Showing posts with label point of view. Show all posts
Showing posts with label point of view. Show all posts

January 27, 2012

point of view {love}!!

 Wahoo! A craft post! I know it's been forever. :) And what better way to begin again than with POV? This month is LOVE! Perfect timing for February. 

Go and check out these awesome projects: 

Darling burlap heart bunting from Jonie at Just Between Friends
Cute ruffled heart pillow from Amy at Ameroonie Designs
Perfect heart embellishment from Meg and Steph from DIY Divas
DIY Photo Pillow Heart Prop from Camilla at Rosy Red Buttons (Here!)
Chic heart decor  from Michelle at A Little Tipsy
Love this darling quilt art at Gwenny Penny

And now for mine.

DIY Photo Pillow Heart Prop! 
 It's really really easy. Like easier than I could handle, so I got distracted and played with the little. A lot. She's getting huge! We celebrated her 1st birthday last week. I still can't believe it. And there I go again, all distracted.
 The first thing you will do is lay out some fabric and then fold it back on itself so that there are four layers of fabric, with the main fold at the bottom, and the fold you made at the side. 
 Then you are going to go back to elementary school and cut a heart. Just like they showed you. Remember? 
 So when you unfold it, you have a perfectly symmetrical heart, and two layers at that. 
 Pin right sides together and then sew along the edges. Leave a small opening. 
 Stuff! I used about a large bag of Poly fill, the heart I made is nearly three feet across. 
 Fill it so it looks nice, and then hand sew the little opening. Pretty simple. 
And voila, a nice heart pillow. Really this part is super easy, now you get to do the fun part. 

Take pictures of your littles on it! For those who are more into photography, you will have seen things similar to these in a lot of newborn photos this year, so now you can make your own! And if you're not so much, how cute will this HUGE heart pillow be on a little girls bed? Just saying....

And! Have you seen the homemade valentine cards going around? Like this? 
Ok, they aren't JUST like this, but its all the rage to do something in a scrapbooking program or photoshop and use those as their valentine to pass around. Obviously my little is well, too little. So I made them for you. :) (Files are formatted to 4x6)

To download the horizontal file (it is a png, so can layer over any photo in pretty much any editing program) click HERE

To download the vertical file, click HERE

Hope you enjoy!

Alright, have your own 'love' themed project to share? Come link them up over at Gwenny Penny!
Thanks for stopping by, go share your projects! Can't wait to see them. :) 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

October 28, 2011

point of view {BURLAP}!!

It's time for POV! And I LOVE the theme this month BURLAP, and there are some fun projects out there, so check them out here:

Easy ruffled DIY canvas from Camilla at Rosy Red Buttons (you are here!)
Darling burlap art from Leanne at Organize and Decorate Everything
Great gift embellishment from Michelle at A Little Tipsy
Cute burlap flower bag from Amy at Ameroonie Designs
Seriously awesome burlap turkey at Gwenny Penny
Wonderful subway art table runner from Angie at The Country Chic Cottage

On to my project....

Ruffled Burlap Canvas!! 
So super easy and it makes a fun and unique display in your home.

 Recently I have started a home studio for my company CioCo Photography. In the process of doing said studio, I knew I needed to have some of my work displayed, but I wanted it done in a less traditional way than I've seen. So I had some images printed off in 8x10's. You can do whatever size you want really. I then went to Walmart and bought different varieties of canvas- some stretched, some just the straight.
 On the stretched ones I just painted the sides. The staples look uber ghetto, but they work. I could have taken more time and really cared about them, but I am just not that kind of girl. So ghetto they are.
 I adhered the images to the canvas with mod podge on the back, and after it dried I put it on the front as well to give it a matte look. I then spread them out to dry.
 For my newborn canvas', I got 16x20 stretched canvas' and then just mod podged the back of the picture to the canvas to give it a clean look. I put them up on the wall, but decided the straight out staples were a little too ghetto, even for me. I didn't want to paint them. So I though, I love ruffles, and I love burlap, so voila, a project was born. 
 I cut strips of burlap to go around the frame from scraps I already had. I suppose you could buy burlap to make it long enough so that you just have one strip (less ghetto) but I was going cheap.
 I then started hot gluing the burlap around the canvas, gathering and gluing as I did. No sewing required. Then when my husband got done playing starcraft doing his masters homework, he came to help. I took this picture to have proof that he did. I didn't realize the flash was pointed right at his face until I saw this:
 And then had to take a picture because I'm kind of a sadist I thought it was a little funny. 
 And here she is. Yes, all these photos have been awful because it was night and flash was required. 
 So here is the other canvas all by its lonesome in the early morning. It will be the next one once I go find some more burlap.
 Aw, doesn't she look tons better? It will look great once the other is up also. The whole studio is kind of cremes and natural tones and textures. 
And here are the others. My little is on the left, I can't believe how big she is getting! For the flat canvas' I just hot glued some hemp string on the back on each corner to hang. Hemp is kind of technically just strands of burlap, so it works right? Awesome.

So go make your own little burlap wonder! And when you do, link it up HERE! Or have a burlap project made and you want to show it off? LINKY PARTY is HEREERERERERE. Really go link up, I'm super excited. ;) 

September 27, 2011

point of view {fall} featured!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend! Thanks to everyone who linked up over at the link party for Fall POV! You are all awesome and there were so many fun projects. Loved the patchwork mug rugs from Living My Sweet Life. Seriously so cute! Go check them out, they are awesome.

Thanks again to everyone, have a great Tuesday! 

September 23, 2011

point of view {FALL}!!

Oh hey! It's me! Remember me?! No? Oh.... *awkwardly walks away*

It's time for POV! I love this time of year and wish Fall would SLOW down because here in Utah it doesn't last long. The theme this month is FALL and there are some awesome projects so check them out! 

Easy ruffled leaf headband from Camilla at Rosy Red Buttons (you are here!)
Awesome silhouette art from Leanne at Organize and Decorate Everything
Beautiful candy apples from Michelle at A Little Tipsy
So cute bead board pumpkins from Amy at Ameroonie Designs
A fall porch design from Jonie at Just Between Friends
Darling wall decor from Stephanie at Always Just a Mom
Delicious and beautiful cookies at Gwenny Penny

I had a lot of fun with my project this month. I love the boho look that is going around and I love fall, so combining the two was just WONDERFUL. (creepy emphasis included)
I saw a crocheted headband a while back that had leafs one after another in it. I liked it, but thought it would be so much cuter if it had some dimension and pattern to it. So I picked out some materials I had in my stock and got to work. 

 I didn't pick traditional fall colors because I wanted something a bit different for the leaves. I picked a vintage floral fabric and a dark brown floral fabric. Both were on clearance at Walmart. I stop by that isle every time I'm in there because chances are there will be something great. Walmart really doesn't know whats awesome, so they put it on clearance. I cut a leaf pattern out of it...double sided. Originally I was going to sew the two pieces together wrong sides and flip them right side out. You can do that, but I wanted a more unfinished look to the edges when they wear a bit. 
 Sew a basting stitch through the middle and then gather with bobbin thread. My first one I didn't back stitch at all, but I found it easier to gather them if I back stiched at the top and then left it open to gather at the bottom. 
 Sew the ruffle into the leaf permanently, back stitching at both ends now. 
 And here you have some very lovely ruffled leaves. 
 I had some cream elastic lying around so I measured it around my own head. I pride myself for having a very average head. Sew the ends, back stiching. I sewed over the end three times to be sure it stays. 
 Now cut a rectangle out of felt and arrange your leaves how you would like them to look. I then sewed the stem end of each 'leaf' to the felt. I left the other end hanging so it would have a bit of movement in it. 
 At this point you can glue your felt and leaves to the headband, but I wanted mine to be interchangeable. So I pulled out a clip from some I got at Hobby Lobby and clipped a small piece of felt.  (On a side note, you know what I love about blurred backgrounds? It makes clutter look beautiful. I wish my whole house could be seen through a lens...)
 I then glued the entire back of the felt and clip...
 ...and pressed that into the felt backing the leaves. Technically you can do this straight onto the headband, but I wanted it to be interchangeable. 
 And Voila! Clip it to the headband and you're done. You can make other colors if you glue them to clips and use the same headband. 
 Your next step is to head on over to your darling neighbors house because heaven knows she looks way better in the morning than I do. ;) Big thanks to K for humoring me. :) The great thing about the headband is it can be boho chic...
 ...or only a hair clip...
 ...or a normal headband! 

So go make your own! And link them back! I'd love to see them.

And are you ready for the link party?? Tell your friends to join! The theme is FALL and any project under that category or mildly pushing the lines of that category goes. :)

Go LINK UP at Gwenny Penny HERE. Can't wait to see your projects!

And come back for the features next week. Have a great weekend!! 

August 26, 2011

point of view {BACK TO SCHOOL}!!

Gwen at Gwenny Penny

Camilla at Rosy Red Buttons (you are here!)
Michelle at A Little Tipsy

What is this? An actual craft project? Seriously? I know I'm a slacker. BUT super excited for POV! I'm not going to lie, I struggled with the theme this month. I don't have any kids school age. I do have one husband who is returning to school this fall for his Masters, (holla) but I didn't think teaching how to make a big steak dinner was a good way to coordinate for the 'back to school' theme. Then I remembered I had friends who taught school, and how much they would love a little gift. So instead I enlisted the help of my awesome graphic designer friend Annie, aka Hairy Shoe Fairy (not hairy, not a shoe) to help me come up with something incredible in the tag department. Because hey, who doesn't love gifts? So Annie did not disappoint. Look how cute it is:

And because if I were a teacher, I would want chocolates over apples any day. (Hazelnut Chocolate bar from IKEA for about $.99, cheaper if you buy more than one)

Head on over to Hairy Shoe Fairy HERE to get your free printable tag!! Thanks again Annie!

And head on over to A Little Tipsy here to link up your Back to School project.

Have a great weekend!! 

June 28, 2011

point of view {shelves} featured!

Luh- UV this pantry redo by Seven Sisters. The patterns and roses make it all vintagey and delicious, while the accessories are just perfect. Off to redo me some pantry...

Thanks to everyone who linked up! If you want to be a part of POV as a guest, please email me at We'd love to have you! 

June 24, 2011

point of {view} SHELVES!

So excited for Point of View this month!

There are some fun projects so go check them out!

1. Camilla at Rosy Red Buttons (you are here!)
2. Michelle at A Little Tipsy
5. Gwen at Gwenny Penny

Love them all!

My Project: Bread Box Shelf!
(I promise it fits the theme, you'll see) ;)
 Isn't it so fun? I found this darling old bread box at the Salvation Army for $4. I LOVE that store.
 It wasn't the prettiest, but I saw it's potential. (On a side note, aren't those vintage desks fun? Found at a yard sale! You can see them in action here)
 The inside also smelled pretty bad, but hey, it was at a thrift store.
 I sanded it down; it only needed a light sanding because the lacquer was thin. I then used Krylon satin spray paint in ivory and gave it a couple of coats. It's wood is a bit weathered because I leave furniture out in the rain all the time it's old, and I could have fixed that with a power sander. However I like the look of slightly weathered wood and little cracks, so I left it.
 I also wanted to give it a light glazing, and I heard you could do that with acrylic paint. So I mixed a little of these two with water.
 I painted on where I wanted the darker streaks, then I just wiped off with a dry cloth. Then repeated.
 My dear and awesome friend Shelia owns every craft 'thingy' imaginable, and I'm super jealous of her craft room, but was grateful she let me use it and cut me some vinyl from her cricut. I need one of those. Bad. Ok, maybe not need, but I figure my wants are pretty close in importance. :)
 And voila! Here she sits snuggled next to my stove. However we don't eat a lot of bread in my little family, like none, so the whole purpose of this little box was not for bread. Instead...

... I finally have a 'shelf' for my cookbooks! Their previous location required a little bit of being a trapeze artist to get, so I'm glad they are within 2 ft of my cooking area now. (And don't laugh because I only have two, my husband will certify I am pretty good when I cook. Which is like never. But when I do, I'll need those two pretties!)

The great thing is when I am all done, they get shut away and it makes a great little decor item. I love it! It makes me happy every time I see it. :)

What about you? Have any awesome shelf projects? I can't WAIT to see them! Head on over to
for the linky party!!

Also, are you interested in joining POV?? Because we will be featuring a guest participant every month!! To get on the list, email me at!!

Next month's theme is SUMMER, so let your creativity fly! Can't wait to see those projects!
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