Showing posts with label my very own life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my very own life. Show all posts

September 07, 2012

Oh Hello!!

So, it's been a while. What have you been up to? 

Nothing? Oh you moved out of your mom's basement? 

Well that's cool ! So.... big gulps huh?

Now that we've gotten the awkward post absence greeting over with, I can blow the dust off this blog and perhaps get back to doing some blogging here and there! 

To explain my absence here is what I've been up to: 

Aren't they scrumptious little babies??? Many of you know that I dabbled in newborn photography for a while, but what I really loved was all the beautiful props and images that resulted. I then decided to use my love of sewing and start to make those props for the images. And it has been a crazy ride! You can find more of what it is here. I have been absolutely blessed to be able to work at home and do something I just love in addition to raising our darling little. (Who is now 19 months! So crazy!)

BUT, we just bought a new home! We'll be renting out our current property, so we'll get to make the transition pretty smoothly. And I get to decorate, and paint, etc, etc all over again! Yay? Yay! 

So I will be posted a lot of before and after as we make our new home into my french country cottage I always wanted. :) 

And to leave you for today with an updated image of my little:

She's giant! hahahah. And little miss sassy pants, but so good and darling as well. We are blessed. Till later! Have a wonderful weekend! 

August 12, 2011

Yes, it's been a month over a month since my last post. And yes, I'm the biggest slacker. Kind of...
And yes, this post isn't necessarily crafty. But read it anyway or you can't leave my blog. Serious...the browser won't let you. Maybe.

I seriously don't know how other blogger moms and professionals do it. I seem to be drowning in my 'to do' list, and I feel seriously lame that I can't keep up with the things I used to. I have cut back permanently on my wedding shoots, sure that would give me extra time. It hasn't. Yet.

I guess my question is how do you do it? I want to do EVERYTHING but can't seem to find the time for anything. I feel guilty if I spend too much time on the computer; I feel like I am not spending enough time nurturing my daughter.

Button has this sort of squishy face that she has begun to use, which at times is hilarious and at times is kind of gargoyle looking. 

Yep, that's the one.

I assumed she got it from my husband, but I looked in the mirror when she and I were playing in front of it laughing, and realized the face came from me. Rather than be depressed that I suddenly realized I looked like a 1st century statue while happy, I was really overjoyed that something I did was rubbing off on her. Then I was kind of panicked that some of my other less desirable personality traits might be being absorbed. I've since made sure that I control myself when I have sudden urges to be crazy. I am fearful of the day that she can talk, while I don't swear or anything like that, I'm not sure 'awesome' should be used as every other word.

I realize that I know very little about parenting. Button has already face planted thrice (hard) because apparently she 'moves'. She also thinks its hilarious to spit out every bit of pureed food that makes it into her mouth, all over me. She thinks its hilarious because rather than stopping her, I can't stop myself from laughing. She has been taught to raise one eyebrow in a 'How YOU doin' sort of manner. Because it's funny. She gets left at the in laws from time to time because I think taking a baby on vacation or to necessary gatherings is equivalent to pushing bamboo shoots up my fingernails. She is in a diaper most of the day, and usually doesn't get dressed unless its completely necessary we go somewhere. In fact, that kind of goes for me too. Minus the diaper.

BUT, she knows she's loved. And she is. More than I can even express. I never thought motherhood would be like it is. I never thought I'd ever grow so attached to something so gross at times. I never thought a simple giggle could make me happier than an all inclusive trip to the Bahamas. I never thought I could miss something so little so much when I'm away. I never thought that I'd be content laying on my stomach blowing raspberries on hers. I never though I could even do it: be a mother.

But I am. And while I epically fail so many times, the important thing is that I just keep going. I may never do anything perfectly, but I'm perfect at attempting. I look up to so many women who have done so much- many who are stay at home moms, many who are work at home or outside of home moms, many who aren't 'moms' at all. I think that whatever we can or can't do doesn't define us. I believe that it's who we are, who we are attempting to be that does.

 I know that there are many trials or problems that we have to overcome, many things that maybe we feel like we can't. Sometimes we feel judged, sometimes we feel overwhelmed, sometimes we feel like we are on top of everything one day and the next we fall off the wagon.

Regardless of who you are or what you aren't, know that you are loved. By family, by friends, but most importantly by God. You are important, no matter how low you feel at times.

Anyways, forgive my ramblings. And forgive my lack of creative blogging. I promise I have been working on things.....ish. I recently redecorated and 'flipped' my parents camper (heck yea baby), made a bajillion headbands for Newborn shoots, and have recently been trying to sew, like really sew. Now that my business is slowing down, I'll finally be able to really start blogging again. So stay tuned! hahaha, please? 

Until then here are some squishy and oh so adorable newborns (and headbands) to keep you company. 

 Sigh...Love this image. Loose rolled flower with pearl center and feathers out the back, super easy! Maybe I should write some tutorials for these...
 She is so gorgeous.... diaper cover from Sweet Kiwi Crochet
 I found these little wedding flowers at Hobby Lobby for $.08 a bunch. On clearance. Seriously eight cents. So I clipped them off the stems and glued them to a felt circle with craft pearls in the spaces. 
 Headband made of dollar store flowers you can buy in bunches at the dollar store, just take the flower of the wire and reassemble with hot glue. Craft pearl in the middle. 
 Headband made of layered flower and feathers. Simple tutorial for the flower is here
 Love him...
 Got these newborn cheesecloth wraps from MomMe Designs
 Hat by Sweet Kiwi Crochet. LOVE.
 I got six of these chairs for $15 at a yard sale. Boo ya. We weren't planning on a new dining set, but I guess we are now! We found a table we want to build at, so I'm excited to get the before and after's up, since we will be refinishing the chairs. 
The link on how to do this rolled flower is over at Tatertots and Jello, but now I can't find it. Meh. Added some netting as well.

Hope your weekend is fabulous! If you want to hang out over at pinterest, I'm here. If you want to see my fun photo shoots those are here. Hit me up if you have any questions, photography is...awesome. ;) 

July 07, 2011

family {pictures}

 Where is the summer going?? I wish it would slow down or just be summer...forever. Except for the heat. I hate the heat. And when did my newborn become a certified baby? Oh time, please stop. 

Hope you are enjoying your fabulous summer! I for one am, hence the extreme lack of blogging. Yep, I'm a slacker, but I already knew this. :) 

May 11, 2011

things {to do}

Been hanging out with Button and Hubs this past week because Hubs graduated this past weekend in Business Management! We are so proud of him. We have one free summer till he starts his masters. I have made some things including a little graduation dress for Button that I'll post. She's growing too fast!  I'll also post a tutorial for the headband in the second picture if anyone wants it. Tutorial worthy?
Have a great Wednesday!
Crocheted Flower Headband by Sweet Kiwi Crochet.

April 25, 2011

your {help}!

 Photos by Melina Moore. Amazing as always, and if you remember from the giveaway she is offering a discount until May 15th. Book now!

I need your help if you will! Parents Magazine is doing a cover contest where the semi finalists get to go to New York. And since New York is awesome, we'd totally love to go. So if you have a minute, or any desire whatsoever, vote for Button here at Parents Magazine! You guys are the best!

April 01, 2011

friday {musings}

So I know I have been failing in the 'crafty' department lately, but when you have something this fun to photograph and hang out with, can you blame me? Hope you have an awesome Friday, back with some projects next week!

Hat by Sweet Kiwi Crochet.

February 16, 2011

happy {wednesday}

Hope you're having a great Wednesday! I am, hanging out with this girl. :)

And for your viewing pleasure:

These commercials make me laugh...probably more than I should. Happy Wednesday!

January 31, 2011

monday {monday}

I know, I know another picture of my kid. :) I finally got some of her sleeping, unfortunately when she sleeps she also scowls. My hubby says I do the same thing, so there you go. We just love this little girl!

While you're here, go check out the Crafting with the Stars competition at So Dang Cute Crafts. There are some AWESOME decoupage projects this week. Someone even made a back splash out of paper and modpodge in their kitchen. It's amazing!! I'm totally attempting it soon...or later. :) Go and vote here!!

Happy Monday!

January 25, 2011

Thank {YOU}!

Thank you everyone for your sweet comments on the nursery and the arrival of our little bambino. We have been so blessed! Sorry if this blog is a little sporadic over the next few weeks, I promise I have a really adorable and little excuse. :)

 Thanks again!
Hat and Diaper Cover: Sweet Kiwi Crochet

January 21, 2011

baby {girl}

She's Here!!!
6 lbs 13 oz. 19 inches Long
Born 1/20 at 8:23 am.

Photos by Melina Moore Memories.

January 17, 2011

monday {monday}

I've been bouncing a lot on this:

And doing a TON of this:

To try to evict this:
So I can do a little of this:

So far? No luck. :) I know she'll come when she's ready... but can't she be ready today? Have a great Monday!

December 31, 2010

some {ramblings}

 I saw Jonie had put up some awesome facts about herself inspired by Amy at the Idea Room and Ashley from Little Miss Momma and thought it would be fun to play!

So, if we're going to be bff's here's what you need to know:
1. I am the second of seven children. I married the seventh of seven children. We both have no intention of having seven children. Ever. :)
As a result of being last, Hubby's family is significantly larger than mine. We don't see them all together often, but they're still fun. ;)
Hubby is the only implant thus far in my family. He fits in really well, or maybe my family is just being nice. My family is hilarious. Sometimes I don't know where my brothers get their wit. Parents? Probably.

2. Hubby and I will have our first child to make it through pregnancy in a few weeks.  A little girl who will be spoiled beyond all belief I'm sure. She'll be the first grandchild on my side.

3. Hubby and I met in Logan. He had planned on going to school there till he met me, and we got married within a semester, so there was no need for the transfer.  :) We were also married there.

4. I got my bachelors degree in 2009 from Utah State University in Political Science and Philosophy. What that has to do with crafting and photography? No idea.

5. Oh, I work as a wedding photographer. Good times.

6. I have lived in South America, Washington DC, and Utah. I like them all for different reasons. Utah is great because I actually can park at the store I want to go to. And have a car.

7. I am LDS. My faith is a huge part of who I am, and a huge part of my marriage. It makes me unreasonably happy and helps me through the hard times. :)

8. I have a fascination with gray.

9. I love to read and my shelves are full of books. I am obsessed with  Jane Austen and love Charles Dickens. My wedding dress was even styled after the Austen era. I also enjoy J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. You will also find the Harry Potter and Hunger Game Series there. I have no intention of reading the Twilight Series. The movies make me be satirically witty. Sorry.

10. I was a Cache County Dairy Princess. Yep. For some reason it was big at the time. And then you win you think you are cool because it comes with a crown, tiara, and lots of parades and appearances. That is, you think you're cool until someone reminds you that you are a cow queen.

11. I once met Ted Kennedy in an elevator. That was awkward. I also worked in the same  building as Obama and saw him in the hall. This was before the whole 'president' thing. There were no secret service.

12. I am a published poet. Yep that's right, published. You'll find my poem wedged in with a bunch of other 7th graders in a nationwide book. I am COOL.

13. Mostly I just love to laugh.

14. I once was involved in a high speed chase, but not with the cops. We were being chased by some neighbors of a house that we had recently toilet papered.

15. I have self diagnosed ADD. And OCD. I can't sit still very long. I also have to have the pillows on the couch perfectly fluffed. My husband will sit on them and then get up just because he thinks its funny. And I can't watch really thought provoking movies before bedtime. Because I won't be able to sleep because I can't stop thinking about them.

16. I'm kind of a nerd.

17. I think Matt Damon is, like, the hottest man on earth. Next to my husband of course.

18. If I was what I wanted to be in the third grade, I would be a zookeeper. Glad that didn't work out.

19.  Kite flying is my favorite sport. Is it a sport? I hope so.

20. I love to meet people. And get to know people. So please leave a comment and tell me about yourself, or put a link to your own post and I will totally come stalk you!! Link up and share the love!

December 30, 2010

2 minute {curtains}

I can't believe its already Thursday. Where does the time go? I missed putting up whimsical Wednesday yesterday, but there were some awesome projects so they'll go up next week. I am almost finished with the nursery which means pictures will be coming soon! Yea! Ok, maybe that's more exciting for me than you but there ya go.
Thanks everyone who has commented on my latest projects, you totally make my day! And to all my new followers, you rock. Today I just wanted to quickly post about the EASIEST curtains you will ever make in your life. Or that have ever been made. Ever.

I bought two twin sheets for my husbands and I's Halloween costumes. We went as Aphrodite and Ares the God of War. Yep, here we are:

Such posers... and my husband will probably KILL me if he knows this is up here. Or be really proud of himself. I can't decide which. We had a picture together, but my husband gets bored like, well, like a 5 year old would and he had his costume off after 2 hours. So I was the only one in costume in the pic, which is lame.

So, ANYWAY, I had these leftover sheets from Halloween and decided they would probably do as panels for the nursery. Most sheets come with a wide casing at the top already so all I did was cut a slit on each side of the casing on the back side so the seam and front stay the same. Just cut the slit wide enough in the casing to go over the curtain rod. Then I just draped extra fabric from another project over the top to give it a slight more feminine look. I wanted the curtains to be white to keep the light fresh in the room. The sheets were $4 a piece at Walmart, which is a hecka ton cheaper than buying real curtains or buying the fabric. Plus I didn't really have to do anything, which is a major plus, and just my style... :)Can't get better than that!

Happy Thursday! Let me know what you think or if you have any questions! And I know that I post a TON of baby related things, so let me know if this helps!
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