...but slow. Oh so slow. Yup. The old girl is still here but running on fumes this week. Thanks to the delightful Mr. D. for reminding everyone that I had a birthday. I just wasn't feeling well enough to do the post I wanted to do soo...whew. Isn't it good to know he can be depended on in a pinch? *sly grin* What a guy huh?
(These photos are part of a series I took last week near Yellow Springs, Ohio.
These are straight from the camera, raw and untouched.)
These are straight from the camera, raw and untouched.)
Uh huh. Yesterday I turned 53 and it was pretty sweet. Except for the fact that I have felt pretty lousy for a few days, I have been spoiled and coddled and loved..not only yesterday but for the last 2 weeks really.
I don't deserve it but I will take it with a big smile on my face and be so grateful for it!
I will have much to report, photos to share and many thanks to send out
but for now it is back to rest & recover.
And yes! I do remember the giveaway! Aha! You didn't really think I would forget that now did you? Pshaw.
I have 3 winners to announce and will...tomorrow!
Thank you to all who left such sweet comments and congratulations on my blogging anniversary. I really have no idea where the past 3 years have gone but I have loved every minute I have spent as part of this warm and wonderful online community.
Our October has been just glorious and I have enjoyed each day of it.
I hope you too have celebrated this month and reveled in it's special beauty!
Stay well!
Love and Hugs to you all,
Susie Q