Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts

1 April 2010

Stingray giving birth on dry land

So you seen elephant giving birth? big deal!

Stingray giving birth on dry land, NOW thats extremely rare!!! Prolly happen once every 12 thousand years lol! Here feast your curiosity!

12 March 2010

Taman Connaught Pasar Malam Arrogant Smelly Shoes seller!

I dont know what the fark is wrong with this smelly shoe uncle seriously ... u pasar malam traders normally also cincai throw your stuffs around, what so strange if ppl stepped on your smelly shoes thats lying around the road? that road your father one ar?

Sommo the person who stepped on your smelly shoes is only a kid you farkface retard! You yell so farking loud for what fark? what you wanna prove? You think you loud ppl sked you ah?! You think you yell so loud ppl will buy your smelly shoes ar?

Saupei lar smelly shoe uncle! you lucky i not stay Connaught ... if not everytime i see your fugly face there i will spit 9 on your bloody face!

Sell smelly shoe till lidat 1st time i see la! So lansi dun sell smelly shoe la! Go sell your beksai la!

If you see this smelly shoe uncle in Connaught pasar malam .. do me a favor ... ask him go saupei la!!!

28 November 2009

Trouble With Honda City Cobra Alarm After Battery Changed on the Remote and How to Solve This.

Met some fwens at Damansara uptown yesday to yumchar and while walking to Star-Bark kopi i saw this shop selling clocks n wacthes one.

I been wanting to change the batteries to my Car alarm for sometime now because the range is beginning to shorten to almost 2 feet alredi! ... I walked in the shop and asked the uncle to change the batteries to the Cobra Alarm remote.

The whole process was over in less than 5 minutes and I did not even bothered to test the remote after that, simply because my car were about 5 minutes walk away from where I am. Thinking everything is fine I proceed to meet my fwens in Star-Bark kopi and spend about 4 hours there.

Lemme tell you this ... not checking whether your car alarm remote control is working properly or not after battery change is a BIG MISTAKE! It almost cost me a tow from Damansara Uptown all the way back to Ampang and on a weekend I reckon that would prolly cost about 300 buxs?

I walked back to my car and begining to test the remote range and see if i can get the door open from a distance ... there is simply no reponse from the car alarm at all! The LED light on the remote is blinking fast but the car alarm is not responding. I walked all the way to the car holding on to "Button A" and yet i did not get any kinda response saying the alarm adknowledged the signal from the Cobra alarm remote.

Not wanting to create havoc and to make myself look like a car thief I decide to lepak at a kopitiam nearby and use my phone to go online to search for ways to solve this problem. I also smsed a few frends asking for help but all my efforts were futile as no one ever encountered such a problem before. Online search do not return any website that teach how to solve this problem as well. I m sitting duck! Stuck in Damansara Uptown and its still raining!!!

I then made a call to the Honda salesman who sold me the car and asked for help. (I dont know why i never thot of doing that ealier!!) lucky my wife got his number saved on her phone, if not ... I also derno how to die lol!

The Honda Sales person said this kinda problem is pretty common and there arent any manual that teaches the user what to do in case of alarm remote just had a battery change. He guided me on the phone and I managed to "reset" the alarm and had it working as usual!

I then decided to blog about it so that if anyone who faced a similar problem with Cobra car alarm system (I m not sure which model is this but a call to my fwens confirms even his Honda 08 model is also using the same kinda Cobra alarm system, so I assumed its the same model as well) could easily google about this article and solve the problem without having to run around like a headless chikin seeking for help.

This is how :

There is 2 buttons on the Cobra Alarm remote, the big one is known as "BUTTON A" and the small one is known as "BUTTON B" and this is what you need to do in the event of battery changed on the Cobra Alarm Remote :
  1. Stand next to your car, this is because your remote control will have to send some kinda signal to the car alarm telling it the he just had a battery change LOL! (or something like that)
  2. Press both BUTTON A and BUTTON B simultaneously (together) and hold them down, you will get fast blinking LED light. Hold both buttons until the LED light stop blinking.
  3. Press BUTTON A twice and wait for response from the Car Alarm. You should be able to unlock your door or get some kinda response from your car alarm at this point.
  4. If all those abiove doesnt work ... you prolly need a new remote control or a new sets or car alarm!
At least it worked for me tho! Good Luck!

10 September 2009

Baddy Indons Hunting for Malaysian in Jakarta? Scary Shit!!

It seems that now indonesian in indonesia have got a new hobby! What is their new hobby? Read it yourself!

Armed Indonesian Nationalists Block Road In Hunt for Malaysians
Dozens of people belonging to an anti-Malaysia group briefly attempted an intimidating road-block and ID check to identify Malaysians along a busy Central Jakarta street on Tuesday, but came up empty-handed.

The operation, initially planned for an hour, only lasted for thirty minutes, but witnesses said the action managed to raise tension as activists stopped drivers and asked for their IDs.

A road block was erected directly in front of the central post of the anti-Malaysia group, the Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (People’s Defense of Democracy) in the vacant former headquarters of a political party.

The sight of men carrying sharpened bamboo sticks was more than enough to raise concerns among those who were stopped.

Muchtar Bonaventura, who claimed to be the coordinator of the group, said the sweep was held to warn the Malaysian government not to act recklessly against Indonesian citizens and to stop claiming Indonesian culture as their own.
The last time i check ... we got a couple millions indonesians in our country and they are saying we pirated their culture? WTF?!!

Stop coming into our country with your culture then! If you have to come ... then come culture-less or dont come at all la! Diu!

Related News :

Pic source

29 August 2009

Fierce Singapore Ahlian Bashing Ahbeng Boyfriend's Balls in Public

This morning I was reading this article in The Star which wrote about how one Singapore Ahbeng kena weck in the balls by his Ahlian Gerpren in Publis and the whole incident were recorded by a passerby and later uploaded to the internet!

Woman caught on video hitting boyfriend’s private parts

Then it crossed my mind ... eh mch! I just watched this video yesday only!!! Then I dig dig and finally found the video!!!

Nah! here izzit!

I really pity the Ahbeng la! I watch the video i also pain ... I derno why he so steady can stand there like dem cool lidat and continue let her weck, slap with high heels, grab his balls and get the kick the shit outta him!!! Then it crossed my mind ... maybe this Ahbeng no balls wan?! AH! that exprens why he no pain when kena weck!!!

This Ahlian dem fierce ok? If you got this kinda GF then God bless you la!!!

If you is Ahbeng and you been suffering this kinda treatment from your gf ... worry not!!! Send me your videos taken while your gf abuse lu and I will help u get justice!!!! Dun shy shy!!! I can make u fehmes wan!!! KAKAKAKAKAA!!!

To all Ahlians watching this video .... dun so FIERCE CAN?!!!

20 July 2009

Killing the Monday Blues

ok ok i got something to cure your monday blues pobem wan ....

I just learn this morning thru 98.8 lehlio stesen that the direct translation of Eskimo to cantonese reads as


WTF lol i thot Gay Moh is gay monster in canto ... niahma no wonder i been sked of eskimo peeples since my childhood time lol!

Then some magazine in Amadika did a survey about retired lich peeples from fortune 500 kompenis wan ...

They asked them lidis "if let u start over again ... what will you wanna impoof this round?"

The top 10 retired richest ahpek taukeh have the same answers, they said if they are given a chance to do it all over again, they would wanna spend more time with the family ... especially their chewRens instead of putting so much of their time in their businesses.

FARKIU LA! u farking lich ledi of coz u tell grandmader story la! what if u poor like me and u having trouble putting food on the table ... u gets all the time u want to spend with your family/chewrens (provided u got enuff money to feed them with) .. the only activity u guys can do together gether as family is prolly play "starve-to-death" then u can spend lotsa time with each other la! KNN!

Do you think in this world got one photographer who is into taking pics of shits? ... I mean ... look at your own shit! its a masterpiece!!! everytime got different different items innit arranged in such a way that like no like any other shit in the world wan!!! its one UNIK SHIT!! aint that worth framing up?! KAKAKAKA!!!

I think today i eat wrong medicine ledi la ....

20 June 2009

Malaysia Polis Car - Misubishi Evo X spotted on the road

ok la to be fair ... it maybe a lancer also lol .... so izzit Mitsubishi Evo X or just a regular Mitsubishi Lancer?

haha dun pray pray ... they will chase 9 u if u think u can outrun them now!!! kakakaka!

12 May 2009

Its time lidis we know who is good to us wan!

Wuah!!! so fast leh tired ledi ah?!! Lidis kena change again ledi la!!! Change what? Change "u no i no la!" ... sigh .... this kinda news reminded me of a phrase "Political Suicide" who said that ledi ah?

19 March 2009

Ahlian Got Prada Bag Wan!

One interesting Pikture captured in Redang Bay Resort Open air disco ...

I left my PRADA bag at home

This Ahlian got Prada bag wan ok?!! Dun prey prey .... You got PRADA bag anot?

My branded bag also got similar name la .... oni a little bit different oni ... instead of PRADA ... mine is PARIA bag! LOL!! Local made can! Sapot malaysia mah!!!

14 January 2009

Dell is charging for Downgrade?

We hear everywhere ppl cutting budget and saving $ getting ready for the impact of the imcoming recession .. being said that ... yesday a freaking unfortunate event happened to me la! my 4 yrs old laptop die on me!!!

I m now using my super mini MSI Wind as backup but i know i still need to look for a more suitable laptop bcoz this super small MSI Wind is only good if i m travelling ... for day to day use ... it not so advisable one geh .. lack of perfromance and speed ma.

Personally i like Dell because they got superb sapot. I changed my keyboard twice for free and once its my hdd ... so sapot would be the only reason i will go back to Dell .. quality of the products? well that one really one grey area la ... it wont break in the 1st place if its really a great quality product rite? but then again .... its all made in china! what u expect? lol!

So i went to dell website just now shopping for a new laptop te replace my dead one ... i wanted a laptop with Win XP bcoz Vista sucks ... it crashes alot and you need freaking 4GB ram!!! 4 farking GBs!!!! WTF man?! Time is bad so gotta spend smart .... XP can run dem smooth with only 1GB .. so i m better off with 1GB rite? 1GB should be cheaper rite?

WRONG! I found out that the price indicated in the dell website is inclusive of window vista home edition ledi .... and after talking to someone from dell live chat sapot ... he recomend that i do a downgrade to XP since i wanted XP as os.

The word downgrade I LIKE AH! DOWNGRADE means cheaper!!! where u got heard ppl paying more to downgrade one rite? If you downgrade your MAS business class flight to economy class then u kena pay lesser mah rite anot?

WRONG again! Dell charge you more when u downgrade from Vista Home Edition to Win XP! No shit ... i no bruff you wan! ... u see for yourself the screenshot i took from their website. [LINK]

Click to enlarge image

So ... this is the deal ... if i m to buy this laptop from Dell with Window XP Professional I have to pay RM327.00 extra and on top of that i wont be getting the Vista lisen ... i only be getting an XP lisen oni ... like u buy car lidat la ... u trade in your old car n top up money to get a new one la ... but in case ... its abit teruk than that ... u trade in your new car (Vista) then u getting an old car (XP) and you kena pay extra money for it! LOL!!! WTF wei! Lidis double rugi la!

You see hor ... XP is RM327.00 extra .. then i trade in my Vista maybe can get RM200 guah? all in all i am paying RM527.00 TO DOWNGRADE?!!! OUMAIKOT!!!! Can justify anot?!!! You think they think we dunno how to count one or what ar?

I just bought a MSI Wind umpc a few month ago ... for RM1,799 i get a fairly good (in term of speed n performance), very mobile laptop that comes with Win XP ... i think i might as well stick to this la!! Recession kambing mah!!! I dunwan to pay RM527.00 to downgrade leh! How?


17 December 2008

Bank of America to Release New 50 cents Notes

Our sepai from Amadika got wind in the market that Bank of Amadika will release new bank notes with the value of 50 cents (USD) into the market to commemorates the first time they got a non-white presidern!

So we sent our sepai to go dig for more infos la! after 3 days n 3 nites they play sepai and camp outside the Amadika bank ... they finally found a mis-printed new notes in the labish bin.

You will be among the 1st few millions ppl to see this notes before its being circulated in Amadika Market and world wide.

Ahbengs & Ahlians, I present to you .... Amadika latest 50 cents notes!!!

I wondering if all those Africans countries with their African Kings/ Politicians got "FACE" pobem lidis anot ar? LOL!

Tenkiu to uncle cocka for the image!

25 November 2008

You Have Monster Under Your Bed?

Today is boring, work is piling up and there is NO JOKES in the local newspaper!!! NO JOKES ok! So here is one interesting article i got about curing your/your chewdrens fear of monsters under the bed phobia

Joe has been seeing a psychoanalyst for four years for treatment of the fear that he had monsters under his bed. It had been years since he had gotten a good night's sleep.

Furthermore, his progress was very poor, and he knew it. So, one day he stops seeing the psychoanalyst and decides to try something different.

A few weeks later, Joe's former psychoanalyst meets his old client in the supermarket, and is surprised to find him looking well-rested, energetic, and cheerful. "Doc!" Joe says, "It's amazing! I'm cured!"

"That's great news!" the psychoanalyst says. "you seem to be doing much better. How?"

"I went to see another doctor," Joe says enthusiastically, "and he cured me in just ONE session!"

"One?!" the psychoanalyst asks incredulously.

"Yeah," continues Joe, "my new doctor is a behaviorist."

"A behaviorist?" the psychoanalyst asks. "How did he cure you in one session?"

"Oh, easy," says Joe. "He told me to cut the legs off of my bed."

19 November 2008


KAKAKAKAKAKA!!! Luff 9 die me la!!!!

If you drive from KL to JB, i think u kena bayar something like 30-40 bucks of toll luit. so now they giving lu 10% discount u know!!! 10%!!! TEN PERCENT!!!

Best Rite? but wait! there is a catch! Wat izzit? To qualify for this 10% discount .... U kena drive under these conditions :

  1. When everyone is asleep (but not u bcoz u wanna save 10% on toll so u gotta drive remembered?)
  2. When u urself also farking sleepy ledi.
  3. When the road it blardee farking dark.
  4. Racing side by side with fly by nite big ass 20 tonnes, 200 wheels big ass trucks that can run over your puny little car 20 times and still can move like nothing happened one!
  5. When all your passengers is sleeping and no one is there to help u stay awake.
All the above and you will be able to save prolly 3-5 bucks per trip! (that is if you are travelling from KL to JB la.... if you travelling to seremban kalo ... i think u can save maybe 50 sens guah LOL!!!) KAKAKAKA!!! prolly not enuff to buy livita/red bull to stay awake also la!!!

You say our toll kompeni "PRIHATIN" anot la!!!! Lets see what our transport minister gonna say about this ... he plomised to tok the tok and fark the wok one last time ... lets see he got balls anot la!

10%!!! KAKAKAKAKAKA!!! these guys really know how to throw a great joke man!

12 November 2008

Super! Super! SUPER DIGI!


Ducks are everywhere nowadays!

Too many of them!!

Let’s hunt them down!!

If you are juz like me, then your chance has kam….

Recently, two yellow ducks have escaped from a farm after committing crimes.

Now, the whole kanteri is looking for them!! And, now FBI (Farm Bureau of Investigation) is putting out warrant notice and listing both ducks as top wanted list. The two ducks are; Super FnF and Super SMS.

And the best thing is got reward mia!!! U hunt the yellow ducks down and you will get rewards offered by the FBI !!!

Here are some of the dem cool stuff offered by FBI.

Week 1 : 10 Sony Erricsson W880i
Week 2 : 10 Ipod Nano
Week 3 : 5 PSP
Week 4 : 10 Ipod Touch
Week 5 : 10 Sony Erricsson W880i
Bonus Week : 5 Sony Ps3

How to join???

Veri easy oni. First, you have to go to the duckhunt website and register urself as a mean-grin-duckhunter .

Then, you oni need to find both ducks’ location and hunt them down. After that, count the remaining ducks that are left on the farm and submit ur entry.

How to find the ducks? dun worry, Kapitan Wingz will help lu wan!!

Recently, I heard from my goosebottom (ngor dai) that these two ducks has been hiding all over the internet in people mia brogs. So faster go and hunt them down!!

U ken oso tell ur frens to join the duckhunt so tat u ken get a first clue from FBI of the ducks’ whereabouts.

So what u waiting for???? I sign up ade!! The PS3 is mine!!!!!!!

31 October 2008

Why you kenot trust the name of a ploduck

I was reading this post in brader Zewt's blog just now then suddenly i remembered something i read few weeks ago which is kinda hillarious.

Yea, if u dint know yet ... this is about those melamine tainted biskut that will slowly kill you if you keep walloping them. So to keep us from committing suicide by stuffing ourselves with melamine our niuspepah published a list of products briff to be unsafe for walloping. In this pikture published by The Star .... got mention a few types of biskut by Khong Guan which fail the test wan ....

If you look at item no.6 in the upper half pikture .... u can see an item by the name of

Biskut HEALTHY cracker SIAL!!! HEALTHY!!! KAKAKAKAKA!!! Eat healthy sommo la! Die ledi also derno for what! LOL! Eat Siew Yoke Better la! Die also worth it! KAKAKAKA!

Lets say lar .. u r those type the briff what u read on products labels .... u sure think this biskut wallop ledi dem healthy one rite? then u wallop more bcoz u wanna be Healthier ma!

This is why u kenot trust the name of a ploduck lor! Dun say i neber teach u ok?!

Whether directly or indirectly ... looks like China is gonna be the biggest killer of all time! One of these days they will wipe out a big part of the world .... if the world still havent wakeup yet by now. Its not the 1st time ledi .... They will keep doing this to make more $ wan!

If you has been following China's industries growth ... you will learn that china businessman no heart one ... becoz of money they can poison the whole village and wont feel a thing!

Come to think of it ... whos the biggest terrorist now huh? lol!

12 August 2008

P0rn dolls Available in K.L.!!!!

I was reading The Star online and I found this ....

Young collectors with fetish for obscene dolls

PORNOGRAPHIC dolls, which can cost up to RM200 each, have flooded the local market and are being snapped up by well-off young collectors.

Harian Metro reported that collecting these dolls was a hobby to some, especially children from wealthy homes, according to the Home Ministry Quranic text control division central enforcement unit head Mohd Rizal Abidin.

The dolls were being sold in shopping malls in the Klang Valley.


Anyone know where to get it anot??!!! I WANT LEH!!! BUY ME 12 pulez!!!

8 July 2008

What is Subsidy?

While i m busy being sick n all ... here is Something for your to pounder on. The so called concept of fuel subsidy if according to this email i got from my "angmoh-celup" frend is actually non-existant, its just a term someone create to fark us up oni ... How true izzit? You read and judge for yourself la!

A man called Ahbeng owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.

He has 5 workers to operate the farm.

Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally.

The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40.

He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.

He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit.

Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save.

When Ahbeng passed away and there is a new landlord, Ahmad comes to continue the farm operation.

He says to the workers:" We need to improve the farm quality and redefine our way of thinking.

From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat. It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm."

The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily. Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to M1.00 per person.

As usual, Ahmad sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40. He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers. He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers. In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.

Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each. The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily.

Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Sam. Sam says:"Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik."

So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50. In actual fact, the improvement only cost RM30. The remaining RM20, Ahmad and Sam share evenly among themselves.

Let's calculate how much Ahmad gets daily:

RM10 (from farm improvement cost)
RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] - [Improvement
cost, RM50] - [Wages RM10] = RM20)
RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)

In total, Ahmad gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes over
the farm from Ahbeng.

His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per

The greedy Ahmad does not want to stop there.

One day, he says to his fellow workers:" You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1.

See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00.

This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue like this.

In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bear the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all. "

So, greedy Ahmad adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.

After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning/concept of "SUBSIDY" given by the "U-no-hu"

The RM95 subsidy never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously "given" by the "U-no-hu".

Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket.

Here is anoder simple-er example on how this subsilly shit works ... got this from Ahuei's brog

Ahmad is a fisherman. He sells a fish to you at $10 which is below the market value of $15.

Let's assume that he caught the fish from the abundance of the sea at little or no cost. Ahmad claims that since the market value of the fish is $15 and he sold you the fish for $10, he had subsidised you $5 and therefore made a loss of $5.

Question :
Did Ahmad actually make a profit of $10 or loss of $5 which he claimed is the subsidy?

Ahmad makes a profit of $10 which is the difference of the selling price ($10) minus the cost price ($0 since the fish was caught from the abundance of the sea). There is no subsidy as claimed by Ahmad.

So ... who got farkED now?

30 June 2008

Lines everyone should know.

Filler post - something i found in my email. Dont feel well enuff to think of tuffs to blog today ...

"Looking back over the years that we've been together, I can't help but wonder:............. What da fark was I thinking?"

"Congratulations on your wedding day!............. Too bad no one likes your wife."

"How could two people as beautiful you............ have such an fugly baby?"

"I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love......... After having met you, I've changed my mind."

"I must admit, you brought Religion in my life........... I never believed in Hell until I met you."

"As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am....... that you're not here to ruin it for me."

"As you grow older, Mum, I think of all the gifts you've given me. Like the need for therapy..."

"Thanks for being a part of my life!!!.......... I never knew what evil was before this!"

"Before you go,......... I would like you to take this knife out of my back. You'll probably need it again."

"Someday I hope to get married............ but not to you."

"You look great for your age.......Almost Lifelike!"

"When we were together, you always said you'd die for me......... Now that we've broken up, I think it's time you kept your promise."

"I knew the day would come when you would leave me for my best friend....... So here's his leash, water bowl and chew toys."

"We have been friends for a very long time........... What do you say we call it quits?"

"I'm so miserable without you.................. It's almost like you're here."

"Congratulations on your new bundle of joy............... Did you ever find out who the father was?"

"You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship and there was only one life jacket.... I'd miss you heaps and think of you often."

"Your friends and I wanted to do something special for your birthday--------- So we're having you put to sleep."

24 June 2008

Horniest Country? Askmen!

Are you single or hamsap? Are you currently planning a holiday or werking trip abroad and derno where to go? Werry not as we in Rojak owax cater for the needs of our hamsap Ahbengz members wan! We search the web for the most hamsap stuffs so you dont have to! LOL!

Ok la ok la i bruff 9 u one la! The actual story is One of my regular P0rn pusher (Uncle Linpeh) today show me an australian website call "ASKMEN.COM" they published a list of horniest countries on earth with a guide on how and where to get your puzzies!!! Niahma untung lar u all hamsap farkers! lol!

Suprisingly Malaysia is in no.7 .... Judging from all the hamsap Ahbengz/Ahpekz I known ... we should be in no.1 position la!!! You dont briff you ask Linpeh and see!

Anyway this article mentioned Malaysia lidis one .....


"In public, this country definitely appears conservative. For example, there was a recent controversy over whether sex education should be taught in high school or not -- not exactly sexually liberated. However, behind closed doors lies (pun totally intended) the real story: Malaysians are swinging from the bedposts, and loving every minute of it. Occasionally we'll get a glimpse of it - like when Malaysia's Minister of Health was forced to step down after his homemade sex tapes made the rounds in January of 2008.

Horny hangouts: In Kuala Lumpur, check out these bars and clubs for a straightforward party: Aloha, Poppy Bar or the Rum Jungle. To “choose your own adventure” visit the Beach Club where there’s a good chance a girl comes at a price, but she'll be worth every penny."
Now i know why Linpeh is so hamsap la! that fler mia opis near to all these horny place wan! LOL!

Bitch club really got "girl with plice" one meh? Anyone tried it befoh anot??!!!! Dun shy shy la! faster share your sexperience here!!

China is in No.4 as the horniest country beating the crap out of us .... maybe i should take that China's job offering now ..... lol

Horniest Country Top 10 List!

1. Greece
2. Brazil
3. Russia
4. China
5. Poland
6. Italy
8. Spain
9. Switzerland
10. Mexico Latino!!!

Now ... after reading this post you got this sudden feel to go to Greece, Russia or China anot?

Wanna read more to see if i got bruff 9 u anot? Go HERE la! Niahma ... you better buy me souvinier when u kambek from your sexciting trip!

30 May 2008

Dont be Shy, Dig Your Nose then EAT YOUR SNOT!!!


I love to dig nose! I really do! I dont dig my nose often becoz if dig too often then kenot get enuff to make a big ball one la! So what i do is I oni dig once a day ... thats rite after shower.

Why after shower? becoz shower ledi the tahi hidung/bei see/snot kena water it will bekam soft soft n moist moist one ... can be easily dug out and can easily shapre to whatever shape you wan! Can roll roll with fingers also!!

Why I like to dig nose? ... you mean you dont like ar? MCH! digging nose is like sex ... your finger is having sex with your nose lidat! Its one of the pleasure in life man! If you dun like it then you probably a lesbo! Lesbo dun like to kena poke wan mah!

Fortunately my son also inherited the art of nose digging from me LOL! That fler lagi power ... he has been digging his nose eversince hes a baby! Unfortunately his mum dont like him digging his nose in public! LOL!

BUT NOW .... we all got more reason to dig our nose! Well not actually now lar! Zewt sent me this email and after some cross reference with Google I found that this article is dated back to year 2003. It says here ....

Digging your nose and eat your own snot/bei see/taik hidung is good for your own health!!! Said Prof Dr Friedrich Bischinger, a fehmes Vienna lokter.

Dunch briff me? I alredi expect u all lidat wan la! .... nah! read yourself la! after u read then if you are one of those who doubted me b4 you read this article ... then goan let dog fark la! LOL

Click on the Image to read ... for the actual newspaper article to be readable I kenot shrink it and put it here so instead i host it somewhere else. To read just click on the image above. Btw the article is in BM.

I wonders what would my own snot taste like? I heard from a frend of mine (his name is Malcolm and hes studying in uni of Nottingham Semenyih *he paid me to type this line wan! he said he wanna be fehmes bcoz lotsa his fwens all got read rojaks wan!* ) whom taste his own snots before that snots are salty! No wonder that fler dem hamsap la!