Showing posts with label Cuci Mata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuci Mata. Show all posts

10 July 2009

5 Reasons Why I Lafu Ms. Racheal Kum Singkapoh Miss Universe Deep Deep!!!

I just happened to find out whois Miss Rachael Kum.
Rachael, a manager in the medical industry and a graduate in pedagogy, will represent Singapore at the Miss Universe 2009, which will be held at the Atlantis Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas, on August 23 2009.
She is Singkapoh's Miss Universe wei!!! n I lafu her dip dip!!! Why I lafu her dip dip? Lemme tell u why i lafu her deep deep!

No. 1 reason why i lafu her dip dip is .... She got mehnee mehneee sui Ahlians fwens!!!!
Mana mau cari?!!

No.2 reason why i lafu her dip dip is .... her fwens whether Ahbengs or Ahlians got powderfool sense of pesyen wan wei!!! Look at their cool pesyen and try not to be jeles ok?!

No.3 reason why i lafu her dip dip is .... she is not a sexist!!! She no discriminate wan! She even willing to be fwen with a dickhead! N hugged him/her/it! how often u find this kinda nais person nowadays?!

No.4 reason why i lafu her dip dip is ... i tink shes very charitable person ... look at this pikcher ... she feed the pity hungwee girl! Awww she so suweettt~~

No.5 reason why i like Rachael Kum dip dip is .... err .. this one no nid i tell u .. u also know why la!

Now who want join me open a Rachael Kum fan kab in KL?

Pic source

19 November 2008

Cuci Mata Wetnessday - DSLR Benji

Her displayed name is benjicajess, so i called her Benji la ... but she tulan and fark 9 me upside down, cursed 9 my 18th generation of anchestors and forced me to cell her Jess .... -.-""" Lauhon sial!

What do you get when u cross a DSLR and a Chick?

Answer :You judge for yourself in the photos below la!

Pro-pile :

Name : benjicajess but pls dun call her Benji ok?
Age : 19 yrs young! Fresh Flesh!
Watchadoinnow? : Masscomm student.
Stay Where? : Penang
Also a freelance Photographer .... and definitely qualify as a freelance model too la!!

I wanna dig for more infos but she fark me no free ledi .... enjoy these piktures la!

Yala i know la ... u farking me now asking urself whats so spesel about this pic ... wait la!!! u see this pic 1st then u see the others then u will lau bei huet wan!!!

I think my aircond rosak at pic no.2 ledi ... if not why suddenly so hot wan? LOL! .... huh? what red face guy??? where?!! got horn sommo? why i dint see geh?! who u wanna bruff?!

This smile reminded me of an incident last time when i accidently put chocolate into the oven ... melting sial!!!! NAH!!! U all mah lat lows Sei mei?!

OUMAIKOT!!!! SO DIP DIP WAN!!!!!! if jatuh inside can drown and suffocate ok?!

Ahlian Look! This pikture sure Alot Ahbengs will download one!!!

Look at thos abs .... or look slightly higher also can ... both also .... phuhhhhhhh!!!! *looking for tisu*

Wuah!!! U guys still got pahwer to reach till pic no. 7? most Ahbengs alredi hospitalised at pic no.6 ledi! Due to excessive lost of blood thru nose bleed lol! Nah side profile la!!! Leng Mou?!

* hands shivering ledi .... derno what to type ... tisue finished jor .... still lau bei huet-ing*

Wuah sardenlee my heart bip bop bip bop very fast liow .... izzit bcoz of this pic??? who got same sexperience after viewing this pikture?!

OUMAIKOTTT!!! if you still can stand after this pikture then u pass the test ledi!!! U GRaduateD! U r not longer a "GREEN HEAD BOI" kakakaka!

Others who dint pass ... keep plektising and start from the top of the post again!

Graduates can proceed to Benji's Blog for more of her pwetty pigchers!!!

10 September 2008

Cuci Mata WETnesday - Taiboh Angmoh!

I suppose to post some piktures wan ... but sadly .. today blogspot got something farking wrong! totally kenot post piktures! Luckily Zues the kenny jai gimme this taiboh angmoh girl video ... can let u guys gian abit la! better than nothing rite? later u 1 week no tfk then your pipe clogged ledi how?! LOL!

Nah enjoy la!

3 September 2008

Cuci Mata Wetnesday - TOO HOT in Miri!!

18SX - Small bois n girls ... go do your homework! Dun read! go play PS2 or PS3 or Wii or PSP or hello kitty or hello puppy or anything as long as u dont read this post can edi! If you die die also wanna read ... then call your mum/dad at work and ask for permission 1st ok?
Oh! and its NSFW too! Got terribly foul language and its no good for hypocrites also! Its not for the Faint hearted neither! Pls do not proceed if you have a weak heart ok?

Note : NSFW means Not Safe From Work .... so, if u kena fire bcoz you read my blog at work ... u dun kam find me ok?

According to my other p0rn pusher, Black Buddha .... this place is in Miri! I neva been to Miri before so i dunno ... Any basket from Miri wanna confirm whether u guys got such a Biao Meis heaven in Miri anot? If got why no share share with me!!! If you dun tell me ... how i wanna go MIRI?!!!

I tell you something ... altho I neva been Miri befoh but ... judging from the way this jiejie is dressing ... i can tell Miri is a very hot place leh!!! Hot place kenot wear too much clothes one! If not will kena fever one geh!

See this waitress jiejie? the behind so windy .... work also can work more efficient lidis!

The waitress jiejie very frendly also ... got posing for your camera tim!

See see?!!! too HOT liow la the weather, front is sweating! thats why kena take out and let wind blow blow abit! if not later armpit smelly der!

This jiejie more cleber! she wear lesser clothes so no nid to have smelly armpit at all!

Looking at this jiejie .... i sardenlee got this urge to drink milk ler ..... jiejieee i want nen nenn~~

Oi! oi!!!1 niahma this ahpek .... what you checking la! That place where got sweating wan!? no nid check la!!!

Wah lau eh .... this jiejie sit the ahpek's lap take pikture wei!!! u got see the ahpek's face anot? that fler like Viagra overdose lidat mia face wei! LOL!!

You see the ahpek anot? He holding tisu getting ready to wipe his nose bleed la! All is the weather fault! Too HOT ledi till can nose bleed wan!

Side view wei!!! Side view can let ppl see the actual size wan!!!! You got see the moutain anot?!!! Like EVEREST!!!! *look for tisu*

Phuiyo ... this ahpek must be veri rich wan! buy so many "lafu" sticker and put on this waitress jiejie .... can hug hug sommo! So HOT ledi still wanna hug meh?! later armpit sweating how?! lol!

This jiejie foinally beh tahan the heat liow! .... what the best way to beat the heat? Go take a shower la!

See see? waitress jiejie is so happy taking shower! Shes very cool ledi now! All wet wet ... but how come its my turn to feel HOT wan now? Who turn off my aircond?!! eh wait ... the aircond is still on wor! Then why so HOT WAN?!!!

WOOO!!! jiejie finish shower ledi lor! Jiejie now very cooling jor ... but everyone else is HOTTER than before leh! HOW?!

I think i want to organise a group *business trip* to Miri la!!! RM1,999.00 suma masuk! Naik Airasia 1st krass flight! Who want join fast fast register!

27 August 2008

Cuci Mata WETnesday - Why you should buy BRA for your wife

Permatang Pauh was splendid! and of coz An-war won (as expected) and If "they" still dont understand what we want by now (dispite the facts that we shown to them over n over again) .... then i m willing to take my chance with a new gormen.

18SX - Small bois n girls ... go do your homework! Dun read! go play PS2 or PS3 or Wii or PSP or hello kitty or hello puppy or anything as long as u dont read this post can edi! If you die die also wanna read ... then call your mum/dad at work and ask for permission 1st ok?
Oh! and its NSFW too! Got terribly foul language and its no good for hypocrites also! Its not for the Faint hearted neither! Pls do not proceed if you have a weak heart ok?

Note : NSFW means Not Safe From Work .... so, if u kena fire bcoz you read my blog at work ... u dun kam find me ok?

Many Ahbengs dun like follow their wife/gf go buy bras n panty one ... this is because of the male ego factor la!

But that is so wrong ok? You Ahbengs should volunteer to follow your wife/gf(s) go bras n panty shopping! infact ... if you can ... go once every week!!!

You may wanna say "Shy la .... kanneh! later ppl think i binthais love to wear bras and panties one how? (crossdresser la) "

Shy? But what if i tell you that you can see get to see many many jiejies lidis at the bras and panties shop leh? Then you wanna go anot jek?

If you r lucky .... they might tell u "see see? wear ledi boobs will bekam firm firm wan leh! u dont briff you touch and see!"

WHOAAA Yellow kaler I LIKE AH!!!

Jiejie in jeans .... I like your legs leh!!!! *wipe nose bleed*

Come help jiejie peel the sticker of my abs .... *shiok*

Jiejie bra really good!!! push upup!!! so sharp lidat!!! kena poke sure gone case wan!!! kakakaka!

Jiejie ... i very like the sticker on your boobs la ... can i peel and keep as souvinier anot pulez, pulez mighty pulez?

This jiejie so fierce wan ..... i sked sked~

Aiks! This one like aunty also can bekam model?! kakaka but this aunty got chun legs sial!

Nah whole group let u see la! slow slow see ok?

After seing the sample of what you could be getting edi ... do you still "shy" to bring your wife/gf(s) go bras/panties shopping?!!! Dun be a sohaiiii!!!! KAKAKAKAA!!!

p.s. : Mehnee tenkiu to my new p0rn pusher mister kktan from Austerhliah!

20 August 2008

Cuci Mata WETnesday - Beijing Olympic Sexiest Photo!

This week mia cuci mata post got a bit diff .... u can actually place your hands below the desk ledi ... can eat viagra also ... everything you cant do in the previous cuci mata post u can do it in this post!

Ladies and genitalmen, i presents to you the sexiest pikchar of Beijing Olympic 2008!!!!


30 July 2008

Cuci Mata WETnesday - Pheeweettt Frensters Lengluis!! Part 2

Got this from forwarded email, looks like some is too free/nice to go around frendster collecting piktures of Lengluis from Malaysia and compiling them up and send to everyone! But also thanks to him you guys got Cuci mata post to see today la!

Like usual ... Ahbengs n Ahpeks sekalian .... I present to you the Rules and Regulations of reading Cuci Mata Post!! Before you proceed you will agree that you will adhere to the belows rules and regulations.
  • 1. No hands under the desk/table
  • 2. No hands below waist level
  • 3. No goto toilet TFK after reading this post
  • 4. No Weak Heart ... if you got heart attack one pls ask your lokter for permission 1st.
  • 5. Do not take Viagra before viewing this post, Tongkat Ali also kenot! If take ledi dun proceed ... I sked later u lau bei huet!
  • 6. Others proceed under own risk.
  • 7. Dun let your boss catch you staring at lengluis with a boner! You kena fire dun kam find me!

I lafu Race Queen wan!!

Phuiyo ampang mali! Looks at her lips!!! I wonder how they taste like!!! .... How come i never met here in ampang wan?!!! WHY!!!

Angel Wing? we matching leh!!

This one no nid taste ... look at her alredi sweet enuff!

Ipoh mali!!! 23 yrs old but looks like 16!!! fresh flesh!!!

Phuiyoo .. her eyes .... look long long can get orgasm one!

Another ipoh mali mia chiu kap mou tik leng lui .... if i ever gonna move my ass outta KL ... ipoh is definitely the place to be at!

Another contestant from ipoh mali! See see? ipoh is a place where they manufacture lengluis one!

This is the only one from alor setar!

This tiffi is from penang, like anime character so cute can die wei!!! maybe shes a doll and you can bring her home and play change clothes like barbie! LOL!

Thats wrapped up our cuci mata session for today, tune in for more frendster lenglui next week! (yea i got more of this kinda pics in my inbox ... just gotta search for it tho! )