Once again I must thank all of you for your kind words and comments on my blog. I have meet some wonderful people in this venture who share the same passion for needlework. I was really surprised when I went to compose my blog post today and noticed that I have 199 followers. I will put something together for a little drawing so please stay posted.
We finally have some decent weather in Texas (no +100F days since we had a cool front that moved into the area last night). Our high temperature for the day was only 81F and expected to get down into the low 60s overnight. I could get use to this but we are expected to get back into the lower 90's by the end of the week. But it is still try (no measureable rain received or expected) leaving us still in a severe drought situation. So we are still praying for rain.
My goal was to finish Sampler's Rembered Mary Allen 1818 by Labor Day and I put the last stitches in on Saturday, September 3.
Again, this was a fun stitch and the colors are just gorgeous in real life. Mary Allen filled her sampler with a lot of little verses. This was stitiched on 40-ct Lakeside Sand Dune using Hand-Dyed Fibers silk conversion. It turned out bigger than I thought but I really enjoyed stitching this one a lot.
Next up is Scarlet Letter's IRS 1763 a great German Saxon sampler. Last year I stitched the JCS 1707 (which you can see on my blog here) which is very similar. I will post a picture of this start later this week.
Than you once again for all your kind comments.
We finally have some decent weather in Texas (no +100F days since we had a cool front that moved into the area last night). Our high temperature for the day was only 81F and expected to get down into the low 60s overnight. I could get use to this but we are expected to get back into the lower 90's by the end of the week. But it is still try (no measureable rain received or expected) leaving us still in a severe drought situation. So we are still praying for rain.
My goal was to finish Sampler's Rembered Mary Allen 1818 by Labor Day and I put the last stitches in on Saturday, September 3.
Again, this was a fun stitch and the colors are just gorgeous in real life. Mary Allen filled her sampler with a lot of little verses. This was stitiched on 40-ct Lakeside Sand Dune using Hand-Dyed Fibers silk conversion. It turned out bigger than I thought but I really enjoyed stitching this one a lot.
Next up is Scarlet Letter's IRS 1763 a great German Saxon sampler. Last year I stitched the JCS 1707 (which you can see on my blog here) which is very similar. I will post a picture of this start later this week.
Than you once again for all your kind comments.
I wish we could send some or actually all of our rain to you. I'm expecting our basement to flood again right after it finally dried out from Irene. Sigh.
Beautiful finish!!!
Awesome job!! Faye
Awesome job!! Faye
I look forward to seeing your next!
I made great attempts to stitch the center on Labor Day weekend, but ended up going on a road trip instead. :) I'll just have to admire your finish instead. You will motivate me to finish it soon. Can't wait to see IRS 1763. Take Care!
As a total novice... I am in awe of your skills. More power to your elbow. Looking forward to seeing your next project.
This is waiting in my to-stitch basket and seeing your finish is an inspiration.
A giveaway? Oh I'm in!!
I can't believe how quickly you finished stitching this one, you put me to shame with my slow stitching!!
Look forard to seeing your next wonderful creation :-)
Bravo !!