Showing posts with label journals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journals. Show all posts

Monday, 3 August 2009

More journals

I'm working on decorated papers and fabric pages for three new journals for my etsy store. I love making the journals, seeing them evolve. I find by working on a few at a time I can mix and match the pages.

I'm thinking of offering some of my paintings as prints on my etsy and also making laser prints using sections of my decorated papers, for use in art making.

This is a print of one of my canvases, reduced in size. It's printed on archival paper and stitched behind acetate. I enjoy the combination of fabric and paper.

I've also added another pack of decorated papers to my etsy

Monday, 8 June 2009

Catching up and etsy

I seem to be constantly playing catch up at present.

The photo below is of some of the wonderful gifts I received from an art group get together, which was over a week ago now. Patsy, Dot, Julia and I met at Jacky's farm and had a wonderful lunch and get together. The beautiful beaded piece was from Dot using some of her lovely hand made felt.

We had a holiday today, Monday, to celebrate the Queen's birthday. I still haven't worked out why we have the holiday in June when her birthday is in April. I'm not complaining though, it gave me chance to decorate some more papers and add to my Etsy store.

This photo shows my area where I work to decorate the papers, it's not in my studio. I use the huge table I have for my workshops, it makes life so much easier.

These are some of the papers that go into my paper packs.

This is a laser print of one of my collages that has been scanned into photoshop and then I've changed the colour and added filters to it. This sheet comes in the pack too.

I've also added a small hand made journal, using my decorated papers, to my store. This has decorated pages and some original collages as well as fabric tags.

Finally I've added some more hand carved stamps.

I'd also like to thank Laura for giving me 'The Lovely Blog' award. Thanks so much Laura, it's much appreciated.

Sunday, 24 May 2009


These photos are part of the cover of my junk journal. I started out using a technique I learnt in DJ's class, but then added my own twist to it.

This page was made from the scraps I found on the floor after my last vintage workshop, except for the elephants and elephant ribbon, they came from Patsy.

Two more pages from my journal, using paint, napkins, branded tissue paper from a shop and a black Sharpie.

I received a fabulous package of goodies from Judy on Friday, you should visit her Etsy she has some wonderful things.
Great for art or jewellery making.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Amazing Cake

This birthday has been the longest I've ever had. My daughter gave me a family party on Saturday night, the whole family were there including my step daughter who flew down from Queensland after she finished work.
My darling husband had this most amazing cake made for me. He took photos of one of my journals I had made and this local company made a beautiful mud cake then decorated it with edible ink. It matches my journal completely right down to the icing buttons and fabric. I think the top must have been digitally printed.

This is the journal

and this is the cake. The photo below shows the size compared to my hand, it was huge and delicious.

I'll be holding a brooch workshop from my home on the 20th June. The photo below shows the style, but you can chose from silver or brass and any colour combination of beads etc. If you're interested in attending please email me for details, my email address is in my side bar.

I'll also be holding a junk journal workshop from home in July. The photos below are various stages of the one I'm working in.
The journal is made from old envelopes, catalogues, junk mail, manilla folders, photo copies, anything to want to recycle. The class will include assembling the journal and making and binding it into the cover and techniques to decorate the pages when the journal's assembled. Again, if you're interested in attending please email me for details, I will be sending out emails to the people on my mailing list.

This page isn't finished yet, the girl was from a catalogue page, I still have to finish her face and arms. She was originally blonde, wearing a white dress.

I bought this lovely metal pot for my sister for her birthday but couldn't resist taking a photo of it next to the tulips. When I downloaded the photo I realised it made quite a nice image with our living area and kitchen in the background. I also took a rubbing of the pot before I wrapped it.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Journal and stamps

As usual I'm working on a dozen things at a time. Can't seem to help myself. I'm also making kits for an upcoming vintage book workshop I'm teaching from home. I haven't mentioned it on my blog as the class filled in two days. I've been very lucky with classes having such wonderful, enthusiastic students, keen to take on new challenges.

The photos below are of my new journal inspired by DJ's class. I've used my hand decorated papers, pieces of art and some of the fabrics I found in my treasure bag from my previous post.

Some of the papers are decorated with the new stamps that I've added to my Etsy site. I always do a few test runs before I sell them to make sure I'm happy with them.

This is something I did in Photoshop. I stamped the individual stamps onto separate pieces of paper, then scanned them into my computer. I them converted them into brushes and created different sizes. This is the result. I've printed a smaller one and added it to the journal. This is another way you can use your stamps.

Here are some button and fabric kits I've added to Etsy

These are my new stamps that I've tested on some of the journal pages above. They are now available on my Etsy. I've reduced the price of my existing stamps on etsy as the Aussie dollar is so low now, this makes them a bit more affordable to my Australian customers.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Journal frenzy

I'm a bit sore and sorry at present, I had a tooth removed tonight and the injections wearing off, it hasn't stopped me from doing art though, they'd have to take my whole mouthful of teeth before that happens.

I've been so keen to start a new DJ journal using my colours and art. Last night I dyed a whole lot of fabrics and doilies in bright colours to use between signatures.

Decorated some papers using my stamps

Sketched some poppy seed heads, figs and flowers, then painted them with my Caran d'ache water colour crayons.
Cut them up and added them to my papers. I cut the daisy in half and used it on two pages.

I still have to make some more signature wraps and some more artwork for the pages, then assemble the journal. I really love all of the processes in these books, they're fun to make.