My son is the executive chef of SAM'S SMOKEHOUSE on Sam's Knob - Aspen, Snowmass. He took David and I on a tour of the facility when we first got to Aspen. The restaurant was closed for the season at the time, so we were able to tour freely and see the magnificent, commercial kitchen. He took us right away because he's very proud of what he does and where he works and also, within two days of the tour, it snowed enough to make it impassible by car! From now until spring, the only way to get to the restaurant is by ski lift or snow machine. Snowmass is one of the most famous ski resort destinations in the world at 12,500 feet elevation. A six person chair lift empties out an average of 3,000 thirsty, hungry skiers every hour, right into the front doors of the only restaurant on the mountain.
My son is the executive chef of SAM'S SMOKEHOUSE on Sam's Knob - Aspen, Snowmass. He took David and I on a tour of the facility when we first got to Aspen. The restaurant was closed for the season at the time, so we were able to tour freely and see the magnificent, commercial kitchen. He took us right away because he's very proud of what he does and where he works and also, within two days of the tour, it snowed enough to make it impassible by car! From now until spring, the only way to get to the restaurant is by ski lift or snow machine. Snowmass is one of the most famous ski resort destinations in the world at 12,500 feet elevation. A six person chair lift empties out an average of 3,000 thirsty, hungry skiers every hour, right into the front doors of the only restaurant on the mountain.
The Chef posing in his office and the trail map of Snowmass slopes outside of the restaurant
This newsletter is posted on the employee bulletin board. 'Our boy,' is proud of the organic menu selections and the 'green' philosophy of the restaurant.
A view from the restaurant
Inside the restaurant, closed when the photo was taken.
These are my guys! Hayden is in love with this smoker. Notice his flip flops and snow? Goofball!
This is a detail of Hayden's office. I think the cow head is so funny! He would tell you that his office is really the mountains, though - not this little room. David and I are so proud of him we could just squeal. Do I sound like I'm gushing? That's because I am. Wait until you see my upcoming posts about his rock climbing and paragliding escapades! After all, the restaurant business is how he makes money to buy rope.
On the job when "the shop" is open for business