
Quilting by Celia

Quilting by Celia
Showing posts with label Funky Quilt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funky Quilt. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Funky Quilt

When I completed this quilt top today, the word came into my head to name this quilt was ...


  1. (of music) Having or using a strong dance rhythm, in particular that of funk: "some excellent funky beats".
  2. Modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way: "she likes wearing funky clothes".

The fabrics and pattern came from a kit I ordered from Connecting Threads earlier in the year and this week I was in the mood for quick piecing...
One evening I cut up all the pieces...

Another time I arranged all the pieces that make up the blocks...

And this morning I was ready to sew them all together...
Being a public holiday today I'm giving myself a quilting day...

And this is the quilt top done !!!

And since I hear music in my head, here is a picture I recently took when I saw Dave Koz and Brian Culbertson performing live...

And this is a taste of their music.....