

I am so sorry I have been delayed, AWOL so to speak, in posting and visiting this week. I ran off with Brian Dennehy to Acapulco and we are....huh? Okay, so I didn't run off with Brian Dennehy. Bill would probably not approve and who would finish my Fall decorating if I did? Besides, with my bad knees, I don't run at all. More like I amble. Slowly. Of course we won't think about how Mr. D has NO interest in running anywhere with moi but let's not belabor that point shall we? Ahem...
I have been trying to finish decorating and cleaning and fluffing and we have had out of state relatives visiting! It was a sweet surprise and we are enjoying it immensely!
Oh, and our Miss Grace had a tumble on the school playground that required a trip to the ER. She is doing FINE so no worries but the poor girl was scrapped and battered something awful!
Dan took a trip to Pittsburgh and had a lovely time and we are planning to spend a weekend there in November. Meggie?? How would you like to meet!? *Susie Q is clapping her hands in glee at the prospect!*
Bill stained the front porch and it looks *mahvelous* if he does say so himself. We added the burgundy Mums, pumpkins and all manner of Fall delights to the re-done porch. Yippe! Autumn is here! (Have I said that enough of late?)
We actually got rain this week after a 6 week dry spell. The temperatures are soooo perfect and
my beloved cool, cloudy, drizzly days are finally a reality once again. Heck, the cloudier it is outside, the harder to see every speck of dust *IN*side right?
Kipper is counting down the days until Ritter's Dog Nite next Monday...the cats remain non-plussed about it all.
My brother and sis in law are hosting a cook out for all the family tonight at their house as this the last night our relatives are here. *sniff* Hamburgers and potato salad and chocolate cake! Whoo Hoo!
And one last note....Penny and Brad B., one of the couples who were in China with us 4 years ago, received their 2nd daughter's referral this morning! We adore Penny and Brad and are so happy for them! This wait was a long one and, I know, frustrating. Their sweet Olivia will be the best big sister and this new angel will be coming into a most loving and truly remarkable family!
Blessings to them all!
I hope your week is going along smoothly and that your have had many opportunities to smile and giggle. I send my love to you all.
As always,
Susie Q

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This And That And A Whole Lot Of Rain

What a dreary, rainy day. I am thinking about building an ark...I have the 2 cats but I will need to add the rest. Let's see, I need one more dog, a couple of aardvarks, 2 humpback whales and dos naked mole rats. Anyone know where I can score those? Oh, and I need a whole lot of litter, hay and some nails. And a Mochachino machine. For the penguins you know. They LOVE a good Mochachino. Really. I left the house at 7:15 today. I KNOW! On a rainy, dark Saturday morning! Am I crazy? Well, we all know the answer to that question but I did have a good reason to be up early today. I took the Red Cross re-certification class for Infant and Child CPR. It had been awhile and I thought it a good idea. I will be watching our neighbor's new daughter 3-4 days a week and it is always a nice idea to be up to date. At least that will be one thing I am up to date on... clothes? Nope. Hair style? Naw...just this, oh yeah. Oh! Andi! I think it was you who asked about the candle I mentioned in a previous post. I LOVE Yankee Candles too but this new one is a Wood Wicks Caramel candle. While burning, the wick sounds just like a fire crackling and the smell is soooo yummy. They have dozens of scents. I found this one at my local Hallmark store. Now, Chad's boxes...Coleen? You mentioned that you already have some things. Do you wish to do January? Otherwise, I have you pegged to do June. I just want everyone to be happy and Chad to have surprises every month! Just let me know okay? I can bump myself if you wish to do this month. I am always bumping myself all the time anyhoo...into tables, chairs, dogs, walls... are July and Missy? You are August. I know that seems far away but time flies (well, it does when you are really old like me!) and this way, we will have wonderful things for Chad to look forward to every month! Fun for him, fun for us. Oh, don't forget to take pictures of the box and you preparing it. We can all share that with each other. Valerie? Jolene mentioned that he would just like *anything*. I always sent things to Bill and our friends each month and would choose items that were indicative of the month...and season. I also included little personal care kits, hard candy, cookies, magazines, books, little silly toys and whatever caught my eye. Just send a smile! Things can also be shared with the others in his unit too. Chocolate sometimes melts but some candies do better than others, IE, M & Ms always worked for us. Thank you, again, for this guys. You are all the best. I love ya'll. This will be such a delight for Chad I know. Mail is a HUGE thing for our troops. Get well Terri and Cindy. If you need me, CALL! I did not want to call and disturb you (just in case you were actually sleeping!). I am here... The weather is not helping anyone here! Warm and rainy and then cold and icy. I am thinking we should all file a complaint...yeah, told ya I was crazy! Okay, I need to run and get Grace ready for an afternoon birthday party! A bowling extravaganza! I will visit all my blog friends later tonight...I hope you are all having a nice day, no matter what the weather is in your neck of the woods. Or leg of the pasture, stomach of the glen or ear of the city. I myself live in the elbow of the municipality. And that rain is beginning to pool up in the crook of that elbow. Darn. Hugs,
Suzie Q