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Showing posts from June, 2010

Tasmania and Miss Atkinson

I have been doing a lot of traveling over the past couple of months so have not had a lot of time to update the blog. Family, work and life in general seem to take up most of my time lately. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends that put up with me being out of pocket for a week or two at a time. But in today’s economic environment I am truly blessed to have a job that I enjoy and which allows me to see places that I would never get around to seeing if I had to do it on my own. As posted in a previous blog, I am currently managing a project for a company located in Devonport, Tasmania Australia.  It is one of the most awe inspiring places that I have ever been and the people are some of the most generous and friendly that you will ever meet.  Over half of the island is a temperate rainforest which is so thick that it blocks out the sun. Some of the most scenic mountains and beaches are also within easy reach. You can also travel from the northern most par...