Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Treasure Hunting

We're changing Sierra's bedroom around again so we went thrifting to look for a coffee table or dresser that could be DIY'd into a t.v. stand.  We didn't find that on this outing but we did find lots of other goodies.  The most expensive item is the wood swivel desk chair at ($59), which is a huge bargain considering Pottery Barn sells a nearly identical chair for $400.  The globe was $7 and everything else was less than $3.  The globe and vintage cash box were Cameron's finds, the metal candle holders, green beaded bowl and aqua ceramic tray were Sierra's finds, the rest were mine.


Please come back and visit soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hideous Horses Before/After

My fellow blogger Gail at Little Beach Designs recently blogged about being embarrassed when she buys certain items from thrift stores with the plan to renovate them into something beautiful.  I couldn't agree with her more.  I do this often.  There's A LOT of ugly stuff out there that can be transformed into something quite lovely if you have a little imagination. . .and in my case, a can or two of  spray paint.

I found these ceramic horse bookends at a thrift store for just a couple dollars each.  I cleaned them up, gave them each a coat of Espresso spray paint, then a coat of Heirloom White spray paint.  I roughed them up a bit and applied some dark brown wood stain to give them an aged look. . .voila!  They sold quickly in my shop for 5 times what I paid for them.  The buyer was in another country and liked them so much she didn't mind paying the $30 it cost for shipping.  I took that as a huge compliment.

After (SOLD)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Adventures in Thrifting

You may already know that I loooove me some thrift store shopping.  I've done it for years.  I enjoy it even more than antique store shopping because the bargains are better even if the selection isn't.  There's no regularity to my thrifting.  I just get out and hunt whenever the feeling hits me.  It's more fun that way.  Yesterday after I picked up the boy from school, we popped by Sally's (aka Salvation Army) on our way home and I got quite a good haul all for under $20.  Some of it will be refurbished with paint, some will go into my etsy shop, and others I will keep.  Can you guess which?

And here is another little find I picked up from a prior thrifting trip for just $1.95.  I finally brought it in from the garage, wiped it down and used wood glue to better secure the legs to the seat.  The seat is a little warped but I think imperfection adds to the charm.  Up next, is a coat of paint (not sure if I'm going to use white or black--I'm leaning toward white) and maybe some French accents.  You'll have to check back to see how it turns out.

A recent thrift store find transformation. . .cheese dome turned cloche!

Please come back and visit soon.

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