Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010

Any honest, SINGLE guys out there???

So once again, I have been lied to by a male. Big shock huh? I don't know why I even bat an eyelash anymore, I'm so used to it. Maybe I'm still naive enough to think it'll be different every time. Stupid me! This time, it's a guy I've known for 5 years.

I've dated this guy, Justin, off & on since 05. He's a really nice guy. Army sargeant, very disciplined, self-sufficient, decently well-off, good looking, cute dog, nice car, etc. We've always had a lot of fun together, we get along great & have a lot in common. He always took me on nice dates, and we even went to Hot Import Nights one year. We've never been TOO serious since he lives all the way down in Lawton(about 70-80 miles away) and neither of us want a long-distance relationship, but I really liked him & I honestly cared about him. So I NEVER expected to find out what I found out last night. I found out, from MYSPACE of all sources, that he's MARRIED! And upon doing a bit more digging, I found out that he's BEEN married since 2006 and just never bothered to tell me!!!

This is some horse shit. This is a guy who told me that he isn't ready to settle down, that he'd never get married, blah blah blah. Is this kind of crap common or does it only happen to ME? Why is it that every guy I THINK I know turns out to either be an asshole or a lying sack of shit?! Are there any guys out there that are JUST FUCKING NORMAL?!?! Pardon my french but I'm really pissed. And hurt too, I know this guy wasn't the love of my life or anything, but I DID think he was at least a DECENT GUY. Hell, I drove all the way down there to see him just YESTERDAY! I found out a little while ago that he was seeing another girl down there, but he led me to believe they were swingers & that she knew about me. I didn't LIKE it, but like I said we weren't serious(and yes, condoms were used). But a WIFE??? Come on. And this is a guy who got upset after I started dating someone else during one of our "off" periods! I guess it's okay for ME to have to share but not for him!

What the hell happened to gentlemen, and chivalry? Why can't I find someone who has enough respect to just be HONEST with me? Honesty is the BARE MINIMUM that I expect from people, it's the simplest thing in the world to give so why is it so hard to just tell the damn truth? I'm the most easygoing person in the world, you can tell me ANYTHING and it'll be cool. The only time I really get mad is when I have to FIND OUT about it! What is it about my face that just screams "LIE TO MEEE!"??? This happens every damn time I date someone. I always end up finding out about a girlfriend, or a wife, or a kid, or a drug problem, or a criminal record, or a mental illness, or a checkered past... et cetera, the list could go on ad nauseam.

The old saying, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is VERY true:) I have saved all our texts & emails, and I might just tell his wife. Turns out they're NOT swingers, and if she finds out he's dead meat. She's a rather "husky" gal too, and I think he's afraid of her. If he gets away with this he'll never learn anything.

Goddamnit. I know it's just yet another incidence of a guy lying to me, but it still hurts every time.

Friday, November 27, 2009

True Beauty...?

My recent breakup has inspired me to examine what real beauty is. Does is come from within, or is it really just what meets the eyes?

For almost 10 years now, I have been in love with the most physically beautiful man I have ever met. On the outside he was breathtaking(to me at least), but on the inside he was less than cute. The whole experience(I won't go into detail, but it was bad) has forced me to examine what I consider beauty to really be. The most outwardly beautiful person I've ever met turned out to be the WORST person I've ever met. He was hateful, rude, selfish, emotionally abusive, and a shameless drug addict, but the very sight of him made me quiver. He was THAT hot. The most inwardly beautiful person I've ever met is one of the homeliest. He was caring, sweet, patient, ungodly smart, and he was also, chubby, hairy, and had enough bacne to rival the volcanoes of Io(the moon of Jupiter, dummy). WTF is going on with this equation?

I have been a shallow person for many years. Basically my whole life up until this year. If a guy was hot, I would put up with more shit than any sane person would. If a guy was average, he couldn't even get away with leaving a pee splash on the toilet seat. Why is this? I cannot answer that question. But I have learned a valuable lesson. Looks aren't everything, in fact, looks mean NOTHING.

What do I find beautiful in a person anyway, you ask?

Love for animals
A conservative lifestyle
Family values
Adventurous attitudes

The next relationship I get into will definitely be based off of inward beauty. I'm tired of getting screwed over by HOT guys.