While the pork was cooking, the baby was napping, I was putzing around and my husband and oldest were outside playing. At some point my son got a rock. No big deal. Dirt is his best friend. A while later I am upstairs and I hear there is a rock up his nose. You read right UP HIS NOSE. I go downstairs to investigate. I look up there and see nothing. And like any good mom of a little boy, I stick my pinky up there and don't feel anything. I give him a tissue, tell him to blow really hard and tell him we got it. I'm thinking he had some dirt fly up there and it was irritating him.
As I'm walking away, I think to myself, this is MY son, he is 4, he's done some pretty strange things. Would he shove a rock so far up there I couldn't see it. YUP. So I go off in search of a flashlight. Sure enough, he has a rock shoved up his nose. Almost clear to his sinuses. After a couple fits of hystrical laughing and seeing my future with not one but two boy children, I go tell my husband that unless I can extract this thing that an ER trip my be in our iminent future. "I thought you said there wasn't one up there!" he said. "I needed a flashlight", I said. Boy, can his eyes get big.
I find a thin pair of tweezers and somehow convince my son that it's ok for mommy to try to get the rock. He didn't like me shoving the tweezers up there. The rock going up was ok. The tweezers weren't. Now, he's crying because the rock hurts. Mind you, he'd been walking around with it in his nose for maybe an hour before he told us about it. I try the tweezers one last time and he isn't having it. I see our Thanksgiving being spent in the ER with a laughing doc as he gets the rock out. And probably nasty cafeteria turkey.
By now, the kid is laughing and crying and producing truckloads of snot. We try one last trick. We get him to hang upside down and blow his nose really hard. And Woo Hooo!! He expels the rock.
Now, we have a great story to tell for years to come. I'm sure it will come up at his wedding. I've saved, blogged and called all the grandparents.
Maybe I need to take out an ad now.