Welcome to Quirky Crafts Challenges

Welcome to Quirky Crafts Challenges the place where any craft project is allowed.

We're a small design team with big inspiration.

On the first Sunday of the month, at 6pm UK time, we will set a new challenge which will close on the 28th of that month at midday. The DT will pick their top three favourites and you could win a prize and join us as a Guest Designer. Winners are posted on the first Sunday in the month (midday usually) before the new challenge - don't forget to come and check if you are a winner.

Showing posts with label Kemly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kemly. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Challenge #8 Winner of "Blooming Quirky"

 Hi!! Thanks you so much for all your beautiful participations. Now, it's time to tell you about our winners.

1º Place:

The winner is:


With a beautiful Shabby Chic Card. 

Carol, you win:  3 digital images of choice


The winner is: 

With your lovely and magical card. 
Bettina, you win:  2 digital images of choice

3º Place:


With your oriental card.
Emily, you Win: 1 digital image of choice

The prizes are sponsored by:

Prize winners can choose from the rubber stamps on 
  and they will be supplied in digital image format.

Congratulations to all of you, please contact Cazzy (using the email link or the contact form if the link doesn't work) so that  she can send your personalised winner's badges and get your prizes on the way to you.
We would love you all to be guest designers in our next challenge, if you would like to, please tell me if you can - or a later challenge!

Thank you to everyone who entered, and don't forget to check back later today to find out about our new challenge!

Have Fun - The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Have Fun - The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Challenge #23 Quirky Mythical Ladies - Winners.

Hi!! Thank you so much for joining us and for playing along with my first challenge. We had so many entries and they all were such beautiful projects. We had a difficult decision to choose just three, because all of the entries are awesome. 

Our generous sponsor supplying the prizes is: 

Thank you for sponsoring us once more, we loved working with your images.

  The winners for this challenge are: 

First prize. 
 Coldwater's Woodland Fairy Noon

Congratulations Lorraine, you win: 

3 images of choice from the whole of the Stitchy Bear store

Second prize. 

Crafting Vicky Fairies

Congratulations Vicky, you win:  
any 3 of the DT's chosen images

Third prize. 

Anna with a lovely Fairy.

Congratulations Anna, you win:  

  any 2 of the DT's chosen images

Congrats All of you!!

Please all of you email me (Cazzy) using the email link in the sidebar, or comment below or by contact form if the email doesn't work for you. You will be send your personalised winner's badge. Let me know which digi images you would like too and I will request them for you.

We would love all of you to be guest designers in the next challenge, please tell us if you can. If you are interested in the 2 month guest place you can tell me that too, if you don't want to add your link on the 2 month GD page.

Thank you to everyone who entered, and don't forget to check back later today to find out about our new challenge!

Have Fun - The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Challenge # 23 Reminder Quirky Mythical Ladies.

  Hi everyone! 

In this reminder. We want to see beautiful and mythical Ladies:

mermaids, elves, warrior, fairies, goddeses, nymphs etc. Because they are the inspiration for the men,  they are also the same for women. They make differents choices, they star in many stories in different cultures. Those stories are filled with magic, love, faith, hope and fantasy.  I invite you to dream and create a project with these mythical ladies. These women are glorious. 

 Our fabulous sponsor is: 

Stitchy Bear Digital Stamps

Our generous sponsor is StichyBear's Digi Stamps


 1st prize of 3 images of choice from the whole of the Stitchy Bear store

2nd prize any 3 of the DT's chosen images

3rd Prize any 2 of the DT's chosen images

Now here is a video that might inspire you! 

 "You'll Never Walk Alone"

When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark

Walk on, through the wind
Walk on, through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

When you walk...

Walk on....

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk, you'll never walk alone

Generously provided by Stitchy Stamps
These are the images that the team used.

Beary Dust Stamps
Hope Jacare

Floppy Latte Designs


I used Fairy Moon to make a swing card.


Hi everyone! Today I want to honor the Ladies Magicians, curious women who have aroused great interest in magic and illusion. 
  They break rules with their beauty and grace. They take the work to us dream.For my project I used the beautiful digi from our generous sponsor Stitch Bear's.  The wonderful
This project is coloured with acuarelable pencil and I used Distress Ink. 


Is not well, so running late. Will be here later.
I'm still not well, just a virus picked up from my little grandson, but I've manged to complete my card. I used Tiny Bubbles, she has pretty wings. Do you like the punk cat? I have added a little glitter to her wings, and she is coloured with Promarkers. I'm still in Christmas mode so she is on a Christmas card.


My first one for this reminder is a bendy card, and I used the Roxanne from Hope Jacare Underwater girls, provider for our amazing sponsor StichyBear's Digi Stamps. And as like the las week, I used the same technique, and some additional cutting files from Silhouette.

My second one, a card I made for a special friend. I painted the beautiful Who Me image using Faber Castell water pencil. By the way, this adorable image is also from StichyBear's Digi Stamps


This is a sad myth:
According to the Greek myths Ariadne was the daughter of the Cretan king, Minos.
She fell in love with the Athenian hero Theseus, who was coming to Crete to kill the Minotaur and to rescue the Athenian youth. Thus Ariadne helped Theseus by promising her to take her to Athens as his wife. She gave him two special gifts -- a sword and a clue of thread -- to find a way back from the Labyrinth after killing the Minotaur.
As promised, she left Crete with Theseus and with the Athenian youth and they stopped on the island of Naxos. While Ariadne was asleep, Theseus deserted her in Naxos.
My card represents this myth. 
Ariadne - or Arianna- digi provided by Stitchy Bear, was color with Spectrum Noir pens.

Well, silly me used a lovely steampunk fairy, but one  StichyBear's Digi Stamps no longer has on their books, so of course I can't show it here, instead here's last weeks creation, which I only managed to add on Friday to last weeks post, using Fairy Moon printed over some PinkPetticoat snowflakes paper, with silver eyelash wool, silver corner diecuts, which I thought went well with the stars on the digi, plus lace, tiny punched out snow flakes and die cut sentiments.

 To enter the challenge link your project HERE.

Have Fun - The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Challenge #23 Quirky Mythical Ladies.

To see who won the last challenge click HERE or scroll down to the next post.

Hi everyone! I'm Kemly Sc, this is my first ever hosting of a Quirky Crafts Challenge! Welcome to a new challenge! I'm so happy to do this.
Stitchy Bear Digital Stamps

The theme for this Challenge is Mythical Ladies. All the women are in stories: Mermaids, elves, warrior, fairies, goddeses, nymphs etc. Because they are the inspiration for the men,  they are also the same for women. They make differents choices, they star in many stories in different cultures. Those stories filled with magic, love, faith, hope and fantasy.  I invite you to dream and create a project with these mythical ladies.

Our generous sponsors StichyBear's Digi Stamps


 1st prize of 3 images of choice from the whole of the Stitchy Bear store

2nd prize any 3 of the DT's chosen images

3rd Prize any 2 of the DT's chosen images

Now here is a video that might inspire you!

"When You Believe"
Celtic Woman. 

"....There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe...

You will when you
You will when you believe
Just believe...in your heart
Just believe
You will when you believe ..."

The images the team used are:

Stitchy Stamps


Beary Dust Stamps


Hope Jacare


Floppy Latte Designs


For my project I used Stitcher Fae stamp from our sponsor Stitchy Bear. I did a Spool of Thread for my scissors and others things!!


The Muses are the Greek Mythology nine goddesses of the inspiration of literature, arts and sciences.
This stunning Muse digi is from Ike´s Art and it was provided by our generous sponsor Stitchy Bear.
I printed the digi on tissue paper and colored with Spectrum Noir pens, and then add it with a heat gun to the candle. This is the first time I try out this technique and I love the result. Hope you like it too. 


Hi people!  For this project I used the beautiful digi Butterfly Love from our generous sponsor. I made a box card. The fairies are mystics and magics bringing love to the World. They are in a child's mind forever. In the fantasy stories, the fairy is present like a companion to play.

Hello everyone, for today´s new challenge, I made an easel card using the Hope Jacare Underwater girls, this time I used Octavia, and this beauty ladies are from StichyBear's Digi Stamps. I printed the images in a diferent papers, cut and paste it. The paper collection I used: By The Sea from Graphic 45. See you soon!!!
Sorry I'm late, I did leave a note but it seems to have vanished! When I started colouring Yddris Yddris by Alipeeps I didn't know what I was going to do with her. She ended up with decoupaged hair because I coloured the first one with green skin and didn't like it, this one has a green tinge instead. Suddenly she turned into a Christmas card! She reminds me of Lord of the Rings (I know - that was the last challenge lol).

Lyn will be along soon.
Here's my card at last! (Thursday/Friday!!) I've printed this fairy image by Floppy Latte Designs called Fairy Moon over some snowflakes by PinkPetticoat. Disdressed and inked all the edges  and layered it up, (there's about seven or eight layers)  added loads of Stickles glitters glue, sticky lace, eyelash wool and die-cut corners, which I thought matched the stars around the moon quite well! 

 Any crafty project is acceptable as usual. Important: BEFORE you link up please add a link to the Quirky Crafts Challenges blog (http://quirkycrafts.blogspot.com - the blog not this post) to your post - or you will not be able to enter. When you have done this you can go ahead and add a link to your blog post or your online photo gallery, SCS etc. using the button or link below. If you do not have a blog (or inlinkz will not accept your non blog link) you can email your entry to us via the sidebar link. Good luck!
Have Fun - The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.