Thursday, 2 April 2015

My Quilting Story

Hello! - Hola!

I am Mari, a Spanish-Venezuelan Quilter, who is also a mother, daughter, sister and friend as well.

Old Roman Bridge and Galician Horrio - Ourense.

 I was born in the beautiful Celtic province of Ourense, Galicia in the northwest of Spain. When I was 2 years old we moved to Caracas, Venezuela where I grow up, went to school and University where I got a B.A degree in Human Resources. 

I worked in several organisations, but what I enjoyed the most was working as a facilitator on Management and team work techniques until January 2009 when I moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

One day I decided to register on a "decorating boxes" workshop held on my compound and one thing follows to another and suddenly I was participating in a beginners Quilting Workshop and I have to say that experience changed my life in Capital Letters.

I got hooked on Patchwork and Quilting. I just love to play with fabrics, textures, colours and threads. I greatly enjoy admiring other’s works, also creating new designs and learn from quilters and artists who inspire me. Sometime along the way, I had the opportunity to teach and share new ideas and techniques to fellows quilters and that was like living again the great times when I worked as a facilitator, only that this time much better.

So many things to try, so many techniques, wonderful tools and gadgets, old and new books and magazines, patterns, templates, many new ideas....A lot of inspiration every time you get in touch with something complex or simple, new or antique, colourful or monochromatic, local or foreigner... everything could be a source of inspiration and for sure it becomes.

I must to confess the best part of the quilting experience is the people I've met along the 5 years I've been doing it... easy going, honest, generous friends from everywhere sharing our mutual passion... British and Irish, Aussies, Kiwis, Latins, Americans, Asians, Arabs, Africans, Romanians, Ukranians, Canadians, Germans - wonderful people from everywhere.... it has been and still it is like Quilting without frontiers.

I just moved to Northern Ireland for good and must say that my quilter’s girl friends are what I'm missing the most...

Thanks for visiting me. It’s nice to get in touch with you.
