Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ready to POP!

My good friend Michelle helped me throw my other good friend Amy a FUN baby shower! The theme was "Ready to POP" and we had fun bags of white chocolate and candy cane popcorn favors....lots of yummy food.....and Michelle made darling "pacifiers" out of mints and jelly beans!! I had fun making a cake out of diapers and I was able to master making tissue paper balls ! We had a great time and Amy should be really set for the arrival of a cute new baby BOY!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

your vote

so I love both of these trees!! I want Bryan or maybe even my dad to do one for Sarah's room but my dilemma is which one??? I love the simplicity of the white tree but also love the girly curls and fun of the other you vote and tell me what you think!! HELP!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Monster Truck..Monster Mother!!

So Carter had his first big Cub Scouts activity--racing cars made out of cardboard boxes--at first I swore I would not be the hovering mother and let him do it on his own--well Sarah decided to help!! Alas the day arrived and it still wasn't ready so what is a mom to do???/ Oh I know some of you would say oh well sorry kiddo but not this mom! I spent two hours making the best "Monster Truck" I could--while they were at school. When they got home from school Carter was pretty impressed except for the Diet Coke sponsor!! He then started to cry and say his stomach hurt and he didn't want to go!! Well that is when the pushy "Monster Mother" came out and I made him go!! And sure enough he had the BEST LOOKING truck but not the most useable one. All the other boys had small boxes that they could run easily not my son! He had this HUGE box-his and Sarah's idea-that he could barely walk in much less run in! At first he was excited and came and whispered he was against some of the slower kids---but then a little worried when he learned he had to drink purple cool aid-he hates it!!! Well three minutes into the race he FELL DOWN hard in front of EVERYONE!! He limped along crying and that is when I felt TERRIBLE for forcing him to do the race! I ripped the dumb box off him and told him to finish the race without it which he did. Everyone tried to make him feel better by cheering him on but it was pretty horrible! I will never again force my child to do something..... and we stomped on the box and threw it in the trash!! Oh what a memory!