Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sujata Shah and Paula, both contributors to the quilt blog REBELS! founded by Sally LeBeouf and Friends in 2009, finally meet during Sujata's visit to northwest Arkansas. I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing quilter. She greeted me like an old friend because she knew me as a REBEL.

 Paula and Sujata pose with the bright zinnias Paula brought from her garden to brighten the classroom.


Sujata was teaching her Windmill class and this quilt Daffodil was one of her examples.

 Lila R shows her work-in-progress on her design wall. She has since finished it in time for our April, 2017 quilt show.

I modified Sujata's idea by adding three squares of red to punctuate my quilt called Windfall. Size 46" x 58" and machine quilted by me on my vintage Bernina 930. Mine, too, will be in our quilt show. Wish you all could come, but I will post pictures.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Rachel Carson, aka Ms Green

Our guild challenge comes from the game Clue. We each got an envelope with three items: the victim, the room and the weapon. My cards were Mr. Green, the Library and the Knife. Our quilt was to have each of the cards named in the title of our quilt. My victim fought back! I took more liberties with the basic format....

I looked at my cards and considered what might inspire me to spend 100 hours making a quilt. I’ve been rereading Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring. Carson is a personal heroine for me. She wrote this amazing book about the dangers of dominating nature and other books about the joys of connecting with nature. She did original research and definitely spent hours in multiple libraries. Her book has changed the world. And, she wrote it as she was dying from breast cancer!

My title became “Ms. Green, aka Rachel Carson, used information from the library to knife the lie that DDT does not kill people and wildlife”.

The lower diagonal of the quilt contains her book cover, and quotes I penned from the book or about the book. The pale background portrays a spring of subdued energy. The upper half has birds, nests, insects and lush growth that she envisioned returning.

The knife deletes the use of DDT. As a child growing up in Miami Springs. Florida, I remember the trucks driving through our neighborhood on the edge of the Everglades spraying DDT for mosquito control. I have wondered if my own breast cancer was linked to those early exposures. The powerful chemical was banned in the US in 1972 for any widespread agricultural use.

Pieced on my vintage Featherweight and soon-to-be-quilted on my 1981 Bernina 930. 
Size 40" x 40". Challenges help us “spread our wings” and have fun doing it!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Freddy Moran Visits the Rebels

What fun we had, visiting with Freddy Moran at the Rebels meeting yesterday!

She brought a few of her latest works to show.

And she gave us some sage advice.  Here a few points that I remember.

"I never know what I'm going to make until I get started."

"Don't be afraid to make a lousy quilt.  You don't have to show it to anybody."

"Occasionally a quilt comes together easily.  Usually it takes a LOT of work."

Thank you Freddy, and to our friends who brought her.
  We'll remember this day forever!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sue: Kaleidoscope Grandchild Quilt

Pattern from Cluck, Cluck, Sew

Monday, January 4, 2016

Taupe Passions

All the new and interesting avenues for creating with fabric are what I love about quilting! Of course, I must add that sharing this passion with other quilters also enriches my life. Creating with taupe--those charismatic grays, browns, and charcoals and all the undertones found in the subtle rainbow--has become a passion in the last several months. If you want to read more about this adventure and see the other quilts, go to my blog: 

First came Silver Taupe, then Eggplant Taupe (seen above), then Gold Leaf and finally Copper Rose Taupe. In the last three months I've "educated my eye" and reorganized my fabrics pulling some of the best taupes from my late 1800s reproductions. See what you think....

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Gwen Marston Workshop: Pam

Looks like Pam really had a great time; and it shows with great improv quilt.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cindy: Mixed Media

Done in a workshop with Denise Oyama Miller, a mixed media artist.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Patty & Buffy: Kaleidoscope Blocks


The most remarkable aspect of Rebels is that we all do such different work.  These were done after a workshop by Sujata Shah.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Still Life begun in Jane Sassaman class


"Still Life, Still Alive at Seventy" was begun in class on August 28 allowing me to celebrate my seventieth birthday with my quilting friends! The large caladium leaves were my staring point, then I added the vintage stylized fern print that Jane designed several years ago.The "still life" format was the suggested technique this accomplished quilter and instructor suggested for our class. We were to cut out motifs, arrange them to our liking in a vase and fuse the elements in place. Then all would be secured with a machine satin stitch.

Jane was helpful and spent time with each of us and our designs. I admire her quilts and the fabric she designs for FreeSpirit. But I learned from this class was I prefer to work with fabric–not fused fabric. Jane explained to us that she started as a paper artist, so she prefers working with fused fabric so that she can cut out shapes as if they were paper and then use a satin stitch to applique each in place.

I did try this suggested technique, but at home I pulled off all the fusible backing and turned under a small seam allowance and hand appliqued everything in place. I machine quilted it on my 1971 Bernina 830 with some accents of hand quilting.
Paula Mariedaughter, 30" x 32"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rebel Quilts at the QA Show

The annual Quilters Anonymous show was in Western Washington this weekend.  
Among some 500 quilts by QA members, the Rebels group 
showed their share of off-beat quilts.  Here are some of them.

By Patty

By Stephanie

 By Sue

By Lisa

By Patsy

By Buffy

By Nifty

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Stephanie: Fauvist Style Collage

Inspired by a Fauvist painting she saw in Paris.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hand Stitching on Zigzag

I was going to machine quilt this one but changed my mind..

Picked it up couple of weeks ago to keep me warm in the evening while 'watching' TV.  It is 1/3rd way  finished already. I am loving it.

Queen size quilt made with Goodwill dresses, skirts, pants and shirts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Patty: Granny Squares Inspired Quilt

Pattern from American Patchwork and Quilting, April 2013

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Buffy & Nifty: Mock-up of Guatemalan Fabrics

Just playing on a Saturday afternoon

Wednesday, October 22, 2014