I TOLD you I had been sick....
Something odd and oh so eerie came over me...now I am feeling a little green at the gills.
And I have this stabbing pain behind my eyes...bwhahabwhaha....ahem. Excuse me. That seems to be happening a lot lately.
Wishing you a happy Halloweenie!
Oh, and congratulations to my giveaway weiners...er...WINNERS.
Sally....Waterside Cottages
(Frippery) aka Pam...Julie and Julia
Again, thank you for all the sweet comments!
Grace pulled these three ladies' names from my witch hat...er...my lovely flower adorned sun hat.
Sue? I have your address but I will need Sally's and Pam's. Just pop it in an email to me at:
Love and many spooky cackles, er, Halloween hugs,
Susie Qella