Showing posts with label brandywine crabapple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brandywine crabapple. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Missing My Garden!

Here in January, the frozen ground reflects a dour sky. Patchy remnants of last week's snow lurk and huddle in icy splotches on the cold, north sides of shrubs and rocks. Even the yarrow, almost ever optimistic, appears defeated as it slumps in limp, burnished mounds. 

My demoralized yarrow resigns itself to winter.

In nostalgic remembrance of September and October I peruse my digital memories of those bright, colorful days. I hope you enjoy them, too.

The Brandywine crabapple (Malus 'Brandywine) fruits hang in cheery clusters against a brilliant September sky.

Brandywine crabapples in September.

My young Seminole Wind is becoming a favorite. 

Seminole Wind is also known as Rosarium Uetersen.

 I can't wait to see what he does in the next growing season, his third.

Already a likely little bush.

There were plenty of roses, especially minis, for indoor table arrangements in October. Last year, the Autumn of 2011, was unprecedented in providing roses through November.

Double Delight and clusters of minis made a charming table centerpiece for an October dinner party.

Hollyhocks brought a tropical flair to the September garden this year.

A few cantaloupe seeds from the compost made their way beneath the chokecherry tree. The vines produced these sweet treats that hung like fruits from its boughs. We harvested them in September.

The refreshing September verdure viewed from my lawn chair ...

... had by November taken on the gray and russet tones of the approaching winter.

The Bradford Pears take on Autumn with glowing defiance.

Below are links my recent gardening articles for the online San Francisco Chronicle. 

French Perfume -- Brilliant in October 2012.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Brandywine Crabapple Tree in Bloom

I adore this tree. It was planted about five years ago and it's still smallish. I love the color and form of these charming little blossoms, don't you?
Like a peony bud or a rose bloom

Dramatic color against the blue sky
A cluster is like a lovely corsage

The blossoms open flat and pale pink. There is a slight, sweet fragrance that would probably be stronger in a more humid situation.

Blossoms have opened big and happy

Such a pretty tree!
The blossoms are charming at every stage and range from hot to pale pink.

All ages clustered pleasantly together

The leafed-out tree in August

Crabapples in September

You may click to enlarge the above photos