Showing posts with label Tapered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tapered. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Microquilling.........a tough but enjoyable experiment

Hello All,

I am back after an eternity...................apologies. I haven't been well and then, there was tons to catch up on. And there has been a bit of restructuring of my life. More is to come but due news will be posted as and when there is something to post about :)

One fine day, I get a call from Delhi, an enquiry for a quilled album cover. And the client was very clear about what she wanted me to do. She sent me example photos and told me exactly how the cover had to be made. All good. I asked about the size, it was 6" x 6". Ahan! For a change, I get an offer for a 'small' project (basically, my mind refuses to function while working with anything smaller than 10" x 10")......I agree. The album cover was sent to me by courier and imagine my shock! The 6" x 6" was the "total" area of the album. It has rivets on it AND the area where I had to write text was a mere 2.5" x 2.5"!!!!! I nearly considered telling my client I can't do it but then comes Katarzyna (whom I lovingly call Kate) with her coffee inchies, to prompt me into believing that I could do it. She even came up with a cute name for it: Microquilling! Oh boy, you can't really beat a scientist out of me (not yet, at least) :D

I rolled my sleeves up and got started! But well, the reference images the client had sent me were Yulia's work! And it is NO joke to emulate that. I was honestly reluctant to even attempt it because of my inherent respect for people's, I just cursorily looked at the images and set off on my own! Luck had never presented an opportunity for me to try alphabets in this style and I did try it. I can't say I am happy with them but a 2.7 cm by 1.7 cm alphabet is hardly a place for me to try to boost my confidence! :( I must attempt something bigger soon :)

After a lot of back and forth with the client and "editing" in quilled text (my first actually), the piece is complete. It's a 60th B'day gift for my client's father! I sure hope he likes it as I've never before spent 11 hours in making a piece that fits in my palm :) (none of my projects so far have had the fortune to fit in my palm really :D)........

I couldn't stop clicking the images and hence, the barrage :D

I love microquilling for the fact that the entire project took precisely 23 A4 size strips AND 11 hours of work :) Fascinating, isn't it? And even more, my sister thought that those "blue streaks" were pencil shading! I think, THAT is crowning glory :) :)

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)