First I would like to remind my blog readers about Paper Secrets Spooky Blog Haunt~

Make sure you come back and see all the great blogs and Halloween ideas.... oh and there will be prizes too!!!!
So on to my LAYOUTS~
I did this one for a scraplift challenge over at :

The next layout I did as a 2 page layout (which I hardly do) so I could get multi pictures at the regular 4x6 size. I didn't want to miss out on anything! 
So for the next layout, I actually used my own sketch!!! Yup!!! I am no sketch maker, so please
don't laugh!!! :) But, I did try something new and this is the result:

and actually, this is my 2
nd sketch. I did another one last week or so, but I can't show you that one yet! ;)
Ok, so this next layout is one of my
favs!!! I
lifted this from Trends Mag:

This one too, was a lift from Trends Mag:

And that is all I have for you today!
Thanks for looking, commenting and hopefully following my blog! :)