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Showing posts with label quilt along. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilt along. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sew -n- Tell

Amy is hosting a weekly Sew-N-Tell, pop over to her blog and see all the other participants and join the fun.

This is the quilt top that got scattered all over my dinning room floor while I was at the hospital. I finally finished it.
Now it just needs to be backed, quilted and bound.
It is my zig zag quilt along quilt, if you want to quilt along click on the button in my side bar.

The girls laid it all out with a bit of assistance, it gave them the quilting bug. Gabby started to cut out squares to make a scrappy quilt.

The whole thing is made from vintage sheets. Need to get some batting so I can finish it:)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Remember This.....

Remember this nicely laid out quilt top.

I had laid this out before I went to the hospital to have the baby.
This is what I came home to!

Thanks to my children leaving the dinning room door open and the cats running through my quilt top!
So glad I had not laid the whole thing out yet.

Everyday I have thought about going in to work on it and have yet to have a chance to do it!
Maybe tomorrow will be the day!
Off to bed.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Made it Monday

Went to the Dr. today and cervix is 80% now and 3ish cm and she thought it would be really soon. Have been having contractions every 5 minutes or so. Hopefully she is right and it will be soon~

On to the projects I have been working on to keep from going crazy with all this waiting around.

I finished another quilt. This one was for this quilt a long and I love it!

A different angle.

A close up
Baby girl is going to have a quilt for every day of the week!
Chad wants to know if we have enough quilts yet, and can I start selling them.
I told him, I am too new to quilting and they are not perfect enough to sell.
Someday maybe~

The back
Lots of vintage sheets in this one. The only thing I had to buy for this one was the actual tree fabric.

All folded up.

I made these letters for Graham to play with and at the moment Chad and Gwen are playing with them.
You can find the tutorial here.

This photo is funny because my big yellow belly is in it.

All the letters in their bag.
Graham ran around with the bag on his arm like a crazy person for about 5 minutes.

The beginning of the Zig Zag quilt for this quilt along. Not sure how long this one will take to finish.

Back to contractions and pictionary with the fam!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quilt ALong

I am doing two quilt alongs right now. I know CRAZY, but I had all the material so I thought I would try to keep up.

The first one is a week long and I am a bit behind, because I started a day or two late. Hoping to sew at some point today.

You can find the quilt along instructions here. The quilt is a baby sized quilt and is called in the in the leafy tree tops.

Here is a photo of Becky's finished quilt. I just love it!

Join Becky here to make this darling quilt!

Almost all of the pieces cut out for the top. Still need to cut the border strips, wanted to wait to see what looks best with the finished middle section.
The pattern is made with vintage sheets and I used some sheets from my stash. I have a nice collection after the swap:)

Here is the middle of the top all laid out waiting to be sewn together.
This was my first time doing nine patch blocks, they are not to hard. However accurate cutting and sewing are super important as is proper pressing. Take the time it is worth it.

This is for the other quilt along with the old red Barn group. It is going to be a throw sized Zig Zag quilt. I had decided to use vintage sheets on this one even before I started the other one. This one is going step by step each week, this week is pressing, cutting and laying out your quilt top. I still have a bunch of cutting to do. Monday will start the sewing process. Amy is leading this one, you can find the directions here.

It is not to late to join either one. I know there are a few of you out there who have been wanting to try a quilt, this is a great way to do it because you can work at your own pace, yet ask questions if you get stuck! Just do it!

We'll see how far I get on these before baby girl arrives:)