Showing posts with label Sedona rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedona rose. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Sedona Rose

I snapped this photo of the Sedona rose at a home center nursery in, appropriately, Sedona, Arizona last week. It is outstandingly bright orange, with a light scent. Sedona (the rose) was introduced by Jackson and Perkins last year. It was offered as a potted 2 gallon plant in the nursery through Weeks Roses. Sedona (the town) is famous for its red rocks.
From January, 2011, Sunset at Boynton Canyon area, Sedona, AZ
From January, 2011, Boynton Canyon area, Sedona, AZ, a mule deer is more indignant than surprised at our passing car.
The rocks in Sedona truly are RED, glowing in the sunset, brooding in the twilight, with changing variations throughout the day. Sedona is in Sunset zone 10, a dry climate with a fairly long growing season and enough winter chill for bulbs, stone fruits and lilacs. Sedona provides a very nice gardening climate for desert-lovers.
Grayback Mountain dominates the views in West Sedona, along with Italian cypress and the ubiquitous photina bushes .

I think that the Sedona rose is well named for this lovely, colorful place. 

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