Showing posts with label Advertorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertorial. Show all posts

18 August 2008

Oreo is teh PWN!!!

Oreo is my fehbret food!!!

Ok, I admit!! Oreo memang not my fehbret food, but still I dem like it…
Why?? Becoz Oreo is different!
I still remember when I was very small that time, all I have is powdered milk and biskut gandum oni.

The most is oso those tin biskut… But nowaday, I see TV, they show this chocklat biskut with vanilla cream in the middle! Dem spesel sial ….during my time, I neber see biskut lidis befoh and its veli cool.

After I bought my very own oreo, I start to think how to eat it… Its like ur first time, u dunno wat to do with it, got so many ways lar, coz TV oso got show the dunk milk way

What you mean you can oni eat it strait or dunk in milk??
U dun briff me isit?? Wokeh, I show you how powder oreo ken be…

U ken eat strait…

Or dunk inside milk…

Whenever I wan eat oreo, I always separate the cream and the biskut, then I oni eat the biskut… Rub it all over ur teeth and smile!!! Now u bekam mr. darlie, oni ur teeth is black!!

Then, my sister tell me no good. She say got anoder way better… she told me to scrape away all the krim, eat the krim and throw away the chocklat biskut…!!! Powder anot??

My mader see us so binthai, so she goan teach us a new method. She took four oreo biskut stack the krim together and kepit it with the oreo biskut, now u get a 4 storey high of cream !!!

Then all my nieces start to bising bising, so we go put aiskrim in between the oreo biskut so the small kiddos will like it now… But now easier coz Oreo oso got make aiskrim biskut…

Aiskrim version mia oreo…

Later on, we start seeing new McD commercials, they now have mcflurry with oreo!!!

But now, I always will do my fehbret past time every Sunday with my lil devil. We goan buy lotsa milk and lotsa lotsa Oreo. Then, we race see who ken lick-dunk-n-eat the most oreo…!!!

I thot I noe everything about oreo alredi, but not until recently when I was browsing the internet. Do you all noe that Oreo ken be made into ur dinner?? Dun briff?? Now Dominos got make oreo pizza for dessert…!!! See for yourself…

Oreo Pizza, anyone??

There are so many things people ken do wif Oreo biskut, especially with ur frens and families and ur girlfren and boyfren and mader and fader, cousins and brothers and sisters…
Niahma! Now I suddenly got this crave for Oreo …. You still got stock to spare?

5 August 2008

Renew Roadtax? Find MyEG la!!

When you see this picture, what do you think of?

I think of this.

You know, when you are stressed with work like me, this magic stick really help a lot wan.

My little devil have this in mind.

My bini pulak will call me when I am driving home to go to 7-11 to buy her this.

Majiam-majiam style oso got. Wings lar, no wings lar, night time use lar…one guy like me standing there looking at this kind of ploduk, not macho lar.

But today I want to talk to you about ‘convenience’. Is very simple lidis. Nowadays petrol price oso rise ledi, economy oso not doing so good, not like last time go 7-11 oso drive car. Now I walk there only lar. Can sexercise summore.

Why I talk about ‘convenience’ today? My good fren, Ah Huat, whois a handphone shop taukeh, went to renew his road tax last week and this is what he told me.

Ah Huat: Aitelyu, nowdays, gomen service so slow ar. Linpeh sit there wait 1 hour oso nochet linpeh’s turn to do my road tax ah.
Me: Hah? Sure boh take so long meh?
Ah Huat: Abuden! Linpeh drive there, linpeh find parking, no parking summore, so linpeh rounding many times only find one parking far far away. Linpeh’s petrol money oso gone. And make linpeh wait 1 hour plus. If I know lidis, I go ask runner to do for me lor! Linpeh didn’t wait lar. Linpeh shop nobody take care, kenot trust my bangla fler oso.
Me: Aiya, waste your time lar lidis.

That was yesday .... and today, I having my kopi-O-kau at the kopitiam, then this mui-mui-jai come approach me and give me this piece of paper wor.

Click on the above image to enlarge

Wah, what is this? MyEG? Can buy auto insurance online. Can renew road tax online. Wah can even renew driving license online wor! So I quickly call Ah Huat.
Me: Ah Huat Ah Huat!
Ah Huat: Hamiksu? You so excited for what?
Me: You got safe ledi. You faster go on your computer, go to, then faster click on ‘Road Tax Renewal’.
Ah Huat: Hah? Online can do meh?
Me: Can wor. More convenient oso lar Ah Huat. You can sit in your shop look at mui-mui-jai buy reload card, and renew your road tax oso. Dun even have to spend money on petrol wei! Kill many many birds with one stone this wan!

So ladies and genitalmen, lesson for today is convenience and hassle free. No need to drive all the way to JPJ ofis or even post opis. No need to go through all the trafik jam and difficulty to find parking. No need to wear nice nice go gomen ofis. Just sit at home in your spender and pagoda t-shirt (or for the ladies, your sexy panty n bra …. Mamammiaa!!! I like!) and click click click…kautim! Road tax oredi renewED. You can do it 2 months before your road tax expire. Now this service oni for prebet car, but soon they will gibe to company car oso. Good things have to wait lar.

You say good or not this MyEG service?

I say mana mau cari ini majiam mia serbis la?!!!

13 June 2008

Wild Animal Party Anyone?

Who want go wild wild mia party, fast fast put up your hand up! Nuffnang and Maxis got one party kambing and only 150 lucky peeple get to go and shake their buntut she bang style! Kam on everybodi, repeat after me, “Shake your bon bon, shake your bon bon…she bang, she bang…” Something lidat lar.

As usual …I will tell lu how to gerenti your inbitation to the party. First, you kasi write a blog post with this title “Roaring My Way to Nuffnang Wild ‘Live’ Blogging” and then faster send an email to Nuffnang with your permalink.

Hah? Why lidis you ask me? Ask Boss Stewie lar!

I tell you a secret ar…got three top prizes one u no? Not one, but THREE! TIGA!!!! SAM! ANJI* *ngek ngek ngek* You want more information? Go to Nuffnang lar!

I dunch habe to tell you that Boss Stewie and his Nuffnang team always throw funtastic parties wan…and this time, the theme for the party is ANIMAL theme! Means you come to the party dressed like an animal lar, not you bring your hamsters cats dogs or pet pig wokeh!

Will I go? Of coz la! I been to several bloggers gathering and even hosted one befoh but this one is spesel mia party … this one got umph mia! I always blogs at party bcoz my face too fugly and nobody wanna tok to me wan … so I pretend to be busy and blogs so ppl wont know I actually got no frend one la! This party very ngam me bcoz the all powderful Maxis is providing all the powderful broadband connection at the party so we can blog! Amajiam? Powder anot lu say?

Since this is a kostum party … I been thinking what kinda animal shall I go as? Some suggest Hippo (Kanneh!) some says Pig (niahma! This one no nid kustom la!) then got one lagi best! He asked me to come as ladybird! Lady got bird wan meh?!!! Ladybird is a tranny leh!!! I Macho mia man ok!! No Ladybird wan! … then I think think I will kam in frog kostum la! ….. Why frog? I want mehnee mehnee charbohs kiss me!!! Why got kiss? You mean you neber heard of if girls kiss a frog then the frog will turn into hansem prince wan ar? Summore I memang hensem inside wan. Now I just need a lot of mui mui jais to muax muax me, then I complete ledi. Hensem inside AND outside! You think got any mui mui jais come kiss me and make me a prince anot jek?

Who wan to turn me into a hensem a prince, faster Q up at the Nuffnang party entrance and take a number ok? I sit there wait for u to kiss me lol!

What if no mui mui come kiss me turn me into a hensem prince? I bring my laptop and blog L-I-V-E at the party lor! This spesel feature spesially brought to you by no other than Maxis broadband. Maxis hou! Maxis geng! Maxis mou duck ding! I lafu yew Maxis! Tenkiu yew!
Eh, what’s the big deal ar you ask me? First time Nuffnang party got L-I-V-E blogging gathering wokeh! Die die oso I bring my laptop to blog lor…got prize you know! Wanna know what prize? Go to Nuffnang lar! I not free now … gonna start designing my frog mia kostum ledi! You got any cheap tailor to rekomen anot?

So what you waiting for? Faster write your post and send an email to lar! Dunch forget to include your permalink ok? If you r a blogger and you derno what is permalink then u goan let ghost push la! See lu there!!

If you see a semi-hensem frog leaping around, dunch forget to kam gibe me a kiss. I very frenly wan!

9 April 2008

Streamyx Combo Best!

One day Ahbeng and Ahlian went shopping mall there to look see look see. Then, got this hansem gentlemen come and approach them, and say, “Sir, Madam, Streamyx Combo for you?”

Then Ahbeng goan take the fryer and see, and this is what he see:

Ahbeng: Fuyoh! You selling me burger ah? What name is your burger jek? How kam neber hear before lidat wan?

Hansem gentlemen (HG): No sir. This is broadband internet.

Ahbeng: HAH? Bloadband? What is that jek?

HG: Do you surf the internet, sir?

Ahbeng: Of course lar! I very IT fler wan! Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday oso I go check weather I kena number or not!

HG: That’s very good sir. When you load the page, does it load very fast, or slowly?

Ahbeng: Aiya, this is the prabrem lar. Everytime I tensen wanna see weather I win number or not, the internet hor, load so slow lar! Like one number one number kam out lidat. Make me no patient oni.

HG: Sir, if I tell you that with this broadband internet, your internet speed will be doubled, even tripled sir, would you believe me? Do you like it that when you click on a link, your page loads in seconds?

*Ahbeng’s eyes open up big big*

Ahbeng: Sure anot? You dunch bruff me wor.

HG: Sir, I won’t bluff you. As you can see from the flyer, broadband internet can actually be cheaper than your usual dial-ups at home. For only RM 60 per month, you get UNLIMITED internet access! And on top of that, this package comes with a modem, so you don’t have to go through the trouble of buying a modem yourself. This saves you time and money sir! And if there is a problem with your modem, worry not, for there is a warranty for the modem. Just give us a call and our friendly technician will be at your doorstep to fix everything for you.

Ahbeng: Fuyoh! This Streamyx like very good hor.

HG: It is, sir! Let me tell you a little secret to help you save more money.

Ahbeng: Wah this wan I like! Faster tell me!

HG: Right now we have a promotion for Streamyx Combo. This simply means that when you apply for Streamyx, you only pay RM 60 a month, without having to pay the additional RM 25 for your TM Homeline Rental. Every month you save RM 10, imagine how much you get to save in a year!

Ahbeng: *think hard hard* Lidat you’re right oso. RM 10 one month. RM 120 one year. Good ah, good ah! You sure you dunch bruff me wan hor? I wan those type I click then faster faster can see the page wan wor. I dunch want to wait until bekside oso pain wan wor! Ok lar lidat. How do I sign up jek?

HG: You can call 100 or visit the nearest TMPoint, or even sign up at the booth here.

So you how? If you are still using dial-up, don’t think anymore lor. Nowdays, peoples want everything to be fast. Lidis only can catch up on the rat race mah.

10 March 2008

Talk with to the World with iTalk

Moji? What Moji? Mojo Jojo I know lar since my Lil Devil got once a while watch the cartoon. Moji is actually a Virtual Intelligent Pet. It had its own artificial intelligence, so it can talk and converse with me when I cannot see anyone online to talk to. Hey, I can talk to my pet one you know.


Meet the Moji

Just like any virtual worlds, I can decorate my Moji pet with items and accessories. To get your own Moji pet, sign up the iTalk Buddy. It has more than just Moji pet but other features as well. Driven by the market today for unified communication, the brings the best from all the similar technology like virtual world (with Moji), instant messenger such as MSN Live Messenger, and Voice Over IP (VoiP) like offered by Skype.


It is all can be found inside the iTalk Buddy, a combination of all the great stuff from iTalk and whatever you can find from the power of Internet.

First of all, I need to download the iTalk Buddy and install it into my computer. It took me quite fast since the file size is only 25mb. Just comparing it to the *ahem* movies you downloading. The installation part is very easy. Even my Lil Devil also knows. Just click only can already. After the installation, I had to go through the installation process.

iTalk Buddy got this Buddies and Groups features that allows me to find the nearby buddies, grouping them according to AhBeng or AhLian category. Haha..And those stalkers can be blacklisted too. So you no need to worries about being disturbed anytime.

It also allows me to use my PC to call any mobile number at a cheaper rate. I call my customers in Australia, and the States with very cheap price. I recall calling to one customer in the Perth for awhile and it costs me on RM3.08. Very cheap like this where to find?


There is also this Offline Services (SON) that allows a community portal to be accessible from offline and online environment. Using it, I can create a Local Area Network just like using VPN, to do meeting with my partners. Both of us share the same screen while in the meeting. This is very good when it comes to discussion because I no need to fly all the way to their countries everytime got meeting. Like that travel can pokai one you know? Thus just pay additional RM2.50 a month; i got unlimited internet & screen sharing.

Another good part about this iTalk Buddy is the ability to self heal itself. I no need to care about whether my DiGi line got or not, it will self organize itself whenever it detect networks, heals the broken links and optimize itself. Therefore, whether offline or online environment also the same. It is transparent to me.


Last but not least, there will be this mobile blogging from iTalk in the Phase 2. But I can't wait for them to launch it to try it out. I heard they tell me that iTalk Buddy is a local made instant messaging system. There are also support forums in the official site and most of the question still not being answered. Yet, the numbers of users are growing day by day. These prove that there are plenty of supports from our local users.

So what are you waiting for... fast fast go sign up today and get your own Mojikan!

31 October 2007

EPL Fansee! Are you READY??!!!

I got this piece of good news for football/soccer fans! is gonna show you all the millions dollars clips of the latest matches in Barclays English Premier League (EPL) for just 9.90 a month! No! I tarak bruff you wan! Lemme show you the screen shot I took from website.

Click on to find out more.

For that RM9.90 a month you will also be getting :

  • Barclays Premier League match highlights for the whole season!
  • Video summaries of all matches played for the season.
  • Video clips of : Goal of the Week, Golden Moment, Team of the Week, Player of the Week etc.

The Video streaming speed is unbelievable!!! I streaming several internet TV regularly (YouTube, TVU, BBC news, etc.) but I never streamed any online video at this fantastic speed before! Its just like you are actually having the video file on your hardisk lidat! The video quality … Phhuuhhh!! I tell lu …. dem blardee chun man!!! Its so sharp it can cut your eyeballs! Gua caya sam lu la!!!

You don’t hafta take my words for it, judge it yourself for free! Lemme show lu where you can go to get free content ok? Just follow these simple instructions.

1st goto then click on “Sports” (illustrated below)

Then when you got to the “Sports” section, you kena click on the “Free Clips” tab which is located at the bottom of the screen. (as shown in the below picture)

Choose a clip of your choice, sit back and wait for it to play. You don’t have to wait long tho ….

A five minutes clip start playing 5 seconds after I clicked on the link. Within that 5 minutes there is no jerking, no buffering, no pixilated pictures …. Just blardee clear and sharp videos right till the end!

While you at, why not take a look at their forum [Link] where fansee talks about anything and everything about EPL or take alook at the latest scores at their League Table? Looks like Arsenal is on the top of the scoreboard now with 19 points [Link] There is also this ongoing chun contest whereby the winner could win a 3-month subscription for Barclays Premier League clips package plus many many more!!!

Try it yourself! Its legal, its addictive, its exciting, its fast, Its affordable! Gerenti lu no regret wan!

And before I go lunch ... check out this latest Video clip of titled Liverpool - 5 times champions!

1 October 2007

Must Save Them Rhinos

If you are a regular blogs readers, surely you alredi read about the ongoing most tokabout campaign going on in our blogsphere, its non other than Honda Malaysia & WWF-Malaysia Rhino Rescue Project.

Why I notchet write anything about it? Erm … sometime you gotta come out last to be able to send the message across loud and clear one! Rite boh?

Anyway, before I begin … I wanna ask you all whether you know what is Unicorn anot?

Have you ever seen a Unicorn before? No? You know why you dont have a chance to see them? Because they extinctED! Thats why!

Why they extincted? Because nobody helped to save them la!

We all actually dem lucky ... we are getting a second chance to correct our mistake, the unicorn reincarnated in another form and this time instead of a white colored single horn creature they came back as grey colored single horn beast.

Unicorn is history ledi, now they are called Rhinoceros or Rhinos in short, those we are walking in our jungle are better known as Sumatran Rhinoceros.

Guessed what? Yea ... they too need our help. Same like unicorn, Sumatran Rhinos are in the midst of extinction. According to a reliable source Sumatran Rhinos is one of "the most seriously endangered species of large mammals in the world."

You may wanna ask me ... Why Lidis wan? Why suddenly extinct wan? Lemme tell you why....
Its all human! We! Us! Ourselves! We throw them out of their homes and make golf courses outta them. We also hunt them down for their horn and meat and whatever body parts that can be sold, with less than 300 Sumatran Rhinos left in the this world there arent much left by the end of this year.

They also got very short lifespan (less than 50 yrs oni) and their late breeding age is not helping much either.

At this rate they will be gone in no time. Kaputed! Dissapeared! Vanished! Adios! Asta Lavista Baby! No more Rhinos in our mother land anymore.

Fear Not! Help is here!!!

Realising this fact, Honda is collaborating with WWF, together they came out with a 5 years plan to save the Sumatran Rhinos, its called Honda Malaysia & WWF-Malaysia Rhino Rescue Project and Honda Malaysia also pledged RM5 millions to the conservation funds.

What can we do to help? Help spread the words and help creating awareness among the people you know. If you have a blog you could even put this small button up to help spread the words too!

To get html codes for the above button pulez click HERE

Of course there is more than spread the words, to know what else you could do to help save them Rhinos please visit Honda Malaysia & WWF-Malaysia Rhino Rescue Project website

Spread the words ... Help us Help them Rhinos while they are still around!

[Photos courtesy of WWF and Honda]

6 September 2007

My Chipsters Encounter

A Frend of mine asked me to drop by this website and take a look at the contest and without thinking I clicked on the link and I landed on this website :

After browsing around I know that it’s a new product by twisties called Chipster. I always been a fan of twisties especially the cheese flavoured one. And this time they are launching this Chipster potato chips and being a loyal twisties supporter I naturally wanted to try this new Chipster potato chip.

When I was on my back from work today I bought this!

Now, you might think that when you bought a pack of potato chips all you can do is to eat it right? WRONG!

You can actually do so much more with it! Like how? Erm … like ….

Camwhore with your chipster potato chip of coz!

and I bet you don’t know that a pack of chipster is even good as ……


You wanna know what else you can do with a pack of Chipster potato chips? Haha you in luck! Today I m gonna tell you this big secret!

You goto this website and click on the Chipster ‘nothing else matters’ contest

Then you register yourself and start camwhoring with your packet of Chipster! Upload your photo with the built in uploader, edit it with the built in editor also. Add funny icons and speech bubble to your photo and submit!

If you are a blogger its even better! You can blog about it and ask your reader to vote for you and win cool prizes! There is macbook and Nokia N95 and Ipod up for grab! How chun is that man?!

In case you wondering … yea I alredi uploaded my contest entry picture! With cool prizes lidat who wanna be left out rite?

This is my entry photo :

Pulez vote for me!!! I want that Macbook pulezzzzz!!!!

*This post in pahwered by Chipsters and Nuffnang

8 July 2007


NO NO!!! not jangan bogel!!! Jangan Togel la! What is jangan Togel? Like you all, first first I also thot its Bogel but then I see see the ad … its by NIKE wor! Takan Nike put Bogel rite anot? Then I see clearly only know its Togel.

TOGEL?? What the hell is Togel? I also dunno what is Togel also la! So the more I see this ad on the top of my blog the more curious I got. That bloody ad is like seducing me like that you know?!

Finally all my will power gone case, I clicked on the Jangan Togel Nike ad, I die die also wanna know what is this new word call Togel! If its manglish then how come I don’t know?! I demand to know!

First thing you see after you clicked on the Jangan Togel ad is a short anime clip of some Ahbeng Ali and Amuru playing football, the clip is short but damn suspense! If you like watching Shaolin Soccer then you would definitely like this short clip, no bluff you one!

After the short clip you will learn get to learn the real meaning of the word Togel, What does Togel means? You wanna know? You really really wanna know? Go find out yourself la! Go ahead, click on the Jangan Togel Nike Ad … you know you want to!

Other than learning what Togel means actually the website also very nice, the concept itself is one thing and the features, freebies and navigation also chun!

One thing you will notice when you start exploring the Jangan Togel website is that, the presence of Malaysian essence in it. Along the site you can see multiple characters with speech bubbles saying things like “Going to lose already lah!”, “Ceh! Tutup mata aku pun boleh buat” and “Boss the tarik satu!” if you don’t notice you might think you got into another Rojaks Daily site!

Did I tell you that this site got autoscroll feature? No nid to use page up and down, just have to move your mouse to left or right! Itu saja! Leaving you with plenty of finger power to explore the whole website. Cool anot?

There are a few feature that you ought to pay attention to :

Jangan Togel Film, which should be showing a few episode of short film but unfortunately at the time of this article the screen which was suppose to show the film was showing the words “Akan Datang”. So, I cant tell you the film is nice or not. Tough you might wanna check it out later because they might have uploaded the first episode by then.

Jangan Togal Theme Song and lyric, personally I think the song they played when they are showing the intro that time dem rock, the name of the song is “My Generation and its by Sevencollar t-shirt” and if you like that song you can download it from this place or you can pick up a cd from Nike outlet in Midvalley also! BEST!

Don’t say I no tell you!

The Downloads section is my favorite hangout place in this site. In here macam macam ada! First lemme tell you what happened if u click on that “Magazine kiosk”.

You will be greeted by this hansem mamak dozing off to the background of Hindustan music playing thru some broken speaker! LOL! Dem classic I tell you!!!

And its in here you can find macam macam ada! Got screensaver, got wallpaper for your desktop, got mobile wallpaper for your handphones, got ringtones for your handphones and the best part of all … They got this bloody happening sci-fi football Jangan Togel comic that you can download in pdf format!!!

Lemme show you a small screenshot of the comic and you tell me got chun anot.

How Chun anot?

This Nike Jangan Togel site macam macam ada! Mana mau cari?! If football is your kinda game, then u definitely gotta pay them a visit!

By the way … You know what does Togel means anot? Go find out la! What you waiting for? Christmas ar?

This is an Advertorial Powered by Nike and Nuffnang

3 July 2007

Hand Soap Dispenser for Export

If you are asking me, I would say that the most important dispensers among all is the handsoap dispenser.

Toilet is actually a very unhygienic place filled with bacterias and viruses, right after we finish doing our business we will inevitably proceed to wash our hands.

Have you experience damaged handsoap dispenser that cant dispense any soap for you to clean your hand? Can you imagine how it feel like if you do not managed to wash your hands with proper soap after to done going to the toilet?

Vertex Century is one of the top hand soap dispensers manufacturer in this region, their soap dispenser are of high quality and also widely used in washrooms, toilet and restrooms across the country.

One of their best seller would be SD1000 hand soap dispensers, this 1 liter bulk fill dispenser are known for its versatility and rigidness, rated a favourite Soap dispenser among the hygiene service provider all over the world. Replaceable heavy duty spring pump that will last for years to make your investment pays itself.

If bulk fill spring pump soap dispenser is not your cup of tea, then you should go for this SD800 Handsoap Dispenser. Sturdy streamline design that matches every toilet interior with ease, armed with a replaceable heavy duty rubber tube as a mean to dispense soaps makes this unit very easy to operates. If you would like to use bag-in-a-box then simply remove the soap reervoir and replace it with the soap in a box.