Thanks everyone who has commented on my latest projects, you totally make my day! And to all my new followers, you rock. Today I just wanted to quickly post about the EASIEST curtains you will ever make in your life. Or that have ever been made. Ever.
I bought two twin sheets for my husbands and I's Halloween costumes. We went as Aphrodite and Ares the God of War. Yep, here we are:
So, ANYWAY, I had these leftover sheets from Halloween and decided they would probably do as panels for the nursery. Most sheets come with a wide casing at the top already so all I did was cut a slit on each side of the casing on the back side so the seam and front stay the same. Just cut the slit wide enough in the casing to go over the curtain rod. Then I just draped extra fabric from another project over the top to give it a slight more feminine look. I wanted the curtains to be white to keep the light fresh in the room. The sheets were $4 a piece at Walmart, which is a hecka ton cheaper than buying real curtains or buying the fabric. Plus I didn't really have to do anything, which is a major plus, and just my style... :)Can't get better than that!
Happy Thursday! Let me know what you think or if you have any questions! And I know that I post a TON of baby related things, so let me know if this helps!