As some of you may know from one of my previous entries I play
The Grocery Game and yesterday was GG nirvana! First of all the coupons were amazing! There were 5 circulars alone in my paper and the sales were nuts! I bought 5 papers (the Walgreens in my area sells the sunday paper for 88 cents) plus the one I have delivered, so I was cutting and sorting coupons for hours. My girlfriend bought 10 papers, I heard of some who bought 20. Here is a little background on my
budget and how I make this work so you don't have to read this again if you already have.
On to the good stuff; my receipts. Yup, I'm going to post them and what I bought. Here is what I DIDN'T buy and why: meat, cereal and diapers. I didn't buy meat because my freezer is full. I hit Sam's last week when they were having a crazy sale and stocked up on chicken for $1.88 a pound, pork chops for around $2 and I still have ground beef from a Bloom sale that was $.99 pound. I still have cereal and I don't pay more than around $2 a box for it--usually less. I don't buy sugary cereals either so it tends to be harder to get. And as far as diapers go, I'm going to Costco later today, they are having a great sale with a coupon and I plan to stock up there.

This is my BiLo receipt and totals. The idea is to stock up when the deals are this good.
I bought:
6 bottles of Wishbone salad dressing
4 cans of campbells cream of chicken soup
6 jars of Jiff peanut butter
6 Softsoap liquid soap
1 bottle of Infusium shampoo (19 cents!)

This is my CVS receipt and my purchases.
One Touch blood glucose monitor (free)
2 Libriderm lotion
2 Boost 6 pack
2 Glade Diffuser Twinpack
2 Centrum Multi w/ Caltrate
2 All Small and Mighty Detergent
20 pack Cottonelle bath tissue
I also got $26 in ECB for my next visit there. My receipt was taller than me!

This is Publix, where I do most of my shopping because I just like the store. The food is good, and I like the store, the pharmacy and the people there.
Here is what I purchased:
2 Kelloggs Pop Tarts
Pampers Wipes
2 Totinos Pizza Rolls
2 Publix graham crackers
2 Flinstones Multi Vit
4 4-Pack Campbells Tomato Soup (ended up being .30 can)
2 Land O Lakes Butter
2 Aleve 50 count tablets
30 count Claritin
2 barillia Ziti
2 Barilla Angel Hair
2 Barilla Spaghetti
10 Danon yogurt (.30 each)
6 cans Progresso soup (.75 each)
Northland cranberry juice
2 Kraft Macaroni Dinner
Lea and Perrins worcestershire sauce
2 Athenos Hummus
Publix frosted flakes ( 1 cent item)
That's a lot isn't it? I rarely buy meat there since Bloom, Ingles and Sam's have such spectacular meat deals and I just stock up there. So, if you are interested in cutting you grocery bill by 45 to 50% as I have without having to sacrifice what you eat, check out The Grocery Game. Make sure you put me down as a referral too (! Whenever you refer someone, you get a month free so be sure to do the same once you sign up.