We had a fun party for Madey early this year! My good friend Becky is starting to do "photo shoot" parties! She did such a great job! The girls had so much fun! They had fun walking my homemade Red Carpet! We had fun music playing while they got thier pictures taken. It was one of my favorite parties that I have done. I can not believe Madey is eleven! She is my biggest helper right now! We love you Madey!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Madey is 11!
We had a fun party for Madey early this year! My good friend Becky is starting to do "photo shoot" parties! She did such a great job! The girls had so much fun! They had fun walking my homemade Red Carpet! We had fun music playing while they got thier pictures taken. It was one of my favorite parties that I have done. I can not believe Madey is eleven! She is my biggest helper right now! We love you Madey!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I feel like Thanksgiving just came and went! Time is going by so fast! Which is good and bad!I didn't think I was going to "make it" to Thanksgiving Day pregnant, but as you can see I was and am definitely pregnant!I am trying to hide my huge tummy here with Rob. Madey took this picture for us and cut Rob's head off. (She is a cute photographer!) It was so much fun to have Megan home! She was in London for 6 months! We all missed her! We are going to do our best to keep her in the US for awhile. We had a fun day at the Coleman's! Thanks Heidi for taking over for me!
Halloween Fun
I am so behind on this blog! I am going to try to do a quick update for my future "blog book"! We love to carve pumkins! Ethan got a little grossed out this year. The pictures crack me up! We had our yearly Halloween party with the Larsons and Crockets! Once again we missed the Tassainer, Rogers, Gales,& Livingstons! Maybe next year right girls? Notice the difference between my girls costumes. Brinley wanted to be as pink and as pretty as possible. Madey on the other hand wanted to be a homeless person. She went outside and got a bunch of leaves for her hair, she rubbed dirt all over her clothes. She really "got into this costume". Brinley was putting lipstick on while watching Madey mess up her hair. She was so disgusted, She said "I do not like Hobos!" Madey was disgusted with her for being too fancy! It was the funniest conversation to listen to! I love these 2 completely opposite girls!
Monday, October 19, 2009
We are Having a Baby!!!
I should have done this post months ago, but better late than never right?? We are so so excitted for this sweet Baby Boy! I did a little "Luau" to tell my kiddos about the baby. I had a couple of pressents for them to open. One with the ultrasound picture and a little gift for them from the baby. THey were so shocked! It was so fun to watch them look at the ultrasound pictures. They looked at them forever! I had a 3-D ultrasound which is so cool! My doctor wanted to have a detalied one because I am so old! (I feel old!)He actually looked like a Jones baby in the "pictures"! It was amazing! He kept waving to us it made me cry! It was like he was so excitted to join our family! I just can't wait to meet him! He is one more special little miracle! Rob and I can't believe that we are really going to have 5 kids! We just didn't give up, we knew we had another baby waiting! Prayers really are answered in the Lord's timetable! We are so blessed!Oh- By the way he is due December 20th! So just perfect timing huh?!!I guess we will take them when they'll come! Hopefully I will go early!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Baptism Day!
Happy Birthday Ethan!
He is so happy to be turning 8! Between getting to go to cub scouts and getting baptized he is just on cloud 9! He keeps saying "This is my best day ever! Better than Christmas!"(He has said this everyday for a week now!) He loves pack meeting! I had to take some pictures of him because he was just so excitted! We just love this boy! Rob is already counting the days until he is one of "his" scouts! (Only 4 more years to go Rob!)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Happy Couple! Well sort of.....
These are some of my favorite pictures of the Brins and GG! Everytime I look at them I just crack up! Brinley decided that they were going to get married the other morning. I asked her if I could take pictures of it and she agreed.
I asked her what her plans were and she said that they both needed to bring some things for their wedding. Brinley chose a Snow white crown, a stuffed animal, a book (that she could not read) and of course a bouquet of flowers. Garrett chose to bring his favorite blanket and 2 tennis balls. Really what more could you want to start of a great marriage! (That is about all Rob and I had when we started off)!
The best part about these pictures is Garrett! Brinley is happy and smilling in every picture, but Garrett on the other hand starts having second thoughts! He starts off Blissfully happy but then he starts to think about what and WHO he has "decided" to marry and becomes a little less thrilled. They make me laugh! Thank goodness for Garrett's sake Brinley changed her mind about the marriage the next day. You are safe for a day or two Garrett!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Goodbye BMX Track Hello Grass!
We are having so much fun with grass! I am not missing all of the dust and mud! This picture does not do Rob's track justice! He really built the coolest track! All of my good footage of it is on my video camera. Rob was a little sad to part with it but he admits now that the kids use it 10 times as much! Brinley and Garrett have learned to ride bikes in the last few weeks because of the sidewalk. It is so great! Even though it is 114 degrees out there they play soccer, and volleyball all of the time! Our Friend Dean Stadler did all of the lanscaping! He did such a great job! Thanks Dean!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
12 4 & 5 yr. olds! Yikes!
Brinley's party was so much fun to do! We had a Luau/slip-n-slide party! It was the First time we have ever really "used" our backyard. Despite the crazy heat I think everyone had fun! My favorite part was making the party favors. I got these sand buckets w/shovels and filled them up with treats with a note that said "I hope you "DUG" my B-day party, thanks for coming!" Making the sand castle cake was fun too! I love parties!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Brinley!
Brinley is 4! We love this girl! She is so much fun to be with! She has the best outlook on life! She is always happy and smiling!(Well 90% of the time anyway). She helps me with Garrett all day long! She is a "mother" to anything and anyone who will let her. She is just perfect! Well perfect to me! We love you Brins!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Garrett!
Friday, March 27, 2009
A sweet moment
I was just looking at this picture and I just have to write down this little moment I had with her, (so I don't forget it!)One morning I found her singing to her baby while rocking her. It was so sweet, she was being so still and quiet. I told her she was a wonderful mother! She just lit up and said, "Now that I am a mother can we read scriptures!" I just laughed, (normally that is not her favorite thing to do each morning!) I asked her, "Why is that what mothers do?" She said, "Yes rock their baby and read scriptures!"
I am so glad that right now in her 3 year old mind that is the definition of a mother! When Madey was about 4 she told me she did not want to ever be a mother! I was shocked! I asked her why and she said, "It is way too much work!" The funny thing is this totally sums up Madey and Brins- Brinley is looking at what is fun and Madey is looking at the reality of it all! I love these two girls! Thankfully I have won Madey over and She does want to be a mother someday!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A weekend of snow!
This is another fun memory I had to catch up on! We went up to Show Low for the weekend, to go to Daniel Livingston's baptism and to get some sledding in! We had a blast! We stayed at Kirk and JaNae's cabin. We wish they had been able to be there!It was wierd to be there without them! We went sledding right outside of thier backyard! Madey and Ethan loved it! Brins and Garrett weren't too sure about it! Rob was pretty disappointed at how cold the kids got! He thinks because he is from Idaho and grew up in the snow, they should never get cold!(Cute thinking!) I guess they have whimpy AZ. blood! At least they are cute like him!
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