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Mary Allen 1818 Finished!

Once again I must thank all of you for your kind words and comments on my blog. I have meet some wonderful people in this venture who share the same passion for needlework. I was really surprised when I went to compose my blog post today and noticed that I have 199 followers. I will put something together for a little drawing so please stay posted.

We finally have some decent weather in Texas (no +100F days since we had a cool front that moved into the area last night). Our high temperature for the day was only 81F and expected to get down into the low 60s overnight.  I could get use to this but we are expected to get back into the lower 90's by the end of the week.  But it is still try (no measureable rain received or expected) leaving us still in a severe drought situation. So we are still praying for rain.

My goal was to finish Sampler's Rembered Mary Allen 1818 by Labor Day and I put the last stitches in on Saturday, September 3.

Again, this was a fun stitch and the colors are just gorgeous in real life. Mary Allen filled her sampler with a lot of little verses. This was stitiched on 40-ct Lakeside Sand Dune using Hand-Dyed Fibers silk conversion. It turned out bigger than I thought but I really enjoyed stitching this one a lot.

Next up is Scarlet Letter's IRS 1763 a great German Saxon sampler. Last year I stitched the JCS 1707 (which you can see on my blog here) which is very similar. I will post a picture of this start later this week.

Than you once again for all your kind comments.


Katrina said…
OMG Robert, you are a machine, LOL. I ordered my threads for Mary after seeing yours, I am still waiting for them to come and you are FINISHED????? Unreal :-). She is absolutely gorgeous, huge congrats on being done.
Margaret said…
Absolutely gorgeous!! I just love it! And I so want to stitch IRS too! Beautiful, and so fast!

I wish we could send some or actually all of our rain to you. I'm expecting our basement to flood again right after it finally dried out from Irene. Sigh.
Glenna said…
I can't believe you've already finished! Bravo for the beautiful stitching and wonderful choices in samplers!
Natalia said…
Oh my gosh, Robert !!!! It is absolutely stunning, and you are already finished ????? I am for sure a slow stitcher. LOL !!!
Deb said…
You are one fast stitcher. I can't believe you've finished this already. It looks wonderful. I've barely gotten anything done on mine! Congratulations on beautiful stitching!
Valerie said…
A stunning finish! Congratulations!
Catherine said…
Wow! It seems like you just started and here you are finished!

Beautiful finish!!!
Faye said…
Wow Robert~~~ Another stunner...I love them all....Your work is impeccable and you are lightening fast~~~
Awesome job!! Faye
Faye said…
Wow Robert~~~ Another stunner...I love them all....Your work is impeccable and you are lightening fast~~~
Awesome job!! Faye
merumo said…
Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous!! I haven't stitched much during this summer, but after seeing your beautiful work, I'm fully inspired again... Thank you!
samplerlover said…
My goodness, that was quick lol. Mary is really a stunning sampler. I shall look forward to seeing your next SL piece.
Koala said…
Beautiful work! I'm happy to discover your blog - so many gorgeous samplers here :-)
Laurie in Iowa said…
Your Mary Allen is gorgeous. The IRS sampler is on my list of 'must stitches'. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
Mindi said…
I can't believe how fast you finished Mary Allen. She's stunning, and you're wonderful motivation for me to get back to mine. I'm looking forward to seeing IRS 1763.
Sylvia said…
Robert, you are a machine.... she is absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful job.
What a beautiful sampler, the colours are just lovely. I wish I could send you some of our Scottish rain, we've had an overabundance this year.
Siobhán said…
What a fabulous finish!! That was super quick, too. Mary Allen looks great. Congratulations!
Anonymous said…
What gorgeous work you do!!! Thanks for sharing. Helps to motivate ther rest of us.

Vonna Pfeiffer said…
A very glorious, gorgeous finish :)
I look forward to seeing your next!
David said…
An amazing work!!! I am really impressed by your stitching and your choices of samplers... so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your passion through your blog.
Susan said…
Beautiful! Love the colors in this one.
MJ Hunt said…
Another beautiful work!!!
Fantastic, Robert! I can't believe how quickly you stitched her. Beautiful work!
marly said…
She's beautiful. I can't believe how quickly you've completed this! And it's stitched perfectly. I just reviewed SL's catalog yesterday and saw your next project - will enjoy watching its progress.
Kathy A. said…
That is absolutely breathtaking. The colors are just so wonderful. Congratulations on a job well done.
Bertie said…
A gorgeous sampler and so quickly finished too, fabulous and congratulations:)
Loraine said…
Just fabulous Robert! You are such a fast stitcher. Do you have a job that allows you to sit and work on things? I'm so in awe!
I made great attempts to stitch the center on Labor Day weekend, but ended up going on a road trip instead. :) I'll just have to admire your finish instead. You will motivate me to finish it soon. Can't wait to see IRS 1763. Take Care!
Josie said…
That is one gobsmackingly gorgeous sampler!
As a total novice... I am in awe of your skills. More power to your elbow. Looking forward to seeing your next project.
Edgar said…
What a gorgeous finish! Congrats!!!
Vicki said…
this looks wonderful - i am inspired to start on my Sarah Tuel sampler which i have had for 20 years or so... only question is - what do you do with them when they are finished? cheers, Vicki
Dona said…
So beautiful! Congratulations on your finish - your very fast finish!

This is waiting in my to-stitch basket and seeing your finish is an inspiration.
Peggy Lee said…
Breathtaking.....just breathtaking! You must be so proud. Do you have a frame in mind? Your eyes must be very good to stitch on 40 count. I'm afraid I don't do that as comfortably as I once did.

A giveaway? Oh I'm in!!
Melissa said…
Gosh, that was fast! It is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations, Robert!
Crossed Yarns said…
Congratulations, Robert. Mary Allen is just gorgeous!
Giovanna said…
Congratulations on this beautiful, beautiful finish! The colours are just wonderful.
Maggie said…
What a wonderful finish!
I can't believe how quickly you finished stitching this one, you put me to shame with my slow stitching!!

Look forard to seeing your next wonderful creation :-)
Debby said…
This is a beautiful sampler, thank you for sharing your finish. But I'm in awe - and jealous - of how quickly you stitch these pieces! I hope to speed up my stitching some day!!! lol
Julie M said…
Beautiful Robert! Congrats on your finish and meeting your goal!
Constance said…
It looks so neat. You did a real fine job. I want to do some samplers now after years, but I have learned the pattern is not stamped onto the linen any more. I might go nuts!!
Cindy said…
oh my gosh....i just found your blog and your finish is stunning....what an incredible job and on 40 ct also.....awesome work!
MoonBeam said…
A beautiful piece. Congratulations on this finish.

Constance said…
That sampler is abeutiful piece. Your work is impeccable too! Keep us informed because we are followers and love your work. Constance from Utah
Alexandrine said…
Quel travail superbe !
Bravo !!
Constance said…
Am so glad to get your blog today. I often read your blogs and I love the beautiful, neat work you do. I cannot see so good now but wish I could do as well as you. Please do keep your blogs coming. They awe and inspire me. constanceoc@yahoo from Utah.

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