Showing posts with label Brush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brush. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tutorial triplet :)

Hello All,

This is going to be a long post.........there are three tutorials here! Hehehe, my Pongal euphoria and a Pongal treat to everyone :)

Tutorial 1: Nur Syaz's Zig Zag Petal Flower :)

When I saw this flower on Nur's post, I so wanted to try my hand at it! It looks so cool and yet, so easy too :)

This is how one petal looks (you can join many to make a complete flower :)

Here is my video for making the flower :) Thank Nur, for allowing me to post a tutorial and I apologize if I have not done it the way you did, this is my interpretation of how you may have made the petal :) (Sorry Sonia, the snapshots will have to wait :))

Tutorial 2: Noor Azlina's multi-colour combing flowers

I was so impressed by the riot of colours in Noor Azlina's post that I absolutely HAD TO try those lovely flowers! Mine are nowhere as pretty as hers but I guess, this post can help a lot of people make these super simple flowers :)

Here is the video for how to make these petals :)

Tutorial 3: Brush Embroidery for cards

I can not remember now who posted this video on Facebook but this instantly gave me an idea for using my 3D outliners that I barely ever use for card-making. So, I decided to put them to use in a similar way. In a following tutorial, I will post a video on how to make your own shades for 3D outliners :)

Go ahead an experiment with various version of this (whatever you can think of!) :) Sky is just the beginning......

Happy Quilling


PS: If my posts inspire you to create something on similar lines, I feel highly flattered. But please, do respect the effort I take in conceptualizing and executing, please give a direct link to my work when you are inspired by mine. Thanks for understanding........:-)