Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

All Dressed Up and Someplace to Go

The first weekend in August was my husband Jason's annual Trader Joe's regional company party.  Our region (Northern Cal) holds its party every year in Sacramento, California.  Trader Joe's is very generous and provides a lovely hotel room for guests driving 30 or more miles to the event.  Although it's very hot this time of year, which isn't conducive to sight-seeing around our state's capital, it is a nice way to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary (which was August 13) for free.  Attendance isn't mandatory and we actually haven't been to the party since 2009.   They have hosted the party at the same venue for the past 3 years, so we didn't really have the desire to spend the extra $$$ on the gas it takes to drive 3 hours if it wasn't something we haven't done before.  Well now that enough time has passed, it felt new to us even though it wasn't and we were definitely ready for a free night of fun on Trader Joe's. 

I won't bore you with too many pictures of the hotel but you can check out my previous post from 2009 if you're interested in seeing more.  It is quite luxurious.

We were lucky enough to get a corner room this time with fabulous views in two directions.  This is the view standing by the window looking back at the little entry way and the front door.  I love that there is a full length mirror at the very end.


Standing at the door.  Bathroom is on the left, main room on the right.

Since it is a corner room, there is an angled wall with the desk and swivel t.v. on it.  Great use of space.

I love having an excuse to get all dressed up. My everyday life just isn't this glamorous (click on the photo to zoom on the detail of the dress--it's metallic crochet).

All of my makeup (except lipstick) is Aromaleigh.

The one time a year (in this case three years) that Jason wears a suit.

 To show their appreciation for their managers' hard work, they host a cocktail/hors d'oeuvres hour prior to dinner, which includes free wine and beer (yay for free wine!).  The dinner is always elegant and delicious.  What's that you say?  You want to see pics of our food?  I knew it.  Here you go. . .
Just kidding.

And after dinner, if you're up for it, there is LOTS of dancing.  Sorry no pics of me boogie-ing down.  Mama gets a little crazy on the dance floor and I have a reputation to uphold (lol). 

Lucky us, the party is held in the hotel that our room is in so we can drag our tired butts right to bed without having to hail a cab in the wee hours.

And just a few more pics before I go. . .


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Dress:  I.N.C. Metallic Crochet (look Ma, no spanx!)

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Anniversary in Napa

Jason and I celebrate all of the time we've been together, not just the years we've been married (which will be 18 this August).  May 13th was our 20 year "dating" anniversary.  We decided to take some time for ourselves and enjoy a mini vacation in Napa.  We had been there once before several years ago but only for an overnight work party.  This time, we stayed the whole weekend so we could take in some of the sights and tastes that Napa had to offer.

I loved our suite. It was very modern and roomy.  And all the details a girl could want.

Big screen t.v. for Jason.

Separate vanity with a magnifying mirror for me!

Jetted tub -- Oh Yeah!

 We were lucky to get a corner room so we had views in two directions.

 This metal sculpture was in a restaurant we ate lunch at in downtown Napa.

Wine tasting at the magnificent Chandon winery.

Enjoying the beautiful day with my honey.

The tasting I selected included a take-home engraved champagne flute and I forgot and let the waiter pick it up and take it away. :(

 Saturday night dinner on the Wine Train.

On the back deck of the caboose.
Hang on honey!

We dined privately (passengers dining in other cars on the train can't come up to this car) in the Vista Dome car.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homemade lemonade is the best!

For the past few years, Cameron and I have made homemade lemonade using lemons off a tree in our back garden.  I've never used fertilizers or pesticides and it consistently provides of with a HUGE bounty of tasty lemons.  We always love to share so if you live near us, please ask.  There are lots more left on the tree.

Our recipe:

2 cups lemon juice (used 12 medium lemons to get this much)
8 cups water
1 cup sugar (more or less to taste)

This was Cameron's first time juicing the lemons all by himself.

We use my grandfather's Protor-Silex Juicit from the 60's.  


Nature makes the best decorations!  

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