Portfolio of older work

Showing posts with label pillow case request. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pillow case request. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Here is my pillowcase for the1136th Transportation Unit from Maine that is going to Afghanistan.  A mother and grandmother of someone in the unit thought it would be great for the soldiers to take something from home with them.  They requested people make pillowcases with Maine wildlife.  So, how much more Maine can you get but lobsters?  I am not sure about the flames on the border piece.  The colors are perfect and you do need flames to cook the lobsters but do you really want to sleep with your head on flames? 

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pillowcase request

I just received this email and I thought perhaps there are Mainers out there in Blogland who would be interested in helping out with the project.  So, I am passing the opportunity along.  I have contacted Mary Ann and she needs the pillowcases by January at the latest.

From: wmaobr@hotmail.com

Subject: pillowcase request

Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 13:55:14 -0400

My daughter, Susan McIver, whose son and nephew. (both these men are my grandsons) are being deployed to Afghanistan and she has come up with the idea that we could get together and make pillowcases for the men and women, all 177 of them. We could make the cases with Maine wildlife fabric and this way they could take a bit of Maine with them when they go. Wouldn't it be a nice thank you to them for all they do for us and our country.

These men and women are from the 1136th. Transportation unit in Calais, Bangor and Sanford.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could make this happen?

For more information I can be reached at or by email at wmaobr@hotmail.com

Thanking you in advance,

Mary Ann O'Brien