At just about this time last year, give or take a couple of days, I took these photographs of this pair of adult Barred Owls. One of these shots has the owl's butt sticking out of the nest. They either did not lay eggs or did not successfully hatch the eggs. Barred owls will often use the same nest for years if they find it suitable each season when they check it out. Yesterday, I was able to get this shot of the owlet in the same nest. I think there are two of them in there, but I'm not sure. Barred owls lay a clutch of 2-5 eggs. I haven't yet seen the mom and dad, but I know they are around because I can hear them. I'll keep checking. The property owners have been gracious in telling me to come looking anytime; they ask only that I don't wear my bathrobe. In the photos from last year, it almost looks as if the adult pair were consoling one another.
These are tail feathers sticking out of the hole last year. It was the tail of an adult, probably the female.
This is 'junior' this year in the same nest.
"Honey, it's okay. We can try again next year. Don't be sad."