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Showing posts with label GIveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GIveaway. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2009


I TOLD you I had been sick....

Something odd and oh so eerie came over I am feeling a little green at the gills.
And I have this stabbing pain behind my eyes...bwhahabwhaha....ahem. Excuse me. That seems to be happening a lot lately.

Wishing you a happy Halloweenie!

Oh, and congratulations to my giveaway


Sally....Waterside Cottages


(Frippery) aka Pam...Julie and Julia

Again, thank you for all the sweet comments!

Grace pulled these three ladies' names from my witch lovely flower adorned sun hat.


Sue? I have your address but I will need Sally's and Pam's. Just pop it in an email to me at:

Love and many spooky cackles, er, Halloween hugs,

Susie Qella

For further is a replay of a
past Halloween Tale of Terror!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Uh huh...Still...*cough*..Here...*sniffle*...

...but slow. Oh so slow. Yup. The old girl is still here but running on fumes this week. Thanks to the delightful Mr. D. for reminding everyone that I had a birthday. I just wasn't feeling well enough to do the post I wanted to do soo...whew. Isn't it good to know he can be depended on in a pinch? *sly grin* What a guy huh?

(These photos are part of a series I took last week near Yellow Springs, Ohio.
These are straight from the camera, raw and untouched.)

Uh huh. Yesterday I turned 53 and it was pretty sweet. Except for the fact that I have felt pretty lousy for a few days, I have been spoiled and coddled and loved..not only yesterday but for the last 2 weeks really.
I don't deserve it but I will take it with a big smile on my face and be so grateful for it!

I will have much to report, photos to share and many thanks to send out
 but for now it is back to rest & recover.

And yes! I do remember the giveaway! Aha! You didn't really think I would forget that now did you? Pshaw.

I have 3 winners to announce and will...tomorrow!

Thank you to all who left such sweet comments and congratulations on my blogging anniversary. I really have no idea where the past 3 years have gone but I have loved every minute I have spent as part of this warm and wonderful online community.

 Our October has been just glorious and I have enjoyed each day of it.
I hope you too have celebrated this month and reveled in it's special beauty!
Stay well!

Love and Hugs to you all,
Susie Q

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

3 Years Ago Today...

A great event in the history of man occurred. Okay. Just a bit of hyperbole there. It wasn't a *great* event and very few people noticed. Actually NO one noticed at the time. It was the day that old Susie Q introduced herself to the world. Well, so to speak.
Howdy do, my name is Sue!
It was the debut of Rabbit Run Cottage. October 20th, 2006. Just click on the words Rabbit Run Cottage and you can take a peek at what passed for a post back then! I had no idea what blogging would come to mean to me or of all the delightful friends I would have come into my life because of it.

I have truly been blessed to be a part of this wonderful blogging community. It is an honor to be invited into your lives, your homes, to have you share a bit of your world with me. I hope you have found something here at Rabbit Run that has made you smile, laugh or think. I have been so inspired, uplifted and delighted by each one of you.

I hope to continue blogging for a long time to come and I hope that you will share that journey with me. I may not always post or visit in a timely fashion but I hope you will forgive me for this...and for that I want to thank you so, so much!

AND, to thank you for being such special friends over these past 3 years, I want to have a little giveaway.

I am offering 3 books. The first is Waterside Cottages  by the fabulous Barbara Jacksier for the decorator and home lover in you,
Eloise: The Ultimate Edition for the child in you, and Julie and Julia just because I loved it AND the movie!

Just leave a comment here, on this post, and I will add your name to the list of possible winners!

I will pull a out of my hat on Tuesday, October 27th so you have a week to get that comment on here! 'K?

Thanks to you, each one of you who mean so much to me!

Love and Hugs,
Susie Q

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An "eye-dyllic" Situation!

The lovely KJ, at eye-dyllic, is having an Autumn giveaway! Hop on over, leave your favorite quote about this beautiful season and you will be entered! Do let KJ know Susie Q sent you 'K?
I am so excited that Autumn is finally here! I know I have been a bad bloggy friend of late but we are cleaning and freshening up and getting the house all ready to decorate for this most beautiful of seasons! Okay, maybe it's just ME who thinks that but I DO! No other season stirs my soul quite like Fall does. What about you?
See you soon!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Paying It Forward

I recently, and happily, agreed to participate in a wonderful giveaway at the lovely blog, Firefly Nights.
Her instructions, as posted were:
“Here is how it works! I’ll send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange! I don’t know what that gift will be yet, and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week…LOL… but you will receive it within 365 days, that’s a promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog…”
Now, as slow as *I* am, her promise to get it out sometime in the next 365 days sounds good! *smile* But I really will get my gift out to the first 3 blog friends who play along as soon as possible. I have decided to contribute one of my photos, (Your choice) enhanced, blown up to 8x10 and simply framed. Remember, the idea is not to spend a lot of money but to create something, to share a piece of yourself, with others. So, do I have any takers? Come on now...this will be fun!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Away For A Little While...And A Giveaway!

You are all so very important to me....each one of you is the *apple of my eye*! I cherish the friendships I have made through blogging. You will stay in my thoughts and heart and prayers while we are away. We will be in Washington D.C until the 14th. Bill has to be at a conference in the city so Grace and I are tagging along! We have made many trips to our nation's capital over the years. We were able to take Daniel to every major museum and government structure (Including a tour of the White House) during a 4 year period. He will not be able to be with us this time but Grace is quite excited to visit the city for the first time! She and I will be entering the White House on Wednesday and she is over the moon at this prospect! It is always an honor to visit this magnificent building and revel in it's history! Our hotel is in Old Town Alexandria, a favorite spot of ours, and near Mount Vernon so we will be able to see lots of wonderful things and show Grace a cracker jack of a good time. And yes...there will be swimming and pillow fights and Cheryl Wray endorsed Bed Jumping as well! I will miss you all and do hope to be able to check in here from time to time. I have tried to get around to see each of you before I go but, if I missed anyone, please know I am so sorry and will make up for that transgression upon our return! I promise! On that note....I want to offer a little giveaway. Just leave a comment on this post and I will enter you into the drawing! I will be on the look out for something delicious and/or delightful in D.C to share with one or two of you. I want to do this as a small thank you to each one of you. I feel so honored and blessed that you come here and visit me. I hope you know how much I care about you all. Through blogging I have been inspired, delighted, charmed, educated, warmed, blessed and wrapped in a hug! I adore each one of you. Oh, Kipper wants me to remind you...if you have not seen *his* post below, please visit it and share in his monthly Ritter Partay!! It is a scene dudes! Until I return...much love and friendship to you all! Now, go and leave that comment!
Love and Hugs, Susie Q

Friday, February 08, 2008

A One World-One Heart Giveaway And A List!

Okay, no fair skimming through the list to get to the giveaway prize. Hmpf....A HA! I caught you, you naughty blogger...I am so keeping an eye on all of you... I found this list on our Valerie's blog and pilfered it. Well, I asked her if I could take it, she said yes indeedy so I guess it really was NOT pilfered but I just wanted to say that word. Pilfered. There. I said it again. Doesn't it sound like something you would do while making bread? "Now then, take the dough and *pilfer* it for 5 minutes until it is mixed well." What? Get back to the list? Oh, you just want it over so you can get to the giveaway part huh? You all know I love a good list...heck. I love a bad list too. Okay...let's play 50 questions.
1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? Doc honey? What do you guys put in your drinks around here? Have you lost your mind? I am 51, menopausal and do not take shocks well...then I would tell Bill that Brian's shirt on ebay makes a lovely maternity top. 2. Do you trust all of your friends? Yes, thank fully I do. I trust is just me. I probably put too much trust in some folks but there you have it. Or am I just gullible. Wait! Don't answer that. I trust my friends, my mail carrier, my dog, the neighbors, the guy that broils chicken at our favorite Mom and Pop restaurant and that lady I see walking her dog in the park...the one over there by the swings...uh huh. Her. I trust all of them. These folks who keep emailing me about funds in bank accounts in Kenya and me winning the Irish sweepstakes? Not so much. 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love? Are you serious? I DID! I moved to Florida 3 times, California twice, Texas, Virginia, Illinois, upstate New York... 4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? I try...I really do. I so want to. But it is so is something I pray about. Really I do. So much seems pointless but perhaps someday we will all understand. But me losing that shirt on there really a reason for THAT?? 5. Can you make a dollar in change right now? Not another MATH question!!! Um...okay. I have a quarter and I have a dime...if I add another quarter and, wait. That isn't right... 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor? Hmm...they all have the smarts but wait. Are we talking brain surgery here or a PHD?? You see, you did not specify. Doctor of what is the operative question. What word goes in front of doctor...philosophy? Heart? Witch? Ah, now witch doctor I get... 7. Are you afraid of falling in love? Nah...I do it all the time. It's easy. Like falling off a log. As easy as A, B, C...1, 2, 3 and as easy as breathing, unless you have asthma. Like me. 8. Have you been overseas? Uh huh and I was even under a sea once. The waves knocked me down. It was not pretty. But I have also been to England, Holland, Germany and China. I had to fly over a sea to get to each one of them. Or an ocean. I was also over a lake or three. I am over weight too but we will not talk about that last one. 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Yes. His name is Brian. Oh. Anyone else? Um...not counting my kids, nephew, Mom, husband and friends? And just how does one *POP*? I so want to pop into someone's mind. It sounds like fun. 10. What’s your most favorite scar? Well, this sounds positively creepy but don't get me wrong. I can do creepy. I can. Really. I have a thin, one inch long scar on the base of my chin. I tried to fly down the neighbor's basement steps when I was 5. You know what? 5 years olds can not fly. Unless they are birds. Or flies but flies do not live to be 5. Unless they are Jeff Goldblum. Would someone please help him?? What? I am rambling aren't I? Anyway, that scar kept me out of the Miss America pageant. Terrible isn't it? At least, this is what I tell myself. 11. When was the last time you flew in a plane? We flew to NYC last April. The flight was awful. They ran out of Diet Coke in food service. It was totally UN-American. However, NYC was amazing and totally American. 12. What did the last text message you sent say? Text what?? I am 51, slow witted and do not see small letters up close. Would you like to ask me another question? 13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex? Eyes...first and foremost. Hands, strong hands. Great wit, a strong sense of self, intelligence and that they tolerate me. That last one is always a real turn on. 14. Fill in the blank. I love ________.… Paris in the Springtime. I love Paris in the Fall. I love Paris in the Winter, when it drizzles, I love Paris in the Summer, when it sizzles. And I love pasta. I really, really love pasta. And the color blue. And puppies...and kittens...and... 15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? You mean like a Bucket List? Oh wow. It has changed so much over the years. I was able to check some of them off...and have removed some and added others. I doubt I will become the toast of Broadway. Or master Physics. Or win an Oscar. But who knows. They are always looking for character actresses and I am a huge character. I still want to see Paris, in the Summer when it sizzles...or in the Fall. Cooler then. I want to go to Italy. I really want to visit the koalas in Australia. I want to be in Punxsutawney, PA for Groundhog's Day. DO. NOT. LAUGH. This was on my list long before the film. I want to finish putting my laundry away. That is one goal I might actually have a shot at. Or not. 16. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call? Pizza Hut. I would be awfully hungry. 17. How many kids do you want to have? You mean in addition to the two I have? Are you crazy? Ah ha! You are in cahoots with that doctor from question one aren't you? Oh...maybe you were referring to goats. I love baby goats. 2 please. 18. Would you make a good parent? Probably am not but I try awfully hard! Do I get points for that? 19. Where was your favorite picture taken? I have taken approximately 2987 billion pictures in my life and you want me to choose one? I will pick 3 because I never follow rules. The picture of Danny with us greeting him in Philadelphia...he had just walked off the plane from Korea. The picture of Grace in China when she first broke into a real smile... Our wedding picture, taken in Dayton, Ohio...the one we did not know was being taken. Dang I look young. Oh. I WAS young. 20. What’s your middle name? Ellen...oh yeah. Like in "Hey there Sue is old JR?" 21. Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? I am only on question 21? Sheesh! 22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? The idea I had that hot pants and go go boots on me would be a good idea. 23. Who was or will be the maid of honor/ best man in your wedding? My buddy *T*, then, as punishment, she had me be her Matron of Honor the next year. Neither of us still has the dress. Or could fit into it if we did. 24. What are you wearing right now? A lovely Lily Pulitzer print dress, coordinating heels with the cutest bow and a string of pearls. You can trust me. Really. I swear. 25. Righty or Lefty? While doing what?? Do you have to be so vague?? 26. Best place to eat? Where there is food. This is difficult? 27. Favorite jeans? Any pair I can fit in to. See? I am so easy. 28. Favorite Animal? Kipper thinks it is a dog. Lucy and Henry think it is a cat. Ah, the three of them know me so well. 29. Favorite juice? Grape or Cranberry and always mixed with a little Diet Ginger Ale or 7 UP. 30. Have you had the chicken pox? I did and then, 3 years ago, I had the shingles because of those pesky chicken pox. The shingles hurt like heck and were the worst thing I have ever experienced. Why oh why did those nasty chickens give me a pox? Oh, wait. I changed my mind about question 28. The answer is a chicken!! I LOVE chickens. Really...I DO!! I LOVE them. 31. Have you had a sore throat? Once again, I AM old. I have had just about everything. Sore throats, hang nails, split ends... 32. Ever had a bar fight? ....but NO Bar fights! What do I look like anyway? Clint Eastwood in Any Which Way But Loose? Oh. The Orangetan? Clint will be happy to hear that. 33. Who knows you the best? My Mom, my girl friends and, on a good day, my husband. But he still does not get why I wanted a $300 dollar shirt. 34. Shoe size? 9 1/2 and yes, my feet are large and not dainty. There is nothing dainty about me...wait. Nope, not that either. 35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? I wear tri focals. Yes...I AM Old. Reeeeally old. 36. Ever been in a fight with your pet? Yes, Kipper and I fight over chicken legs and bed covers and Bill's lap all the time. IT gets ugly. REALLY ugly. 37. Been to Mexico? Yup...several times. Why do you ask? Is there a warrant out for me or something? 38. Did you buy something today? A small Diet Coke at a McDonald's drive thru. They don't call me Big Spender for nuthin'. 39. Did you get sick today? Uh huh..I have a touch of what my nephew, sis in law had and what my brother now has. I am fighting it off with all I have. Maybe I should call in Clint Eastwood and that orangetan. 40. Are you angry with anyone today? Are you just trying to stir up trouble? Anger and bar fights...what is your problem? 41. Did you get in a fight with someone today? I Think YOU need an attitude re-adjustment buddy. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Let all that anger and resentment go...see? Feel better? 42. When is the last time you had a massage? Like I have ever had one? Are you offering? Yippee! 43. Last person to lie in your bed? Me...I told Bill I felt great when I actually felt really nauseous. It was only a little white lie...really! Okay. I am so sorry and yes. I DID know what you really meant. 44. Last person to see you cry? Bill. And no, it was not his fault. And NO. It was not about the $300 shirt. Or waaaassss it? Hmmmm.... 45. Who made you cry? That little boy on that know...the really cute kid that says the sweet things... 46. What was the last TV show you watched? A re-run of Law and Order SVU. And no, it was NOT the one Brian starred in this year. Gee whiz. 47. What are your plans for the weekend? To get over this stomach thing and be a volunteer at the base Valentine Party for families of deployed service members. 48. Who do you think will repost this? I doubt if anyone has actually read it enough to want to re-post it. You all went straight to the giveaway section didn't you? I KNEW it! 49. Who was the last person you hung out with? My nephew and I hung out while I drove him from school to his baby sitters. We laughed, we sang...okay, he put his hands over his ears while *I* sang... 50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY, what would you say? Today? Let me I'd give the guy a break and say yes. He is kinda cute after all. Now, about the gift from groom to bride...there is this shirt I want. It is ONLY $300. Bill? Bill? BILL?? Ta have finally reached the giveaway portion of our post. You peeked didn't you? Aw, come one...who would read all that list drivel when a gift is up for grabs! Just click on this link and you will be able to visit other wonderful people who are also participating: ~One World-One Heart~ Thanks to dear Lisa Oceandreamer for once again creating this amazing giveaway event. I will let Lisa's own words explain: "I created this event in 2007. The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way. Last years event had roughly 85-90 participants and many connections were made because of it......friendships that are still going strong a year later. We had a strong showing the first year for sure, and now this year(2008) we have just about tripled. This is more than wanting to win something.......that is only the the end it's about finding kindred spirits. Someone may be fairly new to blogging, not sure how to navigate, find others and have others find them....Some are long time bloggers and in some cases well known in the art community. Whatever the case it brings all of them together. This is an INTERNATIONAL event that has and had participants from the US, Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Malaysia, Brazil, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, England,Wales and more. It transcends geographical location, socio economics, political affiliation, religious's a coming together like the giant community we are on this planet. If only it took a simple giveaway to create PEACE everywhere, in the mean time here we give from our hearts. What more could I ask for, my little idea has surpassed my wildest dreams of what it could become. " Amazing right? Well, I just had to do something and a great artist I am not. But hey. A great shopper I CAN be. So I picked up a few Valentine items, one of them a Bethany Lowe heart, and a box of chocolates that will be winging their way to the winner on February 16th. What do you have to do? Oh but it is so easy! Just leave a comment on this post...tell me how positively inane my list was or how absolutely ridiculous it is to crave a $300 shirt that was once worn by some dashing character actor. See? Easy peazy. And if you are REALLY lucky, the package just might contain some other surprises as well...I can almost guarantee a little cat and dog hair in it. Now I KNOW you want to win! I will choose a winner on Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2008. So, leave a comment, say howdedoo and good luck! Love and Hugs, Susie Q