Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October theme in Emirates Quilling Guild

Hello All,

The October theme of Emirates Quilling Guild made me pick up a colour I am generally averse to - Pink :) And truly speaking, it was nice to work with pink (I wouldn't want to be caught wearing pink though :D)..........and I thought, well.......lemme try something different from a usual flower bouquet. The concept started building and I landed up with this (a symbol of a woman's grace and strength) :-)

Happy Quilling and as they say in Sweden: Hej då

PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)