One of my blog readers, Nelda, was looking at Wild Card #2 and was wondering what the jaggedy image would be used for. So I go to looking at #2 card on page 33 of the Wild Card booklet and I wanted to create a card using that jaggedy image.

Below is a photo of page 33, I've circled the images in red that I cut out with my Cricut for this card.
Everything was cut at 6" for this card, the word "memo" I used a gel pen to write the word instead of cutting the word.

The blackout feature for the card (lowest red circle in above photo) was actually cut 3 times. I'll explain how I did this without wasting paper.
I first cut out the full card using pattern paper (photo below), I discarded the jaggedy image.
Because the jaggedy image was cut out before the card image I knew I could cut two more of that image and save paper.

I used rust colored cardstock size 3" x 6 1/2" to cut the blackout feature -card (same image as above) I watched while it was being cut and when the jaggedy image was done cutting I pressed the STOP button on my Cricut before the card shape was cut. Wala I saved paper because I knew I didn't need another full card image.
I removed the first rust colored jaggedy peice added another rust piece of cardstock same size as listed above then repeated as before, pressing the STOP button before the card image was cut. Wala saved paper again.
The photo below shows all the pieces that I used for the card (the paper in the center has the word "memo" -it may be hard to see). The white piece was cut using my paper trimmer size 4" x 5 3/4", this was used on the inside of the card to write a message on because the pattered paper that I used for the card was double sided and the opposite side was a very busy pattern, and would have made it difficult to see the writing.

With one of the rust colored jaggedy pieces I scored at the markings then folded in half, this was placed on the fold side of the card. The other piece I cut in half, one half was used on the envelope flap and the other half was discarded.

For the "memo" piece of paper I cut it to fit behind the frame.The frame was popped off of the card using pop-dots.

If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask... that's how we learn.
Have a wonderfully Creative day!
Robin :)
Thanks for the tip. I like how you photo'd the handbook and then photo edited it. I've included photos, but like your detail.