Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

January 13, 2011

The Nursery!!

I am sure that I am way more excited to show you this then you are to see it. Oh well, you're still looking right? :) Now I just need a baby to put in it...

This is the before. Sorry not the greatest picture, but it's all I have. Originally this was just used as a guest bedroom. I had painted three walls a soft green and was going to do the fourth wall as an accent for boy or girl. Since we weren't pregnant at the time, the wall stayed white. Forever. Yea, real classy. :) And the bed really wasn't always in the position, I promise. It's just pulled back from the wall.

After going through a bit of change in design taste, I knew I wanted the nursery to be gray with a board and batten look. So we set off to make a fake molding. The how to is here.

 The theme of the nursery was Birds. Originally I wanted a little more vintage feel, but it ended up coming out really delicate and clean, which I also love.
 I found the big cage at The Salvation Army and spray painted it white. The other little ones my friend found at Michaels for $1 and used them to decorate my shower. Love them! Gray ribbon is from the dollar store, pink from Hobby Lobby, and the little birds are from the dollar store.
 A little wider angle of the birds. You'll notice this pic does not have the curtains up yet, so here ya go:
 You can find the super simple tutorial for these bad boys here. The tutorial for the ruffled table runner is here.
A close up of the lamp shade, tutorial is here. Still love it every time I go into the nursery.
 A view of the left hand corner.

Close up of the modpodged mirror. All the paper was from Joann's, the mirror from the DI. Tutorial here.
 Shelf when entering the room. Here is the front view:

The bird house I painted and modpodged the top with the same paper as the letters and paint as the murals. The little booties are just cute ones I found, the little rosette purse a gift from her Grandma. The sleigh is her first ornament from Michaels, but I liked it so much I put it in here. The bird is my favorite ornament from growing up. The wreath I made using this tutorial. Yea, I realize I only painted half, but there ya go. The bird ceramic holder thingy is from Ross'. :)

Shelf over crib. Ceramic bird from Hobby Lobby, vase from IKEA, roses from the dollar store, and letters and paper from Joanns.

 My favorite part of the room. I knew I wanted a toile bed set, so I looked up how much the fabric would cost me. About as much as this Alyssa Preston design. So I just cut the sentimental and bought it. :) Shelf is a shelf my dad built for me to go over my window in the bedroom when I was 15 or so. It's been repainted to creme. Material is from Hobby Lobby that hangs. The wash bin is from Ross's, with a hand crocheted white blanket my mom's friend made. Letters are from Joanns, sorry you can't see much because they are blurred.

 View from the entrance. The changer has a cover over it now. The rocker I recovered and it works perfectly. Tutorial is here. I made the pillow out of coordinating fabric.

I hand made the mobile from coordinating fabrics and it makes me pretty happy. The tutorial is here.

My second favorite part. I bought a pack of flat 16x20 canvases at Walmart and then picked out some paint at Hobby Lobby to coordinate. I used a bird stencil I found online, but the branches are free hand. I made the numbers stencil also just from a font on the computer. Ribbon is from hobby lobby and I just hot glued it to the top corners to make a loop. After hanging I added the little bows over the top.

 The nursery furniture. Boy these were ugly before. They rock now though! Read about them here
 I love this bassinet. It made it through all my parents children, including me. It worked perfectly in the color scheme, and the cover, pad, and sheet are all from my friends bassinet- the ones you can get at Walmart. I just tucked up the other two ruffle layers so it wouldn't cover the basket weave.
 I made the blanket from fabric I found at Joanns. I just needed two yards, one for each side. Put right sides together and sew a seam, leaving a little area open. Flip the blanket inside out and push out the corners. I sewed a little x right in the middle, then just top stitched around the edges. I tied the bow and sewed it into the corner so it would be secured.
 Close up of the wash bin. It's actually one of my photography props, but I think it works great here too. :)

I CANNOT wait till she gets here. :) Sometimes I just sit on the rocker like a crazy person waiting. I'm totally in love with her already, so I just need to meet her. :) Hope you have an amazing Thursday! Your comments (and following) are most welcome!
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