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Showing posts with label estate sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label estate sale. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Estate sale finds

Today I went to a by appointment only estate sale. I found out about it last weekend when I went to my friend Mollys house for knitting night. I headed out not knowing what to expect and clearly it was a good one and there is still a TON left. Now to wash and tag everything.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Estate Sale Finds

All my fun estate sales from the last month or so.  I need to post these more often so there is not sooo many pictures in one post.

A pink glass tooth pick holder for my pink glass collection, milk glass lidded dish for my collection, aqua lidded container is now housing my safety pins, a vintage tomato pin cushion for my sewing room, and an aqua vintage sop dish for the shoppe.

Yummy vintage sheets!

A pink plastic container and all the goodies on top.

Red enamel pot. used this quite a bit all ready!

We broke our salt shaker so I was happy to find this one.

All kids of fun storage containers... going to be using in the sewing room.

Wicker purse with polka dot lining... have been using this everyday! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Peachy pink plastic bag... perfect for heading to the pool or beach.

vintage Sheet

White wicker trash can


More buttons

Vintage hankie will be in shopee soon.

Christmas beads.

vintage Purse... going in shoppe soon

More vintage sheets

Vintage pillow cases! Love these

Random goodies

Vintage Earrings

Vintage Dress... may have to use fabric for something else as I am having a hard time getting a stain out

Vintage Dress will be in shoppe soon... nice thing is it is a bigger size.

Vintage dress... also for shoppe.

Love this vintage dress and built in petti coat and belt

Also going into shoppe.

One more dress... will be in shoppe soon also... all dresses are about a 14... just guessing...

MORE vintage sheets!

Cool frame that I am going to paint!

Knitting needles... a bunch in the shoppe all ready.

Knitting needle can!

vintage Cards

Vintage Coin purse

Vintage Makeup case... storage in sewing room.

Sheet for Grahams bed

Towel and aqua plate

Going to use the shaker in my sewing room for twine and am using the yellow container in my bath.

I got this for the suitcase and inside was this cool aqua dryer that actually works! It is in the girls bathroom!

The cute suitcase.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Estate Sale Finds

BEWARE this post is going to be photo heavy as this is weeks worth of finds.
I am linking up with:

On to the goodies...
This is the most adorable glass Juice pitcher... Can't wait to serve juice out of it.

A pretty statue... don't mind the weeds.

A cute outdoor table... needs a coat of spray paint.

This is going to hold paper in my studio... it cost 3$  I LOVE IT

A wash board for my collection in my laundry room.

A silver holder... this is down at the shop I work at for sale, to large to try to deal with shipping.

two bracelets, a heart pendant and a pretty spoon.

Some old jars

Books for the kids... only paid 50cents for all of them.

Two vintage avon jars.. the yellow one is in my yellow bath and the pink one is in my pink aqua and grey bath.


Pretty pillowcase

A Purdy brush and two wire cutters... all for 3$

This is the top of my kitchen cabinets... the Item that is new is the far right thermos..

Close up of the darling thermos

A vintage Yellow satin box... going to use it in my yellow bathroom for storage as there is none.

Vintage Santa

Halloween deco and a vintage skunk game... which we played on Mon. as a family.

Tiny lamp shades... which will be getting a make over soon.
The tree turner stand!  Got it for 75cents:)

You can't tell from the picture, but these checkers are giant, they are about 4". The checkerboard is yucky... So I plan to make a new cute one.

Vintage Lipstick holders

These will be in the shoppe soon.

A car for Graham

Rooster S & P shakers... will be in Shoppe soon

vintage cookie cutters... Half are going in the shoppe

Two Tiny vases about 2" tall.  Keeping the lady.. The man will be in the shoppe soon.

This is one of my favorite finds... I LOVE Jadite but it is always too pricey... I asked the lady how much and she said $2.25.  I just about peed my pants with excitement.

Love this vintage Christmas Box... It has the Icicles in it still.

A Vintage clown toy.. which is for sale at the shop I work at.

This is the cutest piece of pottery... Try to ignore the dirt... It is all cleaned up pretty now.

Vintage Red stapler.

Vintage Green scale... for sale at my work.

Vintage sheets.

A lady night light... i love her but have no where for her so I will be selling her in the Shoppe.

Cute Valentine bell girl... Love to find vintage V-day decor.

Tiny vintage Bunnies, for my printer box.

Vintage Picnic basket.

Old light.

Cool mirror for my hall of mirrors... will be spray painting it.

Darling pink jewelry box and goodies inside.

Gwen and I are debating over who gets to keep it.

Canning jars.

Cute Vintage Lamp.

Vintage Buttons.

Pink vintage Santa.

Part of my milk glass collection.... the new piece is the pitcher

Close up of pitcher

Wood salad utensils... for sale at my work

Cool vintage stapler... for sale at my work.

Cute vintage Thermos for sale at my work.

Phew that was a TON of stuff.