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Showing posts with label decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decorations. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2009

My Christmas Decorations- A bit Late

I did not fall off the face of the earth... I was however without internet for FIVE days!!!!!!!!!!
UGGG... they finally got the DSL working properly today.
So better late than never... here are this years Christmas decorations.

Gabby helped me arrange this, she had fun doing it.
The very bottom shelf is all the santa photos I have from everyone in my family.

My vintage ceramic tree colection with a couple of other trees thrown in.

Our Christmas tree. Of course I chose a sunny day to take the photo, it looked so pretty at night.

This is one of my very favorite decorations. It is made out of vintage costume jewelry.
LOVE it!

Close up!

Our stockings hung on our mantle.
Chads, Gwens, Mine, Scarlettes, Gabbys and Grahams.
I got the stocking holders after xmas last year for 2$ each. Nice to have 6 matching ones!
Need to work on the stockings, I made the girls when they were little and now I need to make some new matching ones because this is quite the hodge podge. Chads I knitted and mine is a vintage one made out of a quilt, I love it and scarlettes is one I had used in years past and Grahams I got at a garage sale a few years ago and decided it matched better than the red one I made for him. A project for next year.

My vintage printers box.

My cute little pink tree.

a fun close up.
Hope you enjoyed a peek at our decorations. I had a very hard time decorating for Christmas when we are so not unpacked. I just put up the xmas decor and left the rest in the garage. Operation christmas removal starts tomorrow and then I can continue to unpack and decorate.
And decorate and host Graham's 3rd bday party. Yikes it is in less than two weeks.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th

Originally I had planned on having a picture of us in our shirts. We got to the local parade this am at 10 and plopped down on our red chenille blanket and got ready to take a picture and ... the battery in the camera was dead! So no cute family photo from the parade.

Instead a few decorations.

My printers box. So much fun to decorate, and I am always on the look out for tiny little things to fit in it!

Top of m pie safe.
I made the cross stitch sampler years ago, perfect for the 4th.
I am not loving this vignette, because I do not have many 4th colored decorations.


Last year I was part of a 4th of July swap and I received this darling banner.

Hope everyone has a fantastic and safe 4th.
Maybe I will get a photo of us later today!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Easter Decorations

Here are a few photos of my favorite Easter Decorations.

I got this pink tree at Christmas time for 75% off at Hobby Lobby and could not pass it up. I also used it for a Valentine tree. I love the vintage bunnies sitting under the tree. This is in the kitchen and amazingly Graham has yet to touch it.

Close up. I got these vintage hats at a yard sale in Napa and never used them because I didn't decorate for Easter last year with unpacking. They are made from vintage nut cups, soo cute.

The ever famous printers box.

My little collection of vintage looking bunnies, they look so pretty against the pink wall.

A couple of bunnies tucked in with my goodies.

Last but not least is my front door wreath. I got it last year after easter for 75% off. I love it! I had to add the ribbon to hang it because there was no hanging device.

Hope you enjoyed the decorations.