Here is the diaper stacker I made for baby girls side of the room. It is not a traditional diaper stacker, but it is so much cuter. I actually have a couple made for the shoppe but have not photographed them yet. The cool thing is they are reversible and hanging on a vintage baby hanger. I have one I use for Grahams Jumbo diapers and it holds about 30-40 diapers, so I am guessing it will hold a billion of the itty bitty cute newborn ones!
On Grahams side I finished his curtains and the writing on the wall. You can also see his lovely crib tent. So attractive! The curtains had to be short on his side because the window is up high and I was afraid he would be able to pull on them from his crib! He makes me read the writing on his wall to him.
We had two matching curtain rods that we brought with us however one was missing the finials. I was trying to decide what to do about it when I realized I have 6 blue vintage(looking) dresser knobs off of the changing table. So my clever hubby added the knobs to each end of the rod. I love the way it turned out and now I want pink ones for her side, too bad I don't have any!
The next night I said Chad's favorite phrase " I have an idea". My idea was to use two more of the knobs for curtain tie back holders. The screws that look pretty don't work in the dry wall so we had to use regular screws, but it still looks cute to me. I made the cute doggy tie backs from some fabric I had. I love how they turned out, especially since I just made up the style of the tie back out of my head.
There will be more to come and eventually a before and after of the room when we get it finished. Still have to do the lettering on her side, paint the dresser, changing table and book shelf. I am also still finishing the bedding, had a minor problem with the crib sheet. More on that later too.