
Showing posts with label Pouch - quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pouch - quilts. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quilted pouch and bag + Cathedral window quilt bag

The denim quilt bag: Diameter of a circle is 11 cm and Square is 7,3 cm. Circle: 4,3 inches and Square: 2,9 inches.

Cathedral window quilt bag by Ulla's Quilt World.
The denim quilt bag: Diameter of a circle is 11 cm and Square is 7,3 cm. Circle: 4,3 inches and Square: 2,9 inches.

Here is a tutorial for this Cathedral window technique - if you're interested: 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Quilt pouch, crochet by Ulla's Quilt World

I have made also the crochet socks and the cord. The size is: height 33 cm and width 25 cm.
Olen tehnyt myös virkatut sukat ja punonut nyörit.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leila-bag, quilt

This Leila-bag (quilt) is my design. The size is 58" x 81" or 
(23 cm x 32 cm).
Tämä Leila-laukku on minun suunnittelema. Koko on n. 23 cm x 32 cm. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Quilt bag, dress with applique flower

I made also the dress with the applique flowers. The idea for the quilt dress is mine. The flower pattern is for Trapunto quilt.
Kukan kaavat ovat Trapunto-työhön. Kukkien applikointi hameeseen on oma ideani.
Just click the photo and it will become bigger. 
Klikkaa kuvaa hiiren vas. painikkeella niin se tulee suuremmaksi.
I found the pattern for the flowers from this Lena's Pathwork magazine.
Löysin kaavan näihin applikolituihin kukkasiin alla olevasta lehdestä.
Lena's Patchwork 2008
The pattern for the quilt bag is from this Japanese book.
Tilkkutyölaukun kaava on tästä japanilaisesta lehdestä.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quilted cat pouch - Japanese pathcwork

 I found the pattern for this Quilted cat pouch (above) in this Boutis book (below).
Löysin kaavan tähän Kissa tilkkutyöpussiin tästä japanilaisesta lehdestä.

My Favorite Applique QUILTS
Paperback: 94 pages
Publisher: Patchwork Tsushin Sha (March 2010)
Language: Japanese
The book introduces 62 pretty applique quilts and patchwork projects
ISBN 978-4-89396-991-0

 This book has two different kind of covers, but it's still the same book. 
Tätä kirjaa myydään kaksilla eri kansilla.

Cover of the book    OR
Cover of the book

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