Showing posts with label wednesday whimsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wednesday whimsy. Show all posts

April 20, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Another week and here we are. On a bright note, Point of View is this Friday!! For those who don't know, the theme is SPRING so come back ready to link up and I'll let you know where it is. And don't you worry, I'm cramming in a last minute project so I don't look ridiculous by not having one. Yea. These projects, on the other hand, are quite finished and are awesome!!

Love these blocks by Cherished Bliss. She doesn't give herself enough credit, because I think they are just great and perfect the first time around. ;) I'll probably make these. Soon. Maybe. Soon being a few months or six from now.

Verdant Bents show you how to make a really cute empire waist dress out of a.... (drumroll).....sheet. Serioulsy. No lies. Can't wait to try it!

Love these knock off anthro-bobbies from Sew Much Ado. Really easy to make and such a fun dash classy look.

Hope you are all enjoying your wednesday!! Be sure to grab a button if you've been featured and come back Friday for the Spring link up!!

April 06, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

It's Wednesday again! And I actually got a crafty post of my own up this week, aren't you so proud of me? I know you just LOVED all the pics of my kid, all of the time. Admit it. So on to awesome Wednesday-ness:

There are a lot of bow holders out there and a lot of ways to do them. But this may just be my new favorite. Ever. See how it's done on A Very Dandoislion Life.

I could probably kiss this woman. Ok, not really, because it would be a bit awkward. But a shower curtain that looks this beautiful and cost FIVE BUCKS? Done. Really. I'm going to the dollar store as we speak. Head on over to See Kate Sew to check it out.

I really like how simple this skirt was to make... meaning I could probably do it. Maybe. I would love a skirt like this. Also legs that look like that to go with it. Just a thought. daughter better be grateful for what my body went through to get her here. (*snicker)  Find out how to make this lovely romantic skirt at dame*design*studio.

Be sure to grab a featured button and thanks for your amazing ideas! If you have a tutorial you'd like featured, email me at Enjoy your Wednesday!

March 23, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Ack! Is it Wednesday already? Now that my to do list usually consists of feed the baby, burp the baby, change the baby, love the baby, play with the baby, feed the baby, feed the hubby and change the baby some more, my days are really flying. Notice cleaning is no where in there, because I've pretty much thrown that out the window. So for now, check out these awesome projects I hope to some day attempt! Maybe. They'll go somewhere between feed and change the baby.
Isn't this nursery wall art from Kara's Korner so incredibly lovely?! I think I would sit and look at it much more than the baby would. It's great too because it totally grows with them. I heart.  
When I was dating my now hubby he confessed to me he was a huge nerd. Immediately I thought of some black cape with a light saber tucked away in the back of his closet. However, his nerdiness pertained to video games which is in fact truth, he is a nerd. I'm not going to lie though, I was mildly disappointed when it wasn't star wars- because I secretly heart it. So these light saber pretzel rods from The Cellar Door Stories are pretty much the best. What little boy wouldn't want these at his party??

Want to see the easiest wall art ever? Done. This Styrofoam wall art from Hill Country Homebody are seriously so simple, but such a great idea! Cheap? Check. Easy? Check. On the to do list? Check.

Have a great Wednesday! I love perusing the net for these and having them emailed. Thanks for those who have sent in great projects, if you are interested in having yours featured, email me at Feel free to grab a button!

Oh, and don't forget to come back Friday to see 'Point of View' skirt projects and to get the link where you can go link yours up and get featured!

March 16, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

So I dusted off my sewing machine and used it for the first time yesterday since a few week's before Button's arrival. I'm not going to lie, it was AWESOME. Mostly I kind of felt guilty because Button is a little fussy/cholicy/refluxy ALL THE TIME so I let a bottle and blanket propping it feed her while I crafted. It was that or throw myself into the trash bin outside, so I opted for the former. I was working on my skirt project and a few others I hope to have up soon. Till then, check out these AWESOME projects (p.s. I like the word awesome):

Aren't these Tissue Paper Cherry Blossoms from Sarahndipities awesome?? These are so going in Button's nursery.

I'm a sucker for anything 'owlish' and these darling softies from Perfect Chance Memories are no exception. I especially love that they are completely vintage- made from her Grandmother's old fabric.

 Um, heck yes. This darling button egg on burlap idea from Auntie Lolo Crafts is spectacular! Mostly because it's made of buttons. Which I love. Always. It just inspired me to do something similar...but with a bird. Just great!

Thanks for your awesome projects, be sure to grab a button. I love scoring around for ideas and seeing the ones that have been sent in. Happy Wednesday!

February 23, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Love love this Crochet Ring Necklace from Little Treasures. I can't crochet to save my life, but I at least like to look at it! :) Such a great idea.
This sweet Rag Rug from Shabby Soul is just great. I looked forever for a rug for the nursery, but since my colors are pretty specific I found nothing that would work. I may just be making this. Love her color choice!
So when skinny jeans became popular again I resisted. Mostly because I was living in South America at the time and all the kids wearing them were a bunch of little punks. :) Coming back to the states I was surprised to find it had caught hold for all people, not just emo's. I am not a size 2, or anywhere close, *cough* so I waited. Then finally I bought a pair. And I LOVED them. So did my husband. Finding the right kind of jean to fit is hard, so this Tutorial from I'm Topsy Turvy is genius. Can't wait to try it!

Be sure to grab a featured button, cuz you're awesome! If you have a great idea or project you want featured, email me at Have a great Wednesday!


February 02, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

This darling arrangement from my awesome sponsor Heather of Everyday Lettering. It's on her personal blog so I won't link over there, but go to her company blog! When you do them like this, the letters are super cheap and you can get and customize your own frames. Just love the rosettes!

Ikea has some not so pretty things, so I love seeing remakes of stuff I can get there, like this awesome votive candle lantern by City Girl gone Coastal. Totally doing this sometime soon, but possibly with elephant silhouettes. Love!

Now I'm not a huge fan of football, but my brothers are. So I grew up playing catch because I had no sisters to play dolls with. Which is kind of a wonder how I only really love girly stuff... ANYWAYS this DIY goal post from My Creative Escapes is such a simple and great idea for all the little boys in your life! I have nephews... so maybe I will make one for them for the summer. Score!

January 19, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Well, still pregnant. Boo. ;) In the meantime enjoy these awesome projects from this week!

These AWESOME sweater bracelets from Organize and Decorate Everything. What a great idea!

You know how you can go through life super happy, then you happen upon something that you suddenly need and can't live with out it being put on some space you free up on the wall? Love this version of  paint chip wall art from Creative Passage and it just went on that list for me. :)

These darling Be Mine Jars from the Elephants Trunk are such a simple and great idea for valentines! I'm not a big decorator for anything other than Thanksgiving and Christmas, but these just might make their way onto my kitchen counter....with some candy. For our neighbor kids, or me. Yea, probably me.

Thanks again for your talents!! Grab a featured button, and if you would like to have a project featured here, email me at Happy Wednesday!

Be sure to check out Everyday Lettering! Amazing deals and beautiful art!

January 12, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Love this tea party table idea from Sweet and Lovely Crafts, mostly because those side table are only $7 at IKEA. What a great idea!

This jersey scarf from Peas and Crayons is super cute and SO easy. It's for sure going on the to do list.

Love these 'wannabe' window dividers from Being Grown Up. I can imagine them going other places besides the window... like between my husband and I on the bed. Seriously. Doesn't he understand I'm a human incubator and his body heat the temperature of the center of the earth cuddling during the night doesn't work? :) But seriously, I love those dividers, so cute!

Be sure to grab your featured buttons, and thanks for being so darn creative!  And if I seem a little MIA over the next week or so its because I am heading into the last leg of pregnancy and if lucky am in the hospital getting the little one here. :)  Happy Wednesday!
Questions or Ideas? Email me at

January 05, 2011

wednesdays of {whimsy}

Happy Wednesday! Which means one day closer to my due date... haha I'm pathetic I know. So many awesome projects out there in blog world, but here are some of my favorites:

Darling handmade canvasas from Take off your coat and Stay Awhile...  using paper and modge podge. Love them!
I LOVE this cover for a nook from So Scraphappy. Now if someone would just buy me a nook...
Oh boy I love this. Like so much. Anything that combines rosettes and white is pretty much the greatest. Check it out on Pink Satin Sashes!

How great is this fabric light switch plate? Custom plates are way more than I even want to spend, so this is a GREAT option. Find the tutorial here on Agape Love Designs and Photography!

Have a project or tutorial you'd love to share? I'd love to feature you! Contact me at!

December 22, 2010

wednesdays of {whimsy}

I found some AWESOME projects this week that have gone on the to do list (the one that isn't crucial so mid april it will probably get done)

This beautiful wreath from A Very Dandoislion Life. I am a sucker for wreaths, especially paper wreaths, but don't usually make them if they are seasonal because I think its too much work. :) This could be great all year!

This awesome frame from Lemon Tree Creations. Love it! So cute for a little girl.

And finally, the terrific cookies from Ready, Set, Create. Was I the only kid that thought it was funny Frosty melted just so he would stop singing? Probably. Happy Wednesday!

December 15, 2010

wednesdays of {whimsy}

I have just a few projects on the docket I want to attempt this week that are uber awesome.
 I LOVE these snowflakes from Just Between Friends. She makes them so they can go outside, which rocks.
A frame makeover at the Creative Crate. Love that blog! So I may not be trying this, but  I love it. I just don't have vinyl, or a cutter. Does anyone want to buy me a sillhouette?
I LOVE these. So cute, and fast! Faith, Hope, Love  shows you how to make them.

December 08, 2010

wednesdays of {whimsy}

I heart the craft world. There are so many creative people out there. Here are my favorite projects I may or may not attempt this week. Considering I'm writing this post at 3:00 pm and I'm still in my pajamas I'm gonna go with the latter. BUT they will go on the to do list. :)
A Believe Banner from At Second Street. Just love her blog.
These darling vintage ornaments at Craftberry Bush. I'm a sucker for all things vintage, or that at least appear vintage.
I know these are supposed to be gifts, but I'll probably make one just for me. I'm nice like that. Check out the shopping list at Infarrantly Creative.
Crafts by Amanda shows how to make these awesome coffee filter trees. I love ruffles. And paper. Win.

And last, this darling festive wreath from Tragic Sensation. Um, love.

So... let's hope I get these done! Let me know if you have any great ideas, cuz I know you do!
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