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Showing posts with label hawk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hawk. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2011

FLYday - Double Osprey Delight

FLYday is an homage to what our feathered friends do best, fly.

These are Osprey, also called Fish Hawks. The bird on the left is an adult female chasing a first summer, male bird away from the nest. The mother bird on the left has two new chicks in a nearby nest. The younger bird on the right was hatched last year and probably was trying to come back to the nest it knew when it was a new chick. Kind of sad!

Friday, June 10, 2011

FLYday - Red-tailed Hawk And Ravens

Red-tailed Hawk harrassed by Ravens, Phippsburg, Maine

FLYday is an homage to what our feathered freiends do best, fly.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

FLYday - American Kestrel

An American Kestrel diving from its perch for prey. The kestrel is our smallest hawk. Phippsburg, Maine 2011

An homage to what our feathered friends do best, fly.

Note:  For those of you who may have been wondering where I am, I've been working on a project and Weeding For Dollars as 'tis the season. In the mean time, our dog took a face full of porcupine quills which has really fouled up my time lines. Thus, a FLYday that is on Sunday. I do know it's Sunday and have not totally lost my mind, yet. I'll be back, never fear!

Friday, April 22, 2011

FLYday - Red-tailed Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawk Take Off

Red-tailed Hawk Lift Off
Red-tailed hawk lifting off, then taking off from tree branch, Randolph, Maine April, 16, 2011

An homage to what our feathered friends do best, fly.

(This post is an Editor's Pick on Open Salon )

Saturday, March 19, 2011

"March" - Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier, also known as a "Marsh Hawk," hunting across a salt marsh on the Atlantic coast

At the tail end of the winter
March plods
through endless dour days
marked by brownish gloom.

While beneath the cold earth's floor
the secret songs
of flowers
are building to a roar.

Spring fed - suddenly
the crocus blooms
Shouts out
"Wake up! Wake up!"

The yellow faces yell
"Bend down
and kiss me!"
Take in the lemon smell.

The sun will shine,
the warmth will come
then we will all be well.

Robin R Robinson

   Yesterday, it soared to 65 degrees here with a warm, southerly breeze. Portland, Maine set a record breaking 68. I worked in my gardens for hours for the first time since last fall. It felt so good! As if by magic, the first crocuses of the year popped out of the ground. While I clipped, pruned, raked and hauled debris, more and more of them opened before my eyes. They escorted me by the hand to this sappy verse.
     This morning, before I opened my eyes, I felt cold air. Through the window came the cool, blue light of falling snow.