Showing posts with label Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Press. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A year of "Power to Women"

Hello All,

At the outset, wish you ALL a very very happy 2013

............hope this year brings to you all that you wish and work hard for :)

Another year has come and gone! But by no means has this been an uneventful one! In fact, I can safely say that my life has taken a 180 degree turn. I have taken roads so off my chartered path that sometimes, I used to wonder if it was the right thing to do at all! :) But hard work and determination never fail to pay off. Having the correct set of friends, in-laws and last but not the least, husband go a long way! I am thankful 2012 happened and led me to untested waters. I choked, gurgled, floated and then, finally swam. Aadyaa Originals happened to me! Sayalee happened to me! And life happened to me :)

Though started in September 2011, Aadyaa took off in full flow in July 2012 and these 6 months have brought us such a long way from where we started!!!!!! 11 exhibitions later, we have our own office to usher the new year in! Moving in is in progress and a couple of days later, we should be able to post photos of what will be our workplace for some time! :)

Media took note of Aadyaa Originals as well..........we were recognized and appreciated for our work. It felt good, as a person and better, as a partner of a Studio that is constantly striving to upgrade, hungry for more, forever heading to newer territories, exploring new crafts, new people, new designs...........

Our New Year started with a feature in Mid-Day, written by Samriddha Banerjee. What a flying start to the year and confidence booster, we feel! :) Thank you Samriddha :)

Towards the end of last year, we got an early New Year gift, in the form of an article in The New Indian Express' Sunday magazine (it felt strange to be on Page 3, honestly!). Thank you Reshma Iqbal, for the article and for trusting us :)

At Aadyaa, we want to thank EVERY SINGLE person who believed in us, stood by us........I hope the coming year sees the same amount of dedication and hard work from us......let our blood and sweat be recognized :) Yo to Aadyaa! Yo to Women Power!!!!!!!
