Hello All,
After being swamped with questions about what waterproofing aids I use, here is the image of all my waterproofing sprays and varnishes. And pleeeeeease, there is NO cut and dried answer for which one to use for which kind of jewellery. It all depends on your preference, the kind of elements in the jewellery, the finish required etc. So a judicious judgment has to be made according to the situation encountered.
I apologize in advance but I shall no longer answer the question "How to waterproof quilling jewellery?". The image is here (of the material), the process is already public information through this
post and the end results are seen through the quilling jewellery photos I've posted often...........
(L to R) Winsor & Newton Charcoal spray, available in Pune, priced at Rs. 970, recommended for matte finish
Asian Paints Touchwood Varnish, priced at Rs. 120 or so, available in any hardware store, not recommended for white jewellery
Asian Paints Clear Synthetic Varnish, more viscous than Touchwood but easier to use on white jewellery, still lends a slight yellowness on whites
Schjerning Krystal Fixative (from Panduro Hobby, Sweden), recommended heavily for quick waterproofing (dries much faster than Winsor Newton spray), priced at 159 SEK (~ Rs. 1600), it is not available in India at all
All of them are good for waterproofing and provide strength but varnishes (after a few coats) lend almost a plastic like finish + strength. I am personally not a fan of it and lean on the matte side, but it is a personal preference. You need to experiment with these yourself and find what works for you..........
Happy Quilling
PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)