Tonight I was reminded yet again of why 99.9% of my friends are male. Cause girls are NUTS.
Some months ago, my former best friend & I tried rekindling our friendship. It ended in 07 over her finding out that I dated her ex for like a week back in 2001. They were broken up at the time, and he & I got along really well so we got together. Yes, it was a bad idea & I felt so horrible about it that I broke it off after a week even though I really liked him. She found out 6 years later & flipped out. All of a sudden I'm a mega-whore & the worst human being in the world. She literally told EVERYONE who would listen all about it. Added little twists to the story, like how I plotted to steal him the whole time & how I tried to break them up. Haha, NO. I tried to keep them TOGETHER. I was the one that both of them called whenever they'd fight & I was the one who sorted out their damn problems & tried to get them to STFU & get along. She turned all our friends against me, including people I knew before she even joined our circle of friends. It didn't matter that one, no- TWO of her friends had dated one of MY long-term boyfriends, oh no, or that she herself had had a romantic relationship with one of my BFs(and she never bothered to tell me about it when he tried to hit on her when he & I were still together!). *I'M* the slut because she had KIDS with the guy. Oh, you didn't know that if a guy knocks you up that means he's yours forever even when you break up? Yeah, I must have missed that memo too. Oh, won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?! Screw you guys, fuck the children. I apologized out the ass, but it did no good. De-friend.
Anyway, a few months ago she messaged me on facebook, saying she wanted to be friends again. I was like 'cool!'. RE-friend. So we try to be friends again & all seemed to be going well. Until the other day, when I made the grievous mistake of friending some random dude on Facebook, one of her friends from her profile, simply because he seemed pretty cool. Had NO idea that they were secret fuckbuddies, and that adding him was going to stir up ALL THIS BULLSHIT & result in her deleting me & spreading a bunch of lies about me to all our friends yet again. Apparently this guy emailed her to brag that I friended him, so of course she assumed I was out to 'steal' him. Um, no, he honestly just seemed nice! De-friend again.
According to the hysterical rant that one of our mutual friends posted on MY profile tonight- I had a partial birth abortion at 5 months even though I'm a right wing anti-abortion nutjob(not true- I've never had a PBA, I'm an Independent, & I'm pro-choice),and I specifically go after married men. Yeah, I did sleep with a married man once. BEFORE I FOUND OUT ABOUT HIS F*CKING WIFE!!!!!
With friends like these, who the hell needs enemies? At least my enemies are up front with me, they don't smile at my face & then talk shit behind my damn back. Good riddance, you catty bitches.
GUYS have never done this to me. GUYS have never schemed and gossiped behind my back. GUYS don't dwell on shit from 9 goddamn years ago & still talk about it like it was yesterday & never forgive me for ONE SINGLE STUPID ASS MISTAKE THAT I'VE APOLOGIZED FOR A MILLION TIMES EVEN THOUGH THEY & THEIR WHORE FRIENDS DID THE SAME FUCKING SHIT TO ME.
No offense to any girls who read this who are NOT bitchy, 2-faced cunts. If you're one of the few girls on this planet who's actually NOT completely fucking crazy, then I salute you.
Showing posts with label assholes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assholes. Show all posts
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Either learn english or quit @#$%ing calling me.
It seems like every time I get a new phone number, the first couple months with it are spent running off all the Mexicans who won't quit calling me looking for their damn friends. Last time on Sprint, my number had been previously owned by 'Michelle', who- judging by all the perverts that called me day & night talking dirty in spanish- was some sort of hispanic hooker. It was a solid 6 months before the calls & texts that began with "Hola mami!" tapered off. After a while I just started telling them that the dumb bitch was DEAD just to shut them the hell up.
Now, there's one guy with an out of state number who's called about 6 times in the past week & a half. I answer, IN ENGLISH, and he starts rambling in spanish. I say loudly & clearly, "I'm sorry sir, you have the wrong number" and hang up. But the idiot keeps calling!!! You'd think that by the 2nd or 3rd time you call your 'friend' and get a strange english-speaking chick on the other end, you'd put 2 & 2 together & deduce that hey- I might just have the wrong damn number! Oh no, not my little *amigo*. He's a persistent little bugger! He just KNOWS his friend is on the other end somewhere & he will only take si for an answer.
I was trying to catch a few ZZZ's in my car on my lunch hour today, when my little illegal buddy decides to call again. I answer, he starts rattling off in spanish as usual, and I say(very firmly, might I add), "NO. STOP. Sir, you have the WRONG NUMBER. Goodbye!" and hangup. 30 seconds later- he CALLS BACK!!! I lost it. Without waiting for him to say a word, I yell "QUIT FUCKING CALLING ME!!! YOU HAVE THE WRONG DAMN NUMBER!!!" and hang up. I guess his English skills finally kicked in after that, cause he didn't call back again. Sorry if it seems 'mean' or whatever, but I've had enough of this shit. I've tried to politely let him know multiple times that he had the wrong number but he wouldn't listen. If this asshole would take the time to learn the language of the country he's living in, he would understand that he's got the wrong damn number. Shit like this is why I hate illegal immigrants. Here's a novel idea- if you wanna live here so bad, why not come here legally, learn our language, and contribute to society? Hell, if MY family can do it, so can you! Shit.
Also, I'd like to thank the burrito-eating buttmunch who had my number prior to me for signing up for that lovely 'joke of the day' text-messaging service that I get to pay for now! I discovered a nice little $9.99 monthly charge on my bill a week ago. WTF. Thank Odin that T-Mobile is staffed by kind, understanding people or else I may not have been able to get that charge credited back.
So, off I go to the T-Mobile store, to plead my case for a benevolent rep to waive the $15 fee to change my goddamn number. Stupid Mexicans. I'm just gonna start saying horrible, offensive things in Spanish whenever they call.
Now, there's one guy with an out of state number who's called about 6 times in the past week & a half. I answer, IN ENGLISH, and he starts rambling in spanish. I say loudly & clearly, "I'm sorry sir, you have the wrong number" and hang up. But the idiot keeps calling!!! You'd think that by the 2nd or 3rd time you call your 'friend' and get a strange english-speaking chick on the other end, you'd put 2 & 2 together & deduce that hey- I might just have the wrong damn number! Oh no, not my little *amigo*. He's a persistent little bugger! He just KNOWS his friend is on the other end somewhere & he will only take si for an answer.
I was trying to catch a few ZZZ's in my car on my lunch hour today, when my little illegal buddy decides to call again. I answer, he starts rattling off in spanish as usual, and I say(very firmly, might I add), "NO. STOP. Sir, you have the WRONG NUMBER. Goodbye!" and hangup. 30 seconds later- he CALLS BACK!!! I lost it. Without waiting for him to say a word, I yell "QUIT FUCKING CALLING ME!!! YOU HAVE THE WRONG DAMN NUMBER!!!" and hang up. I guess his English skills finally kicked in after that, cause he didn't call back again. Sorry if it seems 'mean' or whatever, but I've had enough of this shit. I've tried to politely let him know multiple times that he had the wrong number but he wouldn't listen. If this asshole would take the time to learn the language of the country he's living in, he would understand that he's got the wrong damn number. Shit like this is why I hate illegal immigrants. Here's a novel idea- if you wanna live here so bad, why not come here legally, learn our language, and contribute to society? Hell, if MY family can do it, so can you! Shit.
Also, I'd like to thank the burrito-eating buttmunch who had my number prior to me for signing up for that lovely 'joke of the day' text-messaging service that I get to pay for now! I discovered a nice little $9.99 monthly charge on my bill a week ago. WTF. Thank Odin that T-Mobile is staffed by kind, understanding people or else I may not have been able to get that charge credited back.
So, off I go to the T-Mobile store, to plead my case for a benevolent rep to waive the $15 fee to change my goddamn number. Stupid Mexicans. I'm just gonna start saying horrible, offensive things in Spanish whenever they call.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Now I remember why I quit hanging out with girls.
Cause they're a bunch of critical, catty, mean bitches. I frequent every day. I like the articles on there and I often lend my opinions & feedback via the comments area. However, I am seriously considering deleting my bookmark. Why? I have never seen so many radical, hateful women anywhere else in my entire life, and they're ruining the site for me. The unwritten code of conduct at Jezebel is thus:
1. Love Obama or GTFO.
2. Jezebel is only for radical leftists, so everyone else GTFO.
3. Hate all men or GTFO.
4. Never, EVER make any statement that could be construed as even remotely conservative, or else you are a racist, woman-hating piece of shit who needs to go die. (seriously- a BLACK WOMAN could get on there & say she doesn't love Obama & she'd be labeled a self-hating racist. And don't even think about disagreeing with abortion. I'm pro-choice but I said once that I don't like partial birth abortions & I got shit for that.)
5. Never, EVER express your opinion unless it matches the rest of the 'Jezzies' opinions(IE- unless you're a extreme leftist, keep your opinions to yourself).
Yes, I'm conservative. I'm not ashamed. I'm an Independent conservative who thinks that Obama is a @#$%ing idiot who's ruining this country. I'm also pro-choice and a feminist. I think women can & should do whatever the hell men can do. But I guess I'm not feminist enough for the other commenters on Jezebel, cause nearly everything I say gets picked apart. It's REALLY starting to piss me off, and I'm having a hard time holding my temper around those bitches anymore.
This kind of bullshit is why 99% of my friends are guys. And the few chicks I do associate with are manlier than my guy friends. My best girl friend can out-fart my best guy friend, for example. Any women out there who are not catty, snide, hateful professional victims? Lets see some hands.
1. Love Obama or GTFO.
2. Jezebel is only for radical leftists, so everyone else GTFO.
3. Hate all men or GTFO.
4. Never, EVER make any statement that could be construed as even remotely conservative, or else you are a racist, woman-hating piece of shit who needs to go die. (seriously- a BLACK WOMAN could get on there & say she doesn't love Obama & she'd be labeled a self-hating racist. And don't even think about disagreeing with abortion. I'm pro-choice but I said once that I don't like partial birth abortions & I got shit for that.)
5. Never, EVER express your opinion unless it matches the rest of the 'Jezzies' opinions(IE- unless you're a extreme leftist, keep your opinions to yourself).
Yes, I'm conservative. I'm not ashamed. I'm an Independent conservative who thinks that Obama is a @#$%ing idiot who's ruining this country. I'm also pro-choice and a feminist. I think women can & should do whatever the hell men can do. But I guess I'm not feminist enough for the other commenters on Jezebel, cause nearly everything I say gets picked apart. It's REALLY starting to piss me off, and I'm having a hard time holding my temper around those bitches anymore.
This kind of bullshit is why 99% of my friends are guys. And the few chicks I do associate with are manlier than my guy friends. My best girl friend can out-fart my best guy friend, for example. Any women out there who are not catty, snide, hateful professional victims? Lets see some hands.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Update on WinPho7
New details- no copy & paste, no SD card support(only internal storage, a la iPhone), super-tight controls on developers, predefined hardware requirements(1ghz cpu, WVGA screen min. res., 3 button setup; home, back, and search), and no user customization.
Honestly- who the HELL is still excited for WP7 after hearing all this?!? I'm to the point where I will go back to my old Treo 700p before I would ever use this horrible, godawful, retard-friendly monstrosity that is known as Windows Phone 7.
I truly have no clue WTF Microsoft is thinking by anally raping WinMo like this. This is the WORST possible direction to take their OS in. Its like they hired Opie from the Pawtucket Brewery to spearhead this project. I repeat- this is Palm OS all over again. Did a complete redesign work for them? Hell no, Palm is going BANKRUPT & is contemplating selling to another company.
This reinforces my big philosophy- Sometimes the old ways really are best.
Companies, please hear my words: STOP FUCKING FIXING SHIT THAT ISN'T BROKEN.
Honestly- who the HELL is still excited for WP7 after hearing all this?!? I'm to the point where I will go back to my old Treo 700p before I would ever use this horrible, godawful, retard-friendly monstrosity that is known as Windows Phone 7.
I truly have no clue WTF Microsoft is thinking by anally raping WinMo like this. This is the WORST possible direction to take their OS in. Its like they hired Opie from the Pawtucket Brewery to spearhead this project. I repeat- this is Palm OS all over again. Did a complete redesign work for them? Hell no, Palm is going BANKRUPT & is contemplating selling to another company.
This reinforces my big philosophy- Sometimes the old ways really are best.
Companies, please hear my words: STOP FUCKING FIXING SHIT THAT ISN'T BROKEN.
i haz a sad,
Windows Mobile,
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Windows Phone 7- a rant.
The more I read about MS's new & "improved" version of Windows Mobile, the more I want to drink poison. I'm seeing the impending death of my favorite OS with the announcement of WM7. I hate you, Microsoft. WM7 looks like something you'd find on a Firefly, or a Nickelodeon phone aimed at pre-teens. It's completely different- no more Start menu, its all huge, brightly colored icons & 72 point fonts. No more support for legacy programs- it's not backwards compatible! No more multitasking either(but have no fear- your Twitter feeds will still update in the background, so you'll always know what Tila Tequila is up to!). Storage will be cloud based, which means you can store all your shit on remote servers & just stream whatever you want. Uh-oh, no data connection? Well then you're just fucked, buddy!
The new UI looks like something you'd see on a dumbphone thats trying to imitate a smartphone, like a Samsung Instinct. Now, the Instinct is a good phone, but if I wanted my phone to look like an Instinct, I'd have gotten an Instinct to begin with. I know they wanna win over the drooling masses with eye candy, but what about us geeks? The people who use their phones for things other than listening to top 40 & stalking their exes on Myspace? This is a HUGE step back for WM. I do not know what MS is thinking with this monstrosity & it truly hurts my heart to see them ass-raping WinMo like this. Did they not see what happened with Palm? "Wow, look how WebOS has taken over the market, and look how happy long-time Palm users are that they can't run their old apps anymore! We SO need to get in on that!" /sarcasm. Nobody even THINKS about WebOS or Palm anymore, they committed SUICIDE by killing Garnet. Microsoft is pounding the nail into the coffin of their mobile relevancy with this move, mark my words.
Windows Mobile has a HUGE geek following, and MS is just going to ensure that even more people migrate to Android & iPhone by abandoning us to cater to scenester douchebags. They'll be alienating a shit-ton of long time users, and I for one don't appreciate it. I NEVER thought I'd say this- but if MS is really gonna give the big F-U to its legacy users, or if they don't offer options to those of us who care more about functionality than cute icons & social networking, well... then Android or even the iPhone(shudder) might just be an option for me. Never thought I'd seek comfort in the arms of the enemy, but if the rumors turn out to be true, then that might just happen. And anyone who knows me knows I am a HARDCORE WinMo geek, so that is really saying something.
The real nail in the coffin is the lack of backwards compatibility. This is what's going to kill this new OS. That is why the Treo 755p was my last Palm device, cause they killed BC with the Pre. Yeah, a guy developed an emulator for old palm apps for the Pre, but how long did that take, a year? I've spent a lot of money of WM apps over the years, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna give them all up for cloud storage & animated icons.
To put it in perspective for those of you who think I'm overreacting- How would you feel if Windows(or Mac OS whatever, or Linux) was totally rewritten & came out looking like something off a Leapster? And what if you could only do one thing at a time, had far less options, and none of your favorite programs worked with it anymore? What if you had to find alternatives to every program you used to use every day? What is you were forced to learn a whole new OS & had to learn new ways to do everything? And what if they did it just to cater to all the DUMB SHITS who were too stupid to figure out how to use the old version? You'd be PISSED. You'd feel betrayed by the company. You would feel INSULTED that they think you are so stupid that you need such a simple OS. This is exactly how I feel about WM7.
I hate it when companies fix things that aren't broken. It happens every time I find something I really like- it either gets discontinued or it gets changed into something completely different. Dodge discontinued Neons in 2005. The Body Shop changed their heavenly vanilla perfume oil into some nauseating flowery crap. MAC discontinued my favorite lipstick. MIA no longer makes those cute strappy black sandals I used to love. Grandy's went out of business. Nivea discontinued my favorite toner. Et cetera, et cetera. I'm afraid to like anything anymore! Yes, WM needed UPDATING, but it didn't need to be completely redone into a whole new OS. Yeah they might eliminate some crashes, but they've also gotten rid of everything that makes WinMo great. WTF. But I guess appealing to teenagers, soccer moms, and tech-tards is more important than keeping existing customers happy & making REAL progress. I truly never thought I'd see a day when social networking would take precedence over multitasking capabilities, but apparently that day has come. I'm honestly in shock. I don't know how to feel, I'm kinda numb here. I admit I'm pretty big on social networking- I have a Myspace, a Facebook, a blog, about 10 email addresses, and various profiles in all sorts of forums. But social networking is not the MAIN THING I use my phone for! What about customization, tailored today screens, total program freedom, hacks, tweaks, and the like? Is changeable wallpaper supposed to satisfy our appetites for individuality? No. No no no no no.
This new OS is aimed at all the morons who bitched & whined that using classic WinMo is 'too hard!', but the complexity is what I love MOST about it. You can hack it till the cows come home & make it do whatever you want it to do! What's not to like about that? WHY does every company always dumb everything down?! Why not force people to LEARN rather than contribute to their ignorance by making things easier? A man will eat for a day if you give him a fish, but he will starve tomorrow unless he LEARNS to fish.
I swear- I've said it before & I'll say it again- we are hurtling toward Idiocracy at an alarming rate. When Microsoft has to reduce Windows Mobile, a powerful business-oriented, versatile mobile OS thats been around for 14 years, to a mishmash of bright colors & flashy animations just to stay on the market, then it's time to start worrying. I can't believe anyone would be okay with a 'new & improved' version of anything being DUMBED DOWN to appeal to morons. Its an insult to our collective intelligence. Even on the video(scroll down) the guy is saying this new version is not aimed at business users, but at everyone else. Translation: "Since you're all too stupid to operate regular Windows Mobile, here's a much more idiot-friendly version for ya!"
Pardon my french, but this is fucking bullshit. Windows Phone 7 makes me want to die. Seriously. If I can't have my comfortable old WinMo, then I don't see the point of going on any more. They BETTER keep 6.5 around, or I just might lose it. They need to release 7 as a separate 'consumer edition' & keep the classic version around for smart people. If they make 7 backwards compatible & give us multitasking, then I MIGHT try it, but as of now its looking like nothing more than a glorified Instinct.
Take a look at this digital abortion~
WOW!!! You can find movie listings & update your Facebook & search the web! Odd... vexing... but I can do that on my LG Lotus dumbphone too, what the hell?! And if I didn't know better I'd think they were trying to imitate the iPhone with all that pinch to zoom bullshit. Way to go, Microsoft. You really screwed the pooch this time.
The new UI looks like something you'd see on a dumbphone thats trying to imitate a smartphone, like a Samsung Instinct. Now, the Instinct is a good phone, but if I wanted my phone to look like an Instinct, I'd have gotten an Instinct to begin with. I know they wanna win over the drooling masses with eye candy, but what about us geeks? The people who use their phones for things other than listening to top 40 & stalking their exes on Myspace? This is a HUGE step back for WM. I do not know what MS is thinking with this monstrosity & it truly hurts my heart to see them ass-raping WinMo like this. Did they not see what happened with Palm? "Wow, look how WebOS has taken over the market, and look how happy long-time Palm users are that they can't run their old apps anymore! We SO need to get in on that!" /sarcasm. Nobody even THINKS about WebOS or Palm anymore, they committed SUICIDE by killing Garnet. Microsoft is pounding the nail into the coffin of their mobile relevancy with this move, mark my words.
Windows Mobile has a HUGE geek following, and MS is just going to ensure that even more people migrate to Android & iPhone by abandoning us to cater to scenester douchebags. They'll be alienating a shit-ton of long time users, and I for one don't appreciate it. I NEVER thought I'd say this- but if MS is really gonna give the big F-U to its legacy users, or if they don't offer options to those of us who care more about functionality than cute icons & social networking, well... then Android or even the iPhone(shudder) might just be an option for me. Never thought I'd seek comfort in the arms of the enemy, but if the rumors turn out to be true, then that might just happen. And anyone who knows me knows I am a HARDCORE WinMo geek, so that is really saying something.
The real nail in the coffin is the lack of backwards compatibility. This is what's going to kill this new OS. That is why the Treo 755p was my last Palm device, cause they killed BC with the Pre. Yeah, a guy developed an emulator for old palm apps for the Pre, but how long did that take, a year? I've spent a lot of money of WM apps over the years, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna give them all up for cloud storage & animated icons.
To put it in perspective for those of you who think I'm overreacting- How would you feel if Windows(or Mac OS whatever, or Linux) was totally rewritten & came out looking like something off a Leapster? And what if you could only do one thing at a time, had far less options, and none of your favorite programs worked with it anymore? What if you had to find alternatives to every program you used to use every day? What is you were forced to learn a whole new OS & had to learn new ways to do everything? And what if they did it just to cater to all the DUMB SHITS who were too stupid to figure out how to use the old version? You'd be PISSED. You'd feel betrayed by the company. You would feel INSULTED that they think you are so stupid that you need such a simple OS. This is exactly how I feel about WM7.
I hate it when companies fix things that aren't broken. It happens every time I find something I really like- it either gets discontinued or it gets changed into something completely different. Dodge discontinued Neons in 2005. The Body Shop changed their heavenly vanilla perfume oil into some nauseating flowery crap. MAC discontinued my favorite lipstick. MIA no longer makes those cute strappy black sandals I used to love. Grandy's went out of business. Nivea discontinued my favorite toner. Et cetera, et cetera. I'm afraid to like anything anymore! Yes, WM needed UPDATING, but it didn't need to be completely redone into a whole new OS. Yeah they might eliminate some crashes, but they've also gotten rid of everything that makes WinMo great. WTF. But I guess appealing to teenagers, soccer moms, and tech-tards is more important than keeping existing customers happy & making REAL progress. I truly never thought I'd see a day when social networking would take precedence over multitasking capabilities, but apparently that day has come. I'm honestly in shock. I don't know how to feel, I'm kinda numb here. I admit I'm pretty big on social networking- I have a Myspace, a Facebook, a blog, about 10 email addresses, and various profiles in all sorts of forums. But social networking is not the MAIN THING I use my phone for! What about customization, tailored today screens, total program freedom, hacks, tweaks, and the like? Is changeable wallpaper supposed to satisfy our appetites for individuality? No. No no no no no.
This new OS is aimed at all the morons who bitched & whined that using classic WinMo is 'too hard!', but the complexity is what I love MOST about it. You can hack it till the cows come home & make it do whatever you want it to do! What's not to like about that? WHY does every company always dumb everything down?! Why not force people to LEARN rather than contribute to their ignorance by making things easier? A man will eat for a day if you give him a fish, but he will starve tomorrow unless he LEARNS to fish.
I swear- I've said it before & I'll say it again- we are hurtling toward Idiocracy at an alarming rate. When Microsoft has to reduce Windows Mobile, a powerful business-oriented, versatile mobile OS thats been around for 14 years, to a mishmash of bright colors & flashy animations just to stay on the market, then it's time to start worrying. I can't believe anyone would be okay with a 'new & improved' version of anything being DUMBED DOWN to appeal to morons. Its an insult to our collective intelligence. Even on the video(scroll down) the guy is saying this new version is not aimed at business users, but at everyone else. Translation: "Since you're all too stupid to operate regular Windows Mobile, here's a much more idiot-friendly version for ya!"
Pardon my french, but this is fucking bullshit. Windows Phone 7 makes me want to die. Seriously. If I can't have my comfortable old WinMo, then I don't see the point of going on any more. They BETTER keep 6.5 around, or I just might lose it. They need to release 7 as a separate 'consumer edition' & keep the classic version around for smart people. If they make 7 backwards compatible & give us multitasking, then I MIGHT try it, but as of now its looking like nothing more than a glorified Instinct.
Take a look at this digital abortion~
WOW!!! You can find movie listings & update your Facebook & search the web! Odd... vexing... but I can do that on my LG Lotus dumbphone too, what the hell?! And if I didn't know better I'd think they were trying to imitate the iPhone with all that pinch to zoom bullshit. Way to go, Microsoft. You really screwed the pooch this time.
i haz a sad,
Windows Mobile
Monday, January 18, 2010
Any honest, SINGLE guys out there???
So once again, I have been lied to by a male. Big shock huh? I don't know why I even bat an eyelash anymore, I'm so used to it. Maybe I'm still naive enough to think it'll be different every time. Stupid me! This time, it's a guy I've known for 5 years.
I've dated this guy, Justin, off & on since 05. He's a really nice guy. Army sargeant, very disciplined, self-sufficient, decently well-off, good looking, cute dog, nice car, etc. We've always had a lot of fun together, we get along great & have a lot in common. He always took me on nice dates, and we even went to Hot Import Nights one year. We've never been TOO serious since he lives all the way down in Lawton(about 70-80 miles away) and neither of us want a long-distance relationship, but I really liked him & I honestly cared about him. So I NEVER expected to find out what I found out last night. I found out, from MYSPACE of all sources, that he's MARRIED! And upon doing a bit more digging, I found out that he's BEEN married since 2006 and just never bothered to tell me!!!
This is some horse shit. This is a guy who told me that he isn't ready to settle down, that he'd never get married, blah blah blah. Is this kind of crap common or does it only happen to ME? Why is it that every guy I THINK I know turns out to either be an asshole or a lying sack of shit?! Are there any guys out there that are JUST FUCKING NORMAL?!?! Pardon my french but I'm really pissed. And hurt too, I know this guy wasn't the love of my life or anything, but I DID think he was at least a DECENT GUY. Hell, I drove all the way down there to see him just YESTERDAY! I found out a little while ago that he was seeing another girl down there, but he led me to believe they were swingers & that she knew about me. I didn't LIKE it, but like I said we weren't serious(and yes, condoms were used). But a WIFE??? Come on. And this is a guy who got upset after I started dating someone else during one of our "off" periods! I guess it's okay for ME to have to share but not for him!
What the hell happened to gentlemen, and chivalry? Why can't I find someone who has enough respect to just be HONEST with me? Honesty is the BARE MINIMUM that I expect from people, it's the simplest thing in the world to give so why is it so hard to just tell the damn truth? I'm the most easygoing person in the world, you can tell me ANYTHING and it'll be cool. The only time I really get mad is when I have to FIND OUT about it! What is it about my face that just screams "LIE TO MEEE!"??? This happens every damn time I date someone. I always end up finding out about a girlfriend, or a wife, or a kid, or a drug problem, or a criminal record, or a mental illness, or a checkered past... et cetera, the list could go on ad nauseam.
The old saying, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is VERY true:) I have saved all our texts & emails, and I might just tell his wife. Turns out they're NOT swingers, and if she finds out he's dead meat. She's a rather "husky" gal too, and I think he's afraid of her. If he gets away with this he'll never learn anything.
Goddamnit. I know it's just yet another incidence of a guy lying to me, but it still hurts every time.
I've dated this guy, Justin, off & on since 05. He's a really nice guy. Army sargeant, very disciplined, self-sufficient, decently well-off, good looking, cute dog, nice car, etc. We've always had a lot of fun together, we get along great & have a lot in common. He always took me on nice dates, and we even went to Hot Import Nights one year. We've never been TOO serious since he lives all the way down in Lawton(about 70-80 miles away) and neither of us want a long-distance relationship, but I really liked him & I honestly cared about him. So I NEVER expected to find out what I found out last night. I found out, from MYSPACE of all sources, that he's MARRIED! And upon doing a bit more digging, I found out that he's BEEN married since 2006 and just never bothered to tell me!!!
This is some horse shit. This is a guy who told me that he isn't ready to settle down, that he'd never get married, blah blah blah. Is this kind of crap common or does it only happen to ME? Why is it that every guy I THINK I know turns out to either be an asshole or a lying sack of shit?! Are there any guys out there that are JUST FUCKING NORMAL?!?! Pardon my french but I'm really pissed. And hurt too, I know this guy wasn't the love of my life or anything, but I DID think he was at least a DECENT GUY. Hell, I drove all the way down there to see him just YESTERDAY! I found out a little while ago that he was seeing another girl down there, but he led me to believe they were swingers & that she knew about me. I didn't LIKE it, but like I said we weren't serious(and yes, condoms were used). But a WIFE??? Come on. And this is a guy who got upset after I started dating someone else during one of our "off" periods! I guess it's okay for ME to have to share but not for him!
What the hell happened to gentlemen, and chivalry? Why can't I find someone who has enough respect to just be HONEST with me? Honesty is the BARE MINIMUM that I expect from people, it's the simplest thing in the world to give so why is it so hard to just tell the damn truth? I'm the most easygoing person in the world, you can tell me ANYTHING and it'll be cool. The only time I really get mad is when I have to FIND OUT about it! What is it about my face that just screams "LIE TO MEEE!"??? This happens every damn time I date someone. I always end up finding out about a girlfriend, or a wife, or a kid, or a drug problem, or a criminal record, or a mental illness, or a checkered past... et cetera, the list could go on ad nauseam.
The old saying, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is VERY true:) I have saved all our texts & emails, and I might just tell his wife. Turns out they're NOT swingers, and if she finds out he's dead meat. She's a rather "husky" gal too, and I think he's afraid of her. If he gets away with this he'll never learn anything.
Goddamnit. I know it's just yet another incidence of a guy lying to me, but it still hurts every time.
Friday, December 25, 2009
"Look at me now, asshole!"
So I'm sitting here bored out of my mind watching Maury, and today's topic is 'former geeks'. AKA- Attention whores who were made fun of in school & never got over it cause they're stupid. They come on the show to show off how great they turned out despite their 'hardships', kind of a one-upsmanship to their bullies. It's always the same- The women come prancing out in stripper clothes with fake boobs, tranny makeup, and a spray tan. Most of the time they ARE strippers. The men come out wearing leather pants, cowboy hats, and douchey tribal tats, covered in oil & flexing their moobs. They are usually strippers too. NEVER have I seen a show where the former nerds turn out really rich or successful, they always just get a bunny ranch makeover & expect people to be impressed.
There's this walking STD on there right now who went from a normal looking bespectacled girl to a fake-titted, bleach blond whore. She skips out from backstage in her exquisite lucite heels, wiggling her water balloons, and starts telling poor Maury how she dropped out of school because she was so embarrassed by her flat chest & frizzy hair. Then they bring out some guy she liked who didn't like her back, & she starts YELLING AT HIM, and demands that he kneel down & apologize to her. She kept shouting "You know you would kill for a chance with me NOW!" He just laughed at her & said he still wouldn't touch her with someone else's dick. His exact words were "I don't think so. It's about more than looks." HA! She replies with "Psssh, wha-eva! Its ok cause I don't even THINK about you anymore!" Um, bitch, you brought the guy on national TV just to bitch him out for not ga-googidying your ga-shmoigity 10 years ago!
The next one is literally a PROSTITUTE. She proudly states that she's the head 'courtesan'(hooker) at the 'Kit Kat Ranch'(whorehouse) & gives sex advice to Esquire magazine(which I'm sure goes something like "Always get the cash UP FRONT, honey!"). Gee, the popular guy who made fun of her braces back in 5th grade is gonna feel SOOOO stupid when he sees how great she turned out! Cause she's not just some pathetic slut who only feels alive when there's a dick in her ass, oh no- she's SOMEBODY now. /sarcasm.
God these people are pathetic. Do they really take childish teasing that seriously? You know, I got made fun of in school too, everyone did at one point, but you GET OVER IT. You don't hold on to every name you got called in 5th grade well into your adult years. People who feel the need to get revenge on everyone who called them 4-eyes back when they were 12 should seek professional help. I'm starting to think the only reason Maury even does this show anymore is just so he can laugh at these oxygen thieves.
There's this walking STD on there right now who went from a normal looking bespectacled girl to a fake-titted, bleach blond whore. She skips out from backstage in her exquisite lucite heels, wiggling her water balloons, and starts telling poor Maury how she dropped out of school because she was so embarrassed by her flat chest & frizzy hair. Then they bring out some guy she liked who didn't like her back, & she starts YELLING AT HIM, and demands that he kneel down & apologize to her. She kept shouting "You know you would kill for a chance with me NOW!" He just laughed at her & said he still wouldn't touch her with someone else's dick. His exact words were "I don't think so. It's about more than looks." HA! She replies with "Psssh, wha-eva! Its ok cause I don't even THINK about you anymore!" Um, bitch, you brought the guy on national TV just to bitch him out for not ga-googidying your ga-shmoigity 10 years ago!
The next one is literally a PROSTITUTE. She proudly states that she's the head 'courtesan'(hooker) at the 'Kit Kat Ranch'(whorehouse) & gives sex advice to Esquire magazine(which I'm sure goes something like "Always get the cash UP FRONT, honey!"). Gee, the popular guy who made fun of her braces back in 5th grade is gonna feel SOOOO stupid when he sees how great she turned out! Cause she's not just some pathetic slut who only feels alive when there's a dick in her ass, oh no- she's SOMEBODY now. /sarcasm.
God these people are pathetic. Do they really take childish teasing that seriously? You know, I got made fun of in school too, everyone did at one point, but you GET OVER IT. You don't hold on to every name you got called in 5th grade well into your adult years. People who feel the need to get revenge on everyone who called them 4-eyes back when they were 12 should seek professional help. I'm starting to think the only reason Maury even does this show anymore is just so he can laugh at these oxygen thieves.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Phone Wars Pt. 1- debunking the "App Store" argument.
"There's an app for that!"
Ah, the smartphone wars of 2009. WebOS, Blackberry, iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, etc. The hot topic lately has been "app stores", the little application repositories on your phone that show you a catalog of apps available for your device. The most famous one is the iPhone's, in fact, that's where the header comes from & what this post will mainly be bashing. The iPhone commercials show a yuppie's thumb scrolling through the screens of his iPhone, saying stuff like "Wanna find the nearest Starbucks? There's an app for that!". Personally, I don't see the point of taking up space with a whole damn app whose sole purpose is just to find a bleeding coffee shop when google Maps works just fine(but don't tell the proles that, right Apple?). But whatever babies, have your bottle I guess. Anywho- to the point. Lots of clods on the intarwebs are making the argument that Windows Mobile "doesn't have as many apps as Android & iPhone". To which I say- Um, are you idiots living in a CAVE? WinMo has COUNTLESS apps, they're just not all arranged in a neat little dolt-friendly app store. Oh, it has an app store(Microsoft Marketplace), but it's still in its infancy with not many entries. It will grow, but in the meantime- THE ENTIRE INTERNET IS YOUR APP STORE! Ever heard of Google? Any app in the world can be found there. Need a specific program, hop on Google from pocket IE or Opera & look for it! If you NEED an app store to find programs for your phone, well then, you're just dumb. Sorry.
WinMo has been around for THIRTEEN YEARS, your precious iPhones & Androids have only been around since 07. WinMo is like a cockroach- It has stood the test of time & remained largely unchanged since it's inception. Hardly a "dying OS", as some snobs are saying. And it will be around long after all the other fads cool off. No, it's not flashy(though it can be made to be), but it's the most capable, customizable OS in the world. It's basically a little computer in your pocket, hence the term 'Pocket PC'. But if you value pot finders, iTunes, and fart apps over all else, then by all means defect to an iPhone.
The "app store" & WM's age are just more frivolous arguments against WinMo. "Ew, it's OLD & has no apps!" Fuck you, buddy. WinMo is TOO GOOD for the likes of you. I hate you. (Pardon my language)
And that concludes Pt. 1 of the technology series in the 'Stuff that makes Mila's blood boil' saga.
Ah, the smartphone wars of 2009. WebOS, Blackberry, iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, etc. The hot topic lately has been "app stores", the little application repositories on your phone that show you a catalog of apps available for your device. The most famous one is the iPhone's, in fact, that's where the header comes from & what this post will mainly be bashing. The iPhone commercials show a yuppie's thumb scrolling through the screens of his iPhone, saying stuff like "Wanna find the nearest Starbucks? There's an app for that!". Personally, I don't see the point of taking up space with a whole damn app whose sole purpose is just to find a bleeding coffee shop when google Maps works just fine(but don't tell the proles that, right Apple?). But whatever babies, have your bottle I guess. Anywho- to the point. Lots of clods on the intarwebs are making the argument that Windows Mobile "doesn't have as many apps as Android & iPhone". To which I say- Um, are you idiots living in a CAVE? WinMo has COUNTLESS apps, they're just not all arranged in a neat little dolt-friendly app store. Oh, it has an app store(Microsoft Marketplace), but it's still in its infancy with not many entries. It will grow, but in the meantime- THE ENTIRE INTERNET IS YOUR APP STORE! Ever heard of Google? Any app in the world can be found there. Need a specific program, hop on Google from pocket IE or Opera & look for it! If you NEED an app store to find programs for your phone, well then, you're just dumb. Sorry.
WinMo has been around for THIRTEEN YEARS, your precious iPhones & Androids have only been around since 07. WinMo is like a cockroach- It has stood the test of time & remained largely unchanged since it's inception. Hardly a "dying OS", as some snobs are saying. And it will be around long after all the other fads cool off. No, it's not flashy(though it can be made to be), but it's the most capable, customizable OS in the world. It's basically a little computer in your pocket, hence the term 'Pocket PC'. But if you value pot finders, iTunes, and fart apps over all else, then by all means defect to an iPhone.
The "app store" & WM's age are just more frivolous arguments against WinMo. "Ew, it's OLD & has no apps!" Fuck you, buddy. WinMo is TOO GOOD for the likes of you. I hate you. (Pardon my language)
And that concludes Pt. 1 of the technology series in the 'Stuff that makes Mila's blood boil' saga.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Apple can screw off with their BS.
I'm sick of all these goddamn iPhone commercials that act like basic features or network capabilities are somehow SO EXCLUSIVE to the iPhone. I just saw a commercial that advertised how you can be on a call & surf the web at the same time on the oh-so-holy iPhone. Guess what- that's a network-wide GSM capability! Has NOTHING to do with the iPhone!!! Gah!
All this $#@%ing iPhone worship seriously raises my blood pressure. My freaking Nokia from 5 years ago had MMS, but the iPhone just got it. My damn Treo from 4 years ago had cut & paste. iPhone just got it. I am simply astonished by how many people get taken in by the propaganda & think the iPhone is the greatest phone ever. It's like worshipping a RETARD that finally learned to read.
All this $#@%ing iPhone worship seriously raises my blood pressure. My freaking Nokia from 5 years ago had MMS, but the iPhone just got it. My damn Treo from 4 years ago had cut & paste. iPhone just got it. I am simply astonished by how many people get taken in by the propaganda & think the iPhone is the greatest phone ever. It's like worshipping a RETARD that finally learned to read.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Birth Control should be mandatory, not voluntary.
You know what irks me to death? People with too damn many kids. We were in Wal-Mart earlier tonight & waited in line behind a couple with 3 kids, one 6 year old who was minding her own business, one infant, and one 3 year old girl who was screaming, crying, and throwing fits the entire time. I overheard them talking to the girl ahead of them in line, telling her they have 10 kids total. WTF. You know, birth control is free from the state. I myself am on the free population control program. It's NOT that hard to not have too damn many kids. You should be considerate of people around you by refraining from breeding, especially if you can't keep the brats from annoying the shit out of everyone else.
You know, I really don't like kids honestly. Babies, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, I hate 'em all. They're loud, smelly, and I just want to slap them. Stupid laws against such actions. And I don't get why some people keep having baby after baby after baby. And it's always welfare people who can barely afford to take care of one baby let alone 4 or 5. You'd think they'd learn how babies are made after the 1st or 2nd one. Sex isn't that good! It's not worth having babies! Yeesh. I once saw a couple with 4 screaming brats buying a pack of condoms. How can you even get in the mood after having that many kids? I know I couldn't. I'd run screaming at the very sight of a dick after getting knocked up that many times.
You know, I really don't like kids honestly. Babies, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, I hate 'em all. They're loud, smelly, and I just want to slap them. Stupid laws against such actions. And I don't get why some people keep having baby after baby after baby. And it's always welfare people who can barely afford to take care of one baby let alone 4 or 5. You'd think they'd learn how babies are made after the 1st or 2nd one. Sex isn't that good! It's not worth having babies! Yeesh. I once saw a couple with 4 screaming brats buying a pack of condoms. How can you even get in the mood after having that many kids? I know I couldn't. I'd run screaming at the very sight of a dick after getting knocked up that many times.
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