I was just looking at this picture and I just have to write down this little moment I had with her, (so I don't forget it!)One morning I found her singing to her baby while rocking her. It was so sweet, she was being so still and quiet. I told her she was a wonderful mother! She just lit up and said, "Now that I am a mother can we read scriptures!" I just laughed, (normally that is not her favorite thing to do each morning!) I asked her, "Why is that what mothers do?" She said, "Yes rock their baby and read scriptures!"
I am so glad that right now in her 3 year old mind that is the definition of a mother! When Madey was about 4 she told me she did not want to ever be a mother! I was shocked! I asked her why and she said, "It is way too much work!" The funny thing is this totally sums up Madey and Brins- Brinley is looking at what is fun and Madey is looking at the reality of it all! I love these two girls! Thankfully I have won Madey over and She does want to be a mother someday!