February's Block of the Month
Theme: 4-Patch
This is our LAST block for our Block of the Month series!!!! The beauty of the internet is it is never too late to start this project! These links, linky parties, everything will be here indefinitely :)
Here is what Heather and I came up with:
Megan's Block
12" x 12"
Thrifty Pg 249
Fabric: Backyard Baby from Michael Miller
Simple. Hopefully dynamic enough :) I feel like with this a sampler quilt these blocks are called for to keep it not too "crazy". Plus I love those aspens.
Hooray!! I can't believe it's been 12 months. This totally shows you how working on a project a little at a time pays off. Had we not started this series there is no H or I would have completed an extra quilt on the side.
So I finally decided how I will finish mine. It's going to be huge, I'm making it a twin quilt! We're getting our boys (ages 4 and 5) new beds this summer...it's about time they're both in toddler beds! But when you're in medical school things don't happen as fast. Anyway I'm quite excited to get them big beds and decorating their room.
I've already added borders to make each block below 15.5" square. Then I'm working on 12 chain blocks, so it will be an Irish Chain Sampler Quilt! I hope it turns out as cute as it is in my head!!
Heather's Block
12" x 12"
Own, disappearing 4 patch
Fabric: Ooh La La from Michael Miller
For my four patch I followed a simple disappearing 4 patch tutorial online. (sorry can't find the link...) Then I was a bit short because I am horrible at basic math, so I added the pink border. But I love it!
These fabrics are so bright and cheery and make me want spring oh so much!
Here are my blocks. I am not quite sure what to do to finish it off. Any ideas? I think I like white for sashing, just makes the bright colors pop. Then I am not sure of much else. I will get it together soon.
Meg was right, there is no way on the planet we would have done this on the side when you consider our crazy year. It is fun and nice to see what a little at a time can add up to. (A lesson that I have a hard time grasping. )
That year went fast, seems like only yesterday I was swooning over the fabrics!
Makes me want to do another sort of series to make me do it!!!???
We did it H!!!!
Here were the blocks. Each month we used the theme when choosing which block we wanted to make:
In March we will share our FINISHED QUILTS!
If you are participating in this series PLEASE send us pictures when you finish, we want to feature your finished quilts!!!!
Hopefully you've enjoyed the journey with us!
Time to link up your blocks! Go HERE to link, see past blocks and to see others blocks!