joy to the world |
beginning to decorate |
The xmas tree is up!!! Well it was, until i got a little bit greedy and tried to put more decoration on it than the poor little tree could handle! Each year i try to decorate it differently than the previous year. This year it's a little bit shabby, with lots of vintage jewellery and some quirky bits that i have had lying around the house... I gathered up roses, crystals, old crocheted gloves, braid from my sewing box even a pincushion. There are earings, bracelets and pearls... lots of vintage bling... It got so heavy that it began to lean. then the poor thing collapsed under the weight.... it looked gorgeous for a minute or two....
before a lot of bling was added |
almost there |
My daughters thought this quite hilarious as we are all playing with our trees, trying to get them just right. There is a little bit of competition happening and i'm now running last,with this mishap.. its all great fun and the end result being some very creative trees!
Xmas in our family has always been a time of great joy and excitement. its a wonderful time to gather together and celebrate our love for each other. There is the ritual of feasting and sharing of gifts, much fun and hilarity, teasing and laughter, sometimes tears but always the knowledge, that we are very lucky, as a family, to have each other.
There is another generation emerging, now, having fun, living life and learning the traditions of family... my greatest achievement will be realized if they can live their lives with love, respect and compassion.. i need to say that i am very proud to be the matriarch ( its a role that i cherish,) of this boisterous lot, and am enjoying watching as each special individual finds their place in our lives.. i love you all...
Aangel up above..dd caption |
stunning vintage shellcraft doll..Add caption |
gorgeous vintage jewellery, but the weight was too much to bear...Add caption |
In the midst of all this love and emotion that i am feeling for my family, comes the intense feeling of pain and loss.. My very beautiful pekingese, Toddy, passed away recently.. He was the centre of my existence and the pain of his loss, devastating... i know from experience that time will heal the gaping hole in my heart, but for now, knowledge doesn't ease that pain.. Life is different now.. he isn't waiting for me when i come home, he isn't there when i turn around, but i can still smell him, still hear his breathing in the other room... He is resting, in the garden, with his toy piggy. RIP my darling boy..xxx
I am still working on the Lines house that i bought a little while back..I will post piccy's soon, its starting to look as it should or as it would have... still haven't decided about the wallpaper!
I am going now to put some twinkling lights over the front door!! hug your loved ones Christine xxx