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Showing posts with label Erin go Bragh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erin go Bragh. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hair In Your Bra & Dabbling Ducks

The Davenport Building, Bath City Hall
I took this last night at about 10:30pm. The building is awash in green light celebrating Bath's Blarney Days. Erin go Bra'gh, or 'Hair In Your Bra,' as I like to say.

I always laugh when I see ducks in this posture. Do you suppose ducks laugh when they see humans in this position? Mallards are dabbling ducks. They pull vegetative growth from the bottom for food and seem to be dabbling around as they do it. The ducks were in the Oak Grove Cemetery pond in Bath, yesterday. Do you suppose they were looking for bodies? Maybe they are actually CSIs or crime scene investigators! Maybe, they should be taken more seriously.

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