Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skincare. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Aromaleigh v.2 "Dusk to Dawn" Overnight Mineral Treatment - A Product Review

"DUSK TO DAWN" Night Time Mineral Treatment- Large 25 gram jar

I recently had the opportunity to review Aromaleigh v.2's Dusk to Dawn Overnight Mineral Treatment, which was based on Aromaleigh v.1's Nocturne for those of you who have been longtime customers.

WHAT IS IT:  There is so much great information on this product at the web site that I won't bother posting it all here.  But in a nutshell, it's a mineral treatment powder you apply to your clean skin at night before going to bed.  It's supposed to nourish your skin with minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts, and amino-rich silk powder among other skin-loving ingredients.

MY SKIN:  I am over 40 and have combination skin (oily t-zone/normal cheeks with occasional blemishes) but I use several anti-aging products (like Retin-A and glycolic acid serum) on a regular basis.  So for my product test, I decided to use the Dusk to Dawn on the in between days when I'm not using those harsher treatments and want to give my skin a rest. 

HOW I USED IT:  So I did what the instructions said and I applied it in a light layer to my freshly cleansed skin (face as well as neck and chest since I always use skincare treatments on all three areas) using a flocked sponge.  I use flocked sponges for applying my mineral foundation so I had them on hand.  A regular powder puff would work just as well.  In the morning, I just splashed my skin with water to rinse it and patted it dry.  I didn't feel the need to use any additional cleansers since I washed my skin the night before.

MY RESULTS:  What I found is that my skin started to feel "healed" after several days of use.  The pink/red areas were calmed and my occasional "monthly" blemishes were reduced.  I've only been using the product for a couple of weeks now, but so far I like what it's doing for my skin.  In addition to using it on my face/neck/chest, I also tried it on my scalp.  Occasionally, my scalp gets a few itchy and angry looking red spots around the hair line and other places here and there (usually when I go a day without washing it).  I experimented and dabbed some of the Dusk to Dawn on those spots and it helped heal them as well.  If you're looking for something different to add to your skincare routine or have tried higher-priced nighttime mineral treatments, I suggest you at least try a sample of Dusk to Dawn and see what it does for your skin.

MORE INFO:  It comes in two shades, Dusk to Dawn (original shade) and Dusk to Dawn II (the darker shade).  I don't have a shade preference since I'm wearing it to bed and no one is going to see me, but if I had to pick one I think it would be the original shade and then only because it would keep my pillow cases cleaner.  Samples (1/2 tsp) are only $2.50 and come is plastic baggies.  The regular sized jar (known as a 20 gram jar) is $28 and contains 10 grams net weight of product.  The large jar (known as a 50 gram jar) is $50 and contains 25 grams net weight of product.  And again, the web site has more details regarding jar size, ingredients, etc.

Please come back and visit soon.

If you enjoyed this post, I hope you will leave me a comment.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NEW! Skin Care by Beau Marche Naturals in my Etsy Shop!

Hi Nesters!

I'm so excited to share the news.  I just launched a small line of specialty skin care in my Etsy Shop, Beau Marché. I've been creating bath and body products for friends and family for 8 years and have finally decided to offer them to the public. I hope everyone enjoys using them as much as I love creating them.

First up are "Bonne Nuit" Facial Cleansing Oil and "Bonjour" Sugar & Oatmeal Body Scrub.  Coming soon to the Beau Marché Naturals lineup. . . 1) Au Revoir Restorative Facial Oil and 2) Le Visage Parfait Skin Perfecting Mask.

Click on the photo to visit Beau Marché


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where to find. . .

Hi Nesters!

If you're looking for replacements for some of your favorite 3rd party products formerly carried by Aromaleigh, here are a few online resources I came across during my internet research. I am aware that other companies carry the same products, but I only listed a few in each category to keep this post concise.

I have purchased some of these products from MAD Minerals in the past and was pleased with their service. However, I am not recommending or vouching for the service of any of the companies listed here.

If you have found some other resources for these products and had a good experience with the company, please feel free to list it in the comments.


Indelible Liner* (1/$25.00, 2/$46.00, 3/$60.00)
JW Cosmetics ($8.99)
MAD Minerals ($8.99)
Spa Private Label ($19.20/sale $7.25)


JW Cosmetics ($8.99)
Indelible Liner (1/$29.95, 2/$56.00, 3/$77.00)
MAD Minerals ($8.99)

Head Covers Unlimited ($9.99)
Indelible Liner (1/$12.95, 3/$30.00, 5/$40.00)


Head Covers Unlimited ($9.99)
Indelible Liner (1/$12.50, 3/$27.00, 5/$39.50)
Spa Private Label ($18.75/sale $7.50)


Indelible Liner (1/$16.00, 2/$28.00, 3/$36.00)
Studio Direct Cosmetics ($12.99)
The Blushing Bride ($10.00)


Head Covers Unlimited ($9.95)
Indelible Liner (1/$12.95, 3/$30.00, 5/$40.00)
Spa Private Label ($18.75/sale $7.50)


I Love My Lips (1/$18.95, 2/$32.00, 3/$45.00)
New Vitality ($17.95)


JW Cosmetics ($14.99)
MAD Minerals ($24.99/sale $12.99)

EYESHADOW PRIMER BASE (appear to be similar if not identical to AL):

MAD Minerals ($9.99/sale $6.50)
Spa Private Label ($16.95/sale $6.95)


Amazon ($14.00)
JW Cosmetics ($9.99)
MAD Minerals ($12.99/sale $8.99)


Action Skin Care (1/$29.95, 2/$55.00, 3/$66.00)
Ame Cosmetics ($25.95)
Beauty Sensation ($25.95)
JW Cosmetics ($24.99)


Acne Doctor ($35.00/Sale $32.95)
Action Skin Care (1/$30, 2/$50, 3/$66)
Aura Skin Care ($29.95/Sale $22.46)
JW Cosmetics ($24.99)


Acne Doctor ($28.50/Sale $25.95)
Action Skin Care ($27.50, 2/$50.00, 3/$66.00)
JW Cosmetics ($19.99)


Acne Doctor ($26.50/sale $22.95)
Action Skin Care (1/$26.50, 2/$47.00, 3/$65.00)

*,,, and (among other "dot com"names that lead to the same internet site) all appear to be the same company.

Edited to add: was included in several of the lists for price comparison purposes even though they are more expensive in some of the categories. hen you enter "indelible liner" in a search engine, they are one of the first companies that appears. I wanted to let my readers know that the company whose name sounds most like the product isn't necessarily the manufacturer/creator of that product and they don't always offer the best price. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Favorites. . .

Hi Nesters!

I was going through some old posts and realized I haven't done a "Friday Favorites" in a very long time. One product I use that I love and have been meaning to tell you about is Trader Joe's Enrich Moisturizing Face Lotion SPF 15.

  • fragrance-free

  • paraben-free

  • oil-free

  • PABA-free UVA/UVB protection

  • non-comedogenic (doesn't clog pores)

  • contains Vitamins A, C, and E.

  • formulated for all skin types

  • Only $4.49 for a 4 oz. bottle

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My first professional facial!

Hi Nesters!

I just had my first professional facial.  I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to share it with you. I'm warning you it's a lengthy post. I just wanted to be thorough in the details you can clearly imagine my experience in your head.

For Christmas, my husband Jason gave me a gift card for a Signature Facial from facelogic (it's not a typo, they don't capitalize their name). I've never had any sort of pampering treatments before aside from having my hair cut/highlighted every three months and getting pink & white acrylics every other week (but those aren't really relaxing types of pampering). I've never even indulged in one of those quickie neck massages you can get at the mall. So I don't know what took me so long (6 months) to make my appointment but I finally did it. Perhaps I was afraid of the unknown or maybe the idea of a stranger touching my face didn’t appeal to me. Not sure.

So here's how my day went. . .

Friday, September 19, 2008

Update on my Retin-A Experience

Well, it's been four nights of using the .04% Retin-A Micro and I'm seeing some changes (not in my fine lines though-that'll take more time). My skin is feeling a little tender when I wash it, I've got red spots in some areas, and I'm flaky, flaky, flaky (sounds lovely doesn't it). These are all normal reactions and signs that the product is working so I'm just going to persevere.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Latest addition to my skin care routine

It's Retin-A Micro!

I went to my dermatologist (aka derm dr.) yesterday for my annual "freckle check," and I asked her for a prescription for Retin-A to diminish my fine lines and wrinkles. After some discussion, we decided I would start out with the .04% formula instead of the .1% formula just in case my skin is very sensitive to it and needs time to work up to the stronger one. She gave me several samples of the .04% to try before I get my rx filled.

So here is the game plan:
  • Start using the .04% samples (I did this last night)
  • Shop pharmacies for the best price of both formulas of Retin-A Micro (insurance does not cover it for my purposes so it's going to be expensive)
  • After the samples are used up, decide whether or not my skin tolerated it well. If it did, call derm dr. for an rx for the .1% and don't get the .04% rx filled. She thought this would be better than starting out directly with the .1%, finding out it was too strong for my skin and wasting all that money. Good call doc!

Results so far:

  • No irritation after one application.

I'll keep you posted,


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